Download stock photos without paying, don't go to jail.
June 20, 2001 2:09 PM   Subscribe

Download stock photos without paying, don't go to jail. seems to be offering free stock photography submitted by artists and photographers. And it's endorsed by Zeldman, even. But...what's to keep people from uploading Eyewire images and calling them their own, thereby illegally distributing them to thousands of people who'll use them on websites, magazines, etc. Istockphotos is legally covered, but what about the designer?
posted by Karl (1 comment total)
Looks like a great site that I'd like a part of, but really, why do they need my address and phone number? I assume they want to keep track of what companies are using the stuff the make available. Since I don't have a company of my own, I'm pretty sure they can make due with my name and email.

Now, let's see if my account gets denied...
posted by tomorama at 2:59 PM on June 20, 2001

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