Gore Camp Attacks Nader's Sex Life
November 2, 2000 1:52 PM   Subscribe

Gore Camp Attacks Nader's Sex Life Nader responds: "If this does not open the eyes of the American people, nothing will."
posted by snakey (24 comments total)
"Who is going to be sleeping in his bed at the White House if he’s elected president? I‘m interested. Aren‘t you?"

No. We aren't. No more than most of us cared about Clinton's sex life.

Of course, this seems to be about really bad sex. The love that dare not speak its name. Or at least, this article dare not. Is somebody accusing Nader of being one of them ho-mo-sex-yuls? The article implies that, but doesn't have the stones even to say that someone else made that accusation.
posted by harmful at 2:05 PM on November 2, 2000

That quote wasn't from Ralph Nader. It was from one of several unnamed insiders in a story that was rotten with them.
posted by rcade at 2:05 PM on November 2, 2000

Drudgereport is down right now. This must be some hott Nader axtion.

His sex life: practically non-existant! no footage at eleven!
posted by capt.crackpipe at 2:09 PM on November 2, 2000

"Look, he? never been married," one Gore operative whispered to stunned reporters earlier this week. "Who is going to be sleeping in his bed at the White House if he's elected president? I'm interested. Aren't you?"
Yes, I also want to know if anybody blows him in the Oval Office! NOT! It seems one small part of the Democratic party has justified the Clinton witchhunt, good for them.
The above should not be taken as an endorsement of workplace blowjobs, unless it is the weekend, or after hours.
posted by thirteen at 2:09 PM on November 2, 2000

I watched Kids in the Hall last night and they did the Alcholic father skit who was berating his son.

"How many dates did you have yesturday son, zero? How many today, zero. You know that zero+zero=fag"
posted by john at 2:10 PM on November 2, 2000

Oops, Harmful beat me to the quote.
posted by thirteen at 2:10 PM on November 2, 2000

That quote wasn't from Ralph Nader. It was from one of several unnamed insiders in a story that was rotten with them.

Rcade, if ya ask me, it's Gore and his supporters that are rotten here.
posted by snakey at 2:20 PM on November 2, 2000

This story has a strong whiff of invention to it. Is this normal for Drudge? I'm not really familiar with the site.

"Look, he’s never been married," one Gore operative whispered to stunned reporters earlier this week.

Were they stunned because they a) they were completely uninformed, b) they were troglodytes who could not understand how a 66 year old man could have avoided marriage, c) they were astonished at the incredible sliminess exhibited by the Gore staffer who was telling them this? Or because the entire incident sprung out of the fevered imagination of a naive copywriter looking for drama?

"If anyone is caught doing this, they will be fired immediately!" the official told the DRUDGE REPORT from Tennessee. "Who’s ever doing this should knock it off -- and knock it off now!"

Yeah, that sounds exactly like what a Gore campaign staffer would say when confronted with this sort of story. The admission of cluelessness, the direct approach to a problem, the exclamation marks - fits your average campaign staffer to a T.

posted by Mars Saxman at 2:27 PM on November 2, 2000

Snakey -- if you want to make that claim, show me a source who believes strongly enough in his or her comments to be on the record. An unnamed source once conned Drudge into reporting that Sidney Blumenthal is a wifebeater, and Drudge is facing a multimillion dollar libel suit as a result. How can you be sure this isn't another example of Drudge being taken for a ride?

I'm voting for Gore, but in discussions here I have discounted numerous rumors about Bush because they were either unsourced or offered by a source with no credibility. That is what's happening here -- believing unnamed sources quoted by Matt Drudge is equivalent to believing unsourced claims by Larry Flynt.
posted by rcade at 9:53 PM on November 2, 2000

Your implication being that Matt Drudge is a more credible source for dirt than Larry Flynt.

I don't buy that anymore. Flynt sniffed out "family-values advocates" Henry Hyde, Bob Livingston & Newt Gingrich. I know Drudge has a few kills in this column too, but ... my point is that Flynt has more than a little credibility these days, regardless of where he amassed his reputation.

