The new Newseum
September 13, 2007 12:50 AM   Subscribe

The website of the ridiculously awesome Newseum has been revamped and relaunched in anticipation of its October reopening. Check out the redesigned Today's Front Pages and Analysis sections - and go here for frequent, fascinating evaluations of current front page graphic design (archive). Browse the downloadable front pages of notable dates in recent history (e.g. Katrina, 2004 tsunami, 9/11). Watch discussions of some of the most recognizable Pulitzer Prize winning photographs, and check out the interactive archives of past exhibits. You can also pay your respects at the online version of the Newseum's Journalists Memorial. (previously)
posted by Anonymous (6 comments total)
That's pretty damn cool.
posted by CynicalKnight at 1:32 AM on September 13, 2007

I used to work at the Newseum. It is a great place. I'm excited to see the new facility, though it looks like they will be charging admission, which is unusual for Washington, DC, where just bout every museum is free. And for the Freedom Forum, in terms of the freedom of the press, and making that message available to all as a cornerstone of American democracy, it is ironic. They used "50 tons of Tennessee marble used to create the First Amendment façade on Pennsylvania Avenue." It seems like charging admission inhibits the spread of that message. Ironically they moved from their previous location, across the river from DC, in Arlington, VA, to their new location in DC in order to increase visibility and attendance. Regardless, I'll probably make a special trip to DC just to see the place once it actually opens.
posted by pithy comment at 4:47 AM on September 13, 2007

I think all the content is great, but I don't much care for the new design of their website. It looks a little old-fashioned and simple. I'm sure they chose that for a reason, but it's not the design I would have used.

And actually, Pithy, while it's true that the Smithsonian is free and probably always will be, it's a new trend in town that charge admission -- the International Spy Museum, for example.
posted by Dave Faris at 5:01 AM on September 13, 2007

You could have a Newseum FPP every day and I would never get tired of it - It's a great, amazing resource.
posted by Optimus Chyme at 6:18 AM on September 13, 2007

Yeah, pretty much every non-Smithsonian museum charges. It's usually $5-10, which is worth it and then some.

They closed the Newseum shortly after I moved here. I'm glad I'm still around to see it re-open in its new digs.
posted by abulafa at 10:24 AM on September 13, 2007

The best thing about the Newseum is that if you go there, you can see the short film Captain First Amendment Man, made by the Rhinoplasty youth video group. Which I was a member of. I'm in First Amendment Man, briefly, but I don't think I'm going to say exactly where.
posted by bookish at 2:47 PM on September 13, 2007

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