Beautiful Dying Wish
November 18, 2023 10:07 AM   Subscribe

A small thing of beauty growing out of loss. An amazing gesture: her daughter will grow up without her mother but always mindful of this commitment to others.

Bless them all.
posted by wenestvedt at 10:43 AM on November 18, 2023 [4 favorites]

This is a happy thing, but it's also a massive indictment of the US medical industry. None of this should be possible.
posted by PennD at 11:34 AM on November 18, 2023 [19 favorites]

Not sure if paying ransoms to an unscrupulous, avaricious industry is a happy story or a sad one. I fear her wholly good efforts were squandered.
posted by bookbook at 11:42 AM on November 18, 2023 [7 favorites]

bookbook: our healthcare system is inhumane but I think this might be one of the parts where even small amounts can help – they get an enormous discount on those debts so what you’re really doing is paying pennies on the dollar so poor people aren’t hounded. I want to live in a more civilized country too but I can’t describe anything which ameliorates harm as squandered since the alternative is just letting people get screwed that extra bit more before they die.
posted by adamsc at 12:25 PM on November 18, 2023 [12 favorites]

I'd like this to become a trend.
posted by Webbster at 1:12 PM on November 18, 2023 [2 favorites]

they get an enormous discount on those debts so what you’re really doing is paying pennies on the dollar so poor people aren’t hounded

Why can the debtors not get this discount directly?
posted by mattiv at 2:09 PM on November 18, 2023 [13 favorites]

If an organization like RIP Medical Debt can buy up people's debt for pennies on the dollar and then discharge it, why can't indebted people buy their own debt at the same price?

I’m serious, there should be a law so that before anyone's debt is sold to a collector at a discount, the debtor should get a chance to buy it at the same discount and get it treated as discharged. Sure there are people who can’t afford to do that, but just as a first step it would help millions and make it easier for the rest to negotiate payment plans with their creditors.
posted by purple_frogs at 2:09 PM on November 18, 2023 [26 favorites]

Good for her to do this - to have done this, rather.

Yet we need systematic reform. Universal health care, please.
posted by doctornemo at 2:20 PM on November 18, 2023 [6 favorites]

This is one of those uplifting stories that's very orphan-crushing-machine.
posted by Blue Jello Elf at 2:56 PM on November 18, 2023 [14 favorites]

I’m serious, there should be a law so that before anyone's debt is sold to a collector at a discount, the debtor should get a chance to buy it at the same discount and get it treated as discharged

That would be incentive to not pay until it's sold though, right? Everyone would just refuse to pay in the knowledge that after waiting for a while the debt would drop significantly.
posted by EndsOfInvention at 4:26 PM on November 18, 2023 [3 favorites]

adamsc has a reasonable point, even if debtors don’t yet get that same discount. Until they do, the efforts are still worthy, so I revise my comment thus. The good lady could not have done much better.
posted by bookbook at 4:33 PM on November 18, 2023 [1 favorite]

That would be incentive to not pay until it's sold though, right? Everyone would just refuse to pay in the knowledge that after waiting for a while the debt would drop significantly.

Yes, that's true, but that seems like a desirable outcome. How can it be a good thing that a few people get help with their debts, but a bad thing for everyone to get the same help?
posted by mattiv at 5:01 PM on November 18, 2023 [3 favorites]

The Orphan Crushing Machine powers the Torment Nexus, and everyone in Neo-Omelas (aka Neom) works at one or the other.
posted by snuffleupagus at 5:15 PM on November 18, 2023 [5 favorites]

For anyone sub-40 who has not had a major/minor/costly medical incident take heed. You will undoubtedly hear cries of 'But that is SOCIALISM!!!!!' whenever any debate arises from the subject of 'single payer' health care. The people who espouse this and are most adamant are those who either do not understand the difference between socialism and Socialism as societal forms and (using their model) fail to understand that 'Social Security' in their terms is 'SOCIALISM!!!!!'. A single-payer healthcare system is social - health - care designed to ensure a stable environment protecting people in society. I do not want this to degrade to a semantics debate so let me move on.... Remember this....

The US does not offer a universal healthcare system for its citizens.
The US does not offer a universal healthcare system for its citizens.
The US does not offer a universal healthcare system for its citizens.
The US does not offer a universal healthcare system for its citizens.
The US does not offer a universal healthcare system for its citizens.

It is unequal and takes little consideration into account that, rich or poor, your health issues will debilitate you. Cancer and other medical issues do not discriminate on income. The current US health 'care' system is tilted toward profit and your ability to pay AND your employment. No job? No true EQUAL coverage. Change your job? "HI, welcome on board. our benefits do not kick in until you have been with us for 90 days. So hang in there and do not get sick' OR ' You will not be eligible for benefits until January 1st' OR Your benefits only cover certain healthcare providers who are in network. Certain procedures are out of network. You can stick with your existing provider (because you switched jobs and had a prior medical incident which they know all about and transferring your records to another provider is not possible because they use a different computer system so will need to go through pre-evaluation AGAIN at a cost of....) BUT your co-pay is 50-60% higher... HOWEVER you can go and see our in-network specialist who is 93 miles away and you will only pay $400....

The single payer system is NOT perfect but it is relatively non-discriminatory re your income. You (or your employer) can pay for secondary insurance to cover 'extra care' (single private room, an appointment now-ish, choice of treatment location... many other things). Meanwhile...

Personally I and Mrs. Indelible Underpants have experienced multiple healthcare systems. Me as an international traveler requiring back to base savior coverage (in the event of a dire medical/health issue) and she as a foreign national in a social system where she needed to have coverage.

She had a major eye incident. The procedure was covered by insurance. Pre-op in a private room. Post-op in a shared (one other) room. The after care and follow up by the social health care system. Pharmacist apologized that her post op eye drops she would have to pay 3 euros for. Here in the US $85 co-pay for the same script.

Me, in the US. Major cancer situation. Treatment cost $653k plus (and climbing). Result? Not dead. My co-pay $15+k (and on-going). Follow on, and as a result of the treatment, $55-60k in dental work, post treatment costs for work resulting from radiation damage... $40k... and climbing. I am glad I am not dead but, having switched jobs, I am juggling many 'Is this in or out of network?' scenarios and having to evaluate if I can skip one treatment over another. At a time when my income has been impacted by short-term FMLA, long-term FMLA, and the threat of losing my job because my prior employer who I left before they did the morally uplifting 'you are sick so we are going to dump you and the costly co-pays on insurance because you are claiming (and current) do not truly care.

This in the BEST country in the world...

The US does not offer a universal healthcare system for its citizens.
The US does not offer a universal healthcare system for its citizens.
The US does not offer a universal healthcare system for its citizens.
The US does not offer a universal healthcare system for its citizens.
The US does not offer a universal healthcare system for its citizens.
Rinse and repeat... and stay healthy!
posted by IndelibleUnderpants at 7:25 PM on November 18, 2023 [18 favorites]

May you stay healthy, IndelibleUnderpants, thank you for sharing your story.
posted by k3ninho at 11:35 PM on November 18, 2023 [4 favorites]

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