Flynt may never see a penny of my money, but if he has something to say, he now has my attention.
posted by chicobangs at 11:48 PM on November 2, 2000

Drudge is a sleazeball yellow journalist, who will report ANYTHING that ANYONE tells him. I saw him speak once, and it was one of the saddest things I've ever seen. He paints himself as an old school, Walter Winchell type beat reporter, wearing that silly fedora, grubbing around in the trenches, protecting the interests of the Average Joe. The fact of the matter is that he is nothing more than a high profile gossip and rumor monger whose talent for self promotion far outweighs his meager literary abilities. He's a slanderous, opportunistic little worm, and if there's any justice in the world, he'll end up paying a "defense budget"-sized libel award to Blumenthal, and end up having to publish his daily dose of misinformation from an ancient second-hand laptop, in a van, down by the river.
posted by Optamystic at 11:53 PM on November 2, 2000

Actually, I put Matt Drudge and Larry Flynt in the same category -- disreputable people with highly partisan motivations whose allegations shouldn't be taken seriously until someone more credible reports them.
posted by rcade at 12:06 AM on November 3, 2000

As sloppy as drudge may be, it's even more unethical for a Democrat like Carole Migden to make these allegations during an election year.
posted by snakey at 8:51 AM on November 3, 2000

The whole Migden-Nader thing is discussed at length in this Gay.Com article by Michelangelo Signorile.
posted by rcade at 9:41 AM on November 3, 2000

Another pathetic Snakey Report.
posted by terrapin at 10:38 AM on November 3, 2000

Great article. After clearly supporting Gore, The Author, Michelangelo Signorile can't take Nader's 'no' for an answer, can he?
posted by snakey at 11:35 AM on November 3, 2000

Rcade, if ya ask me, it's Gore and his supporters that are rotten here.

(said in Apu's voice): "Oh my god, I can't believe you don't shut up!"

We hear you, Snakey. Legalize pot, vote Nader, smear Gore. Gore must fall for you to get high. Blah blah blah.

posted by jragon at 2:08 PM on November 3, 2000

Jragon, you amaze me. I'm doing a smear? I checked out your site. Way to sling the dirt on a 17 year old Laura Bush, buddy.
posted by snakey at 4:52 PM on November 3, 2000

jragon is doing the same thing on his weblog that you did on Metafilter, snakey -- telling people about the Laura Bush car accident story. Is it only OK to do that if you're doing it to falsely smear Gore?
posted by rcade at 9:18 PM on November 3, 2000

No Rcade, it only goes to show that there is no limit to how low Gore's campaign and his supporters (like jragon) will go. They will use anything, no matter how tawdry, irrelevant or specious to attack Gore's opponents -- be it whispered accusations about Nader's sex life, or Laura Bush's 1963 car accident.

At first I regretted posting the Laura Bush story. You guys almost had me convinced that Gore's supporters would never stoop to that level.

Leave it to jragon to say I'm smearing Gore, and then post the same story on his weblog in the name of smearing Bush's wife. Now I regret even giving you guys the opportunity to take such a cheap shot.

It is hypocritical in the extreme for jragon to use that story to campaign for Gore, and then try to claim the moral high ground.
posted by snakey at 9:00 AM on November 4, 2000

No Rcade, it only goes to show that there is no limit to how low Gore's campaign and his supporters (like jragon) will go.

I went to jragon's weblog, and all he did was post a link to the story and say "Yikes."

Compare that to your own efforts to make it look like the Gore campaign spread the Laura Bush story, despite the complete lack of evidence to support that claim. The story was the result of an open records request in March by a reporter after other published accounts of the incident. The police had declined to release the report on the accident, so a reporter filed a request to get the document. When the press received the document (it often takes several months or more to get the results of a request), the reporter ran the story.

The fact that Laura Bush was driving a car that was involved in a fatal accident many years ago is newsworthy. It isn't big news, but in the course of the 18-month presidential campaign, I am not surprised that it became a minor story six months ago.
posted by rcade at 9:38 AM on November 4, 2000

rcade, your defense is laughable. The Laura Bush story and the one about Bush's DUI are in the same post. Given the context, even you should be able to see the motives behind that post. Admit it: Gore is getting desperate and his campaign is getting nastier by the day.
posted by snakey at 10:54 AM on November 4, 2000

Go figure - I think rcade's defense is quite solid.

You are relying on "should be able to see the motives behind it" and not facts.

Laura was in a car accident that killed someone.
The story broke about six months ago.
George W. drove drunk in a car.
This story just was made public recently.
I put these two car "situations" in a post and wrote 'yikes'.
You posted an old link and attacked Gore for it.

Sure, I can see how you may misinterpret my 'yikes'. I'm sorry for any confusion it might cause you. However, I'd think about your own motives before trying to be a whistleblower for posters of bareSquare.
posted by jragon at 6:50 PM on November 4, 2000

Y'know if Bush is elected, chances are good neither he or his wife will ever actually drive a car themselves again. Keep the streets safe, vote Bush! Or vote Gore, and watch as Bush and his crazy wife kill citizen after citizen with their cars, and never spend a day in jail thanks to daddies money. The choice is yours America.
posted by thirteen at 8:18 PM on November 4, 2000

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