The X most blankiest somethings in the history of whatever
December 5, 2008 10:44 AM   Subscribe

The X most blankiest somethings in the history of whatever. It's " stupid article that, (due to its total lack of focus and consistency) not one person will fully enjoy".
posted by An Infinity Of Monkeys (22 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
A list from Cracked making fun of lists from Cracked? I bet this will be hilarious.
posted by Plutor at 10:46 AM on December 5, 2008 [3 favorites]

Is there a new "convert browser history to Cracked article" plugin for Firefox?
posted by fleetmouse at 10:48 AM on December 5, 2008 [3 favorites]

wow, i thought it would be a parody of top lists, but it's really just the worst top list of all time. excellent.
posted by shmegegge at 10:57 AM on December 5, 2008

Let's make a parody of a spoof of a parody of a spoof of a parody of a spoof of a movie about college kids making a movie about college kids making a movie about college kids making a movie to fulfill their Screenwriting 304 requirement where they had to make a parody of a spoof about college students in a screenwriting class where they had to make a parody of a spoof of a spoof of a spoof.
posted by Damn That Television at 11:03 AM on December 5, 2008

I cought this earlier today and actually loved it, but then again, I'm tasked with writing a humorous top-ten list every week, and so I know the pain of having one thing that you really want to talk about, without the five or six other things you'd need to flesh out the rest.
posted by Navelgazer at 11:04 AM on December 5, 2008

People, It's not too late.
posted by Artw at 11:07 AM on December 5, 2008 [2 favorites]

(On the other hand, I could always work up a Top 10 Worst Gawker Padding Posts list FPP. io9 has had some utter stinkers lately)
posted by Artw at 11:10 AM on December 5, 2008

post bad . . . feel bad . . . etc . . .

Did y'all see that statue?
posted by ND¢ at 11:15 AM on December 5, 2008

Top [X] Statues That I Kind of Want To Have Sex With

Hey, he left off Galatea.
posted by decagon at 11:31 AM on December 5, 2008

Am I the only one here that really wants to see what happens when Obama gets exposed to cosmic radiation now?
posted by MrVisible at 12:01 PM on December 5, 2008

Thread delivers.
posted by jon_kill at 12:04 PM on December 5, 2008

Top [X] Statues That I Kind of Want To Have Sex With - smirk

Top [X] Statues That I've Had Sex With - a bit funnier because it makes you think about the act more.
posted by strangeleftydoublethink at 12:34 PM on December 5, 2008

This raises similar questions to the claim that a man had sex with Airwolf.
posted by Artw at 12:46 PM on December 5, 2008

I just to like Cracked before Metafilter destroyed my innocence forever... curse you! Curse you all!
posted by fearfulsymmetry at 12:53 PM on December 5, 2008

I used to read Cracked as a kid. It was never as good as Mad, but there was some quality in there. It's weird to me that now it's pretty much only known as stupid top [X] lists. Do they even still make the magazine?
posted by saul wright at 1:12 PM on December 5, 2008

saul wright: yes. it is just as bad as you think it is.
posted by tehloki at 1:34 PM on December 5, 2008 [1 favorite]

I think this article is hilarious.
posted by shmegegge at 1:51 PM on December 5, 2008

Do they even still make the magazine?

...yes. it is just as bad as you think it is.

Sadly, Mad is no great shakes either, these days. They have actual, non-spoofy advertisements now. (And it still costs 5 bucks! CHEAP)
posted by Atom Eyes at 2:02 PM on December 5, 2008

I liked Cracked. Their lists are often entertaining. I don't really get the hate. Of course they're easy to produce, the point is just that people enjoy lists.
posted by jcruelty at 3:18 PM on December 5, 2008

people enjoy lists

Cites, please.
posted by Sys Rq at 4:22 PM on December 5, 2008

People actually love lists on MeFi. Mainly they love shouting at them and claiming they are the worst thing ever, but they still love them. Put anything in the form of a list and it'll get a ton of comments.

(As for cracked-hate, well in my case it's more than a little tongue in cheek and dates back to when we got 1-2 posts a day. That went away so I;m not *really* that angry at cracked posts, honest)
posted by Artw at 4:25 PM on December 5, 2008

Sadly, Mad is no great shakes either, these days. They have actual, non-spoofy advertisements now. (And it still costs 5 bucks! CHEAP)

I didn't have much faith that things would go well after Bill Gaines died in '92. It was a comic magazine based around the personality of its founder.

When I started buying MAD, I was paying 25 cents. I remember being a bit miffed to see it go up to 75 cents. I think I stopped buying it regularly when it was around $1.25 (not because of the price, really).
posted by krinklyfig at 7:57 PM on December 5, 2008

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