Deconstructing the Strip Joint
April 20, 2005 10:18 AM   Subscribe

Interesting article- a titillating look at a titillating subject.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 10:23 AM on April 20, 2005 [1 favorite]

Are those two links supposed to be the same?
posted by StickyCarpet at 10:23 AM on April 20, 2005

Clumsy of me, one was the subject line, one the description. i did forget to mention that Maggie Thatcher also appreciates the art.
posted by oldleada at 10:34 AM on April 20, 2005

Having just returned from a bachelor party in Montreal, where the girls at one club I visited invited "full contact", I can say with some assurance and not a little bit of shame that, yes, I was deeply moved.
posted by TheNakedPixel at 10:38 AM on April 20, 2005

Having been at a bachelor party in Montreal last october, I can say, TheNakedPixel, that I am VERY jealous. Those Canadians know how to run a strip joint, dammit. Can we get some of that kind of North American Free Trade Agreement action down here?
posted by spicynuts at 10:47 AM on April 20, 2005

spicynuts: Dallas. Atlanta. Houston.
posted by Cyrano at 10:51 AM on April 20, 2005

One of the most poignant things I've ever seen was a bunch of newly-enlisted soldiers, mostly teenagers, just a few weeks from being sent to Iraq, getting lapdances in a bar near Fort Sill, Oklahoma. They had handsome, open faces that belonged on Corn Flakes boxes; a few of the guys looked like they didn't even shave yet.

Some of the girls, in thongs and G-strings, with siliconed breasts, looked old enough to be their mothers, and there was something heartbreakingly maternal about the way they whispered endearments into their ears, while the buzzcut kids held their arms stiffly at their sides to obey the "Don't touch the girls" rule.

I have no doubt that for the unluckiest of those guys, that was as close as they would ever to making love to a woman before dying in the desert. It was heavy.
posted by digaman at 11:03 AM on April 20, 2005

Sorry, perhaps this is not an appropriate post, but: I was thinking--- Lapdances-- gets your turned on? Is that the point? I mean they don't get you off do they? Then...... you just leave with a boner and some sexual frustration, right?

(BTW, I have never got one, even though I used to work as a bar back at one in Hawaii--i guess knowing the girls made it a little different.)
posted by countzen at 11:14 AM on April 20, 2005

What's "full contact"?
posted by stupidsexyFlanders at 11:17 AM on April 20, 2005

That's really sad, digaman.
posted by kenko at 11:25 AM on April 20, 2005

you just leave with a boner and some sexual frustration, right?

Indeed. I've often wondered what's the appeal of paying for a service that arguably leaves you worse off than you started. I think part of the appeal for a lot of men is that it makes them feel like more of a man. Before you, laugh though, this was how a friend rationalized it to me. He said, basically, "it's just a very guy thing to do, and it feels good to do something that's really guy once in a while."

This implies that there's a confusion or frustration with gender identity politics that some men have a hard time dealing with, and this is an envirnonment, where they think they can clarify the ambiguity.
posted by pieisexactlythree at 11:39 AM on April 20, 2005

countzen I used to know a dude who would wear his special sweatpants to the lapdance club near his house in Florida. The goal was not frustration...
posted by chaz at 11:40 AM on April 20, 2005

Chez Diane or Supersexe, TheNakedPixel?
posted by dr_dank at 11:50 AM on April 20, 2005

This implies that there's a confusion or frustration with gender identity politics that some men have a hard time dealing with, and this is an envirnonment, where they think they can clarify the ambiguity.

I'd agree with this. I went to a strip club with a couple of male friends for the experience and was curious to see a normally reserved formal guy shaking dollar bills and totally all over the women. When I asked him about it, he said, it's easier just to pay for it and get the 'strokes' than go through the hassles of dating.
posted by infini at 12:02 PM on April 20, 2005

Or maybe lots of guys just really, really like hot naked women rubbing all over them. Could be.
posted by Justinian at 12:07 PM on April 20, 2005

Or maybe lots of guys just really, really like hot naked women rubbing all over them. Could be.

Occam's razor. Now for pubes!
posted by Cyrano at 12:17 PM on April 20, 2005

He talks about feeling uncomfortable and like he should look away when his friend is getting a lap dance -- that is something that I've never understood about going to strip clubs or watching porn in groups. Guys just sit around with erections and avoid noticing each others'?
posted by librarina at 12:20 PM on April 20, 2005

For those of you who are wondering what the lapdance's appeal is, I think that the article puts it succinctly:

What your $20 gets you is, yes, the closer approximation of sex, the physical presence of the woman, but also, perhaps more crucially, her undivided attention. The lap dance occupies a middle ground between pornography and prostitution, and its affinity with the second lies in the fact that a kind of relationship is created, however brief and pathetic.

