they were everywhere
October 31, 2013 3:31 AM   Subscribe

Out of Skin, a new horror comic from Emily Carroll (previously). Warning: gore & body horror.
posted by fight or flight (14 comments total) 17 users marked this as a favorite
Well, that was super creepy.
posted by Elementary Penguin at 3:35 AM on October 31, 2013

I was going to post this this morning. Glad someone did! I loooooove Emily Carroll.
posted by Kitteh at 4:04 AM on October 31, 2013

For more Carroll, The Yawhg is worth playing! It's generally less creepy than other stuff she's worked on, but can be brutally sad.
posted by curious nu at 4:50 AM on October 31, 2013

The tree is from His Eyes All Red, one of her earlier comics that is very much worth a read.
posted by quiet coyote at 4:59 AM on October 31, 2013

Yes, His Face All Red made it to the Blue a few Halloweens ago.
posted by Kitteh at 5:06 AM on October 31, 2013

I'm not going to look at teeth for a while.
posted by arcticseal at 5:42 AM on October 31, 2013

That was amazing.
posted by L'Estrange Fruit at 5:49 AM on October 31, 2013

I went into it thinking it was a horror comedy, not comic.
posted by sutt at 5:50 AM on October 31, 2013

I still have nightmares about Amigara Fault, should I even click this?
posted by Theta States at 5:59 AM on October 31, 2013

Would anybody care to share any spoilers?
posted by The Giant Squid at 6:29 AM on October 31, 2013

Spoiler alert: Don't eat the soup.
posted by Potomac Avenue at 6:32 AM on October 31, 2013 [2 favorites]

More sad/chilling than gross. The style of her illustrations keeps the horror in them from being too gross, even when there's blood and body parts. Maybe because there is usually some sly humor, or mystery, so you're not just focused on squishyness and blood.
posted by emjaybee at 6:52 AM on October 31, 2013

That was great. I see she's the person who wrote His Face All Red, which is even creepier.
posted by postcommunism at 7:21 AM on October 31, 2013

Yes, it uses horror elements but the mood is one of chilling sorrow.
posted by L'Estrange Fruit at 8:21 AM on October 31, 2013

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