The 2016 Purdue Engineering Gift Guide has Dropped
November 5, 2016 3:56 PM   Subscribe

111 Games, toys, books, and apps for future engineers, reviewed by current engineers. This year's guide includes notes on diversity and teamwork.

111 Games, toys, books, and apps for future engineers, reviewed by current engineers. The guide is compiled annually by Purdue University. This year's guide includes notes on diversity, teamwork, and parenting. Detailed review summaries coming soon. 2015's guide also included in link.
posted by womprat78 (3 comments total) 54 users marked this as a favorite
I really love the idea of this, but maybe it should have been posted after the review summaries ("coming soon!" per the link) are up. The guide itself is basically just a list of pictures, names, and prices, which doesn't really help me much. :/
posted by phooky at 4:49 PM on November 5, 2016 [1 favorite]

There are a number of specialized block sets featured in the Purdue guide, but here is another short list focused on unit blocks.
posted by fairmettle at 5:19 PM on November 5, 2016

I really like the idea behind the BBC micro:bit. It's an single-board computer free for 11-12 year-olds in the U.K. which can work with Raspberry PI. And it can be programmed with Python. And, presumably, being free in the U.K., there should be a good size community of support and development.
posted by xtian at 9:58 AM on November 7, 2016 [1 favorite]

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