Not that I've ever had one, but that seems like what people I know get out of it.
posted by thethirdman at 12:22 PM on April 20, 2005

I've never really understood spending $20 on a lap dance, but I'll tell you what: I certainly don't mind sitting in front of the stage with a fat wad of singles. Sometimes you just want to see a pair of titties you've never seen before with no strings attached.
posted by uncleozzy at 12:32 PM on April 20, 2005

spicynuts: Dallas. Atlanta. Houston.

Cyrano..perhaps I'm not enlightened, but in Canada when a strip club, such as Club Super Sex, is designated Full Contact, it means FULL CONTACT, in every possible meaning of the phrase. I've never seen a club in the states that meets the definition. Perhaps there's something going on in Dallas, Atlanta and Houston I don't know about??
posted by spicynuts at 12:52 PM on April 20, 2005

If I'm really hungry, why would I want to go someplace and LOOK at food?
posted by georgeTirebiter at 12:57 PM on April 20, 2005

I admire the writer's ability to shake all those words and analysis out of an experience that lasted the duration of a standard song. I think he received his $20 worth.
posted by TimTypeZed at 1:05 PM on April 20, 2005

spicynuts: Speaking for Houston (oh, and New Orleans. Forgot that one. Going on the stories from trusted stories for the others,) it's been ages since I've been to a strip club and things might have changed, but "three foot rules" were more of a maximum distance than a minimum. None of that "keep your hands at your sides" stuff either. Mileage varied per dancer, of course.

From the article, though:

When you then enthusiastically accept the attentions of another but three minutes later, you might find yourself looking over at the first suitor in the hopes that she won’t catch you in the act. I know, as if she could possibly give a shit.

A dancer I knew (in a non-club context) told me that they do actually give a shit sometimes. Getting yourself all dolled up to look like a sexpot and then dealing with a lot of rejection, only to then look over and have to say to yourself, "Oh, I guess he was looking for a blonde with bigger tits..." wears on you after a while, apparently. (Plus there's a certain breed of strip club patron, realizing that their control of the situation is limited, who compensates by being unnecessarily unkind in their rejections.)
posted by Cyrano at 1:09 PM on April 20, 2005

I go to a strip club to admire hot naked women. They respond to my interest by taking my money in return for their time. The closer they are, the more fun I have admiring them.

You go to a regular club to admire hot clothed women. They are usually busy with either a group of less-hot clothed women, or with their boyfriends. They do not respond to your interest. You spend the same amount as me on club cover and a few drinks, and it wasn't really worth it.

Though not impossible, it's hard to find love in either place. That's not why one goes. One's chances of hooking up with one of the dancers in a strip club is about as good as one's chances of hooking up with one of the dancers in a dance club. Only with a strip club, going home alone isn't failure.

Try this: bring your wife/girlfriend. Couples' lap dances are fucking hot. And you won't go home alone.
posted by breezeway at 1:21 PM on April 20, 2005

bring your wife/girlfriend. Couples' lap dances are fucking hot.

posted by uncleozzy at 1:27 PM on April 20, 2005

Try this: bring your wife/girlfriend.

I'm a girl, and I like going to strip clubs and sitting at the rack. The dancers know that the patrons like the illusion of girl-on-girl action, so I'll frequently get a lot of mileage out of my dollars. Plus I like it when they rub noses with me, kiss my ear, etc. But. What I like even more is buying my boyfriend lap dances. It's like watching someone frost a cake, then taking it home in a box. Yum.

If I'm really hungry, why would I want to go someplace and LOOK at food?

It's not like that. I don't think most guys get raging boners when they're there. It's more of just something really interesting and fun to look at. It's like smelling food, or something. (I can't come up with an analogy that really works. There really isn't one.)

Strip clubs are great. You know it's an illusion, and you're not going to be taking any of the girls home, but there are no strings attached, and those women are masters at making you feel like you're the only person in the room.
posted by Specklet at 1:49 PM on April 20, 2005

Well put, Specklet.

Also, for those of you who are worried about dancers' feelings when they offer and you reject, here's what to say: "No thanks, I'm really enjoying watching you girls dance right now."

See, dancing is what they do up there. Many customers act like the dancers are just up there being naked, and appreciate nothing but their naked bodies.

If you let them know it's their dancing you enjoy (enjoy the collateral nudity, too), they feel like there's at least one guy out there watching not just them, but what they are doing.

In this way, you can improve the floor show. The girls will all smile at you, and dance for you, and when you get a lap dance, she'll want to show you how good she is at that, too.

And when she looks at you, and smiles, you notice how pretty she is. You'll be surprised. With all that's on display in a strip joint, the biggest turn-on of all is still a pretty, smiling face.
posted by breezeway at 2:12 PM on April 20, 2005

And thus did the thread become creepy.
posted by _sirmissalot_ at 2:17 PM on April 20, 2005

nice point breezeway.

the best, that is, the most honest hug and smile i've ever gotten from a stripper was when i told her "that was the most amazing dancing i've ever seen." and it was. that girl was acrobatic-cirque-du-soleil quality on the pole (and lighting rigs) all night. i don't think i tipped her then either, although i did get a lap dance from her later that night.

if you take your time and actually talk *with* and *listen* to dancers they'll respond the same way that most women do: with appreciation (YMMV). like any other social situation involving the heavy overtones of sex, just keep your head up and your eyes open and you won't get caught up in the game.
posted by raygun21 at 2:53 PM on April 20, 2005

With all that's on display in a strip joint, the biggest turn-on of all is still a pretty, smiling face.

like any other social situation involving the heavy overtones of sex, just keep your head up and your eyes open and you won't get caught up in the game.

And how! Usually when I'm at the rack, I watch the girls' faces, wait for them to make eye contact with me. That's the turn on right there. And they appreciate it, and show their appreciation very nicely.
posted by Specklet at 3:00 PM on April 20, 2005

"It takes a certain level of bovine stupidity to flirt with a a stripper." -- Vince Passaro
posted by dobbs at 3:22 PM on April 20, 2005

I certainly don't mind sitting in front of the stage with a fat wad of singles

Y'see, that's why Canada has great strippers: we don't have singles. Nor two-dollar bills. Lowest you can stuff in the g-string is a fiver!

I've been to strip clubs a couple of times. Meh. I like what I get at home far more.
posted by five fresh fish at 3:30 PM on April 20, 2005

The dancer is working and the guy is paying for the taste of intimacy or badness or whatever. It's a fair trade. At least the guy gets a memory for later spousal arousal or whack-off goodness. 'Deconstructing' it is a sucker play, and women who think it is hawt sound like control freaks.
posted by nj_subgenius at 3:59 PM on April 20, 2005

women who think it is hawt sound like control freaks.

Huh? Can you explain what you mean?
posted by Specklet at 4:23 PM on April 20, 2005

As for paying to get aroused rather than to get off, you're in luck, here's something worth reading on that subject: Francine du Plessix Gray's reflections on the great age of striptease and its passing.

As to the linked post, what crap. This guy's perspective is really supposed to be enough of the way from leering to insightful that it's the best of the web? (See in contrast the review I linked above.)

My girlfriend had said it was fine for me to get a lap dance, but it seemed she did so less out of one hundred percent comfort with the idea than out of a desire to avoid being the type who shakes a finger at you when you’re headed to Vegas for a bachelor party.

I didn't know there was such a "the type." Now, the type who goes to a bachelor party in Las Vegas... that we know all too well. Pseudo wanker.
posted by Zurishaddai at 4:36 PM on April 20, 2005

that's why Canada has great strippers
Lowest you can stuff in the g-string is a fiver!

posted by five fresh fish at 12:30 AM CET on April 21 [!]

That can only mean that when you're in Canada, and quonsar is stripping for you, you just stuff five fish (fresh or no) in his g-string pants.

Don't allow for the mental image..... too late.
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane at 5:43 PM on April 20, 2005

In all honesty, I tend to throw twenties at Q, in a desperate attempt to get him to keep his pants on.

It doesn't usually work.

[shoves red-hot nails in his eyes]
posted by five fresh fish at 6:39 PM on April 20, 2005

so I'll frequently get a lot of mileage out of my dollars. Plus I like it when they rub noses with me, kiss my ear, etc. But. What I like even more is buying my boyfriend lap dances. It's like watching someone frost a cake, then taking it home in a box. Yum.
Need I say more specklet? What you like is what you can control. Or think you can.
posted by nj_subgenius at 6:51 PM on April 20, 2005

Pro, con, or undecided on this subject, you guys need to jerk off more. Then you'll be able to put your minds to better purposes, like electing me king.
posted by davy at 6:57 PM on April 20, 2005

I jerk off plenty and owe you no allegiance. davy, you are power-mad. Which of your arms is stronger?
posted by nj_subgenius at 7:10 PM on April 20, 2005

Church|Bar|Strip Club|Bar|Strip Club|Church|Bar
Moi, j'aime Montréal.
posted by shoepal at 10:29 PM on April 20, 2005

Let me be the 3rd (4th?) to sing the praises of la belle province! The last time I went to SuperSex, I just about gave myself whiplash b/c there was just *too* many incredibly beautiful women to look at. But then, this is true of Montreal in general.

/wishes he were there now
posted by stinkycheese at 11:11 AM on April 21, 2005

Need I say more specklet? What you like is what you can control. Or think you can.

What I like is what I can control? I'm really not understanding you, here. Women who like to patronize strip clubs are control freaks? Or are we talking about me buying lapdances for someone else?

For me, it's not about control, it's about watching my boyfriend be titillated. That, in turn, is titillating for me.

Maybe for me, it's not so much like watching someone frost a cake as it is slowly feeding someone a piece.

Of cake, that is.
posted by Specklet at 1:05 PM on April 21, 2005

It's funny, the stronger a feeling is, the more people seem to think that everyone else feels it in exactly the same way. Maybe they are more likely to make friends who have felt the same things, the same way.

So nj_subgenius has had issues with "controlling women" [pardon my assumption that you're a male heterosexual -- if not, drop the "wo-"] at strip clubs. Therefore, Specklet, to him, any woman who enjoys going to strip clubs with her man is a control freak.

It's funny how helpless folks are to this way of thinking. nj_subgenius probably isn't really trying to pigeonhole or offend you, Specklet, but he can't help it. His own experience and the experience of birds of his feather tell him one thing about you.

I hope someday nj_subgenius finds a woman he can take to a strip club. I have a feeling, though, that he won't get past his own control issues, and will continue to go alone.

What I'm saying is, Specklet, don't take nj_subgenius' words to heart. I don't know why he would want to discourage women visiting a strip club (I love seeing women there, watching, are you kidding?) but I think that's his problem to work out.

I hope you both have a great time, in your own way, next time you go. That's what strip clubs are all about.

Well, that, and naked women. Dancing.

Oh yeah, and lap dances, too.
posted by breezeway at 1:30 PM on April 21, 2005

But isn't this like slowly feeing them a piece of cake, maybe squishing it into their nose, and then throwing it away and giving them a donut instead?

I like boobies as much as the next guy, but my strip club experiences (bachelor parties) have left me with the distinct impression that this is perhaps the most unsexy environment ever invented.

I do enjoy watching people being simultaneously parted from their money, ashamed of being turned on, and frustrated that they can't do anything about it. It's a great scam.
posted by Caviar at 1:59 PM on April 21, 2005

Well, thanks breezeway. You brought me down and I got a little misty there :(
What caviar said, for crying out loud.
Strip clubs are great and all for the visitor with cash to burn and horniness of any kind. That's why they exist. Face it though, for the lap dancer it's got to be a shit job at times. That hot chick lap-dancing you or your boyfriend or girlfriend, if you *like to watch*, is probably going to have to put up with fatso and smelly and halitosis guy and drunk fuckface long after you're gone home to your bearskin rug. And to make good money she'll need to seem just as alluring to every one of them. How can that not suck at the end of the day unless the lap dancer is completely inured to the experience? That's whay I called it a fair trade, nothing more, nothing less. If you take away a fantasy that works up your love life, great. She's got good monetary compensation. Done.
It'd be far more interesting to me for someone to deconstruct the mental workings of the dancee, but then that's me being a wet blanket on your hot girl-on-girl goodness.
posted by nj_subgenius at 7:21 AM on April 22, 2005

The Faint, Worked Up So Sexual [mp3]
i see you work at night, are you sexually amused?
what's it like to have a room of guys encircling you?
how she moves and how she walks.
they all patiently await while the heat from in their pockets could burn marks into their legs.
without your needs and your support she'd have a job the same as ours - nothing daring.
would she miss a job that's sexual?

in every city there are dozens of these clubs where men can go.
some people need a little challenge to their fantasies at home.
there's a little tiny number on a fold of matches,
the ink drips from a little dancer's pen.
everybody wants that fold of matches to reinflate their confidence.
hey, it is a job, it pays a lot.
is it disservicing someone?
and is it good to get these men worked up so sexual?
older dancers gag at what new talent seems to mean.
smaller tits and younger limbs can cause a fit of rivalry.

but it is a job, it pays a lot.
is it disservicing someone?
and is it good to get these men worked up so sexual?
posted by shoepal at 11:16 PM on April 23, 2005

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