The Naked Taoiseach
March 26, 2009 8:07 AM   Subscribe

With threats of strikes and an emergency budget due you might assume the Irish government would be more concerned with economics than artwork. You’d be wrong. After discovering the two “uncomissioned” portraits of Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Brian Cowen the gardaí (Irish police) have gotten involved.

The national broadcaster has issued an apology and removed all trace of the original broadcast. (It hasn’t gone away you know). In response twitter is having a field day and now there’s an online nudey-postcard(NSFW) campaign gaining ground. Has the recession stolen Mr. Cowen’s sense of humour (NSFW)?
posted by Fence (13 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Reminds me of Flight of the Conchords... could Brian's suit, or the crappy, fuzzy pics on his official site, be any more low budget?

"OK, now in this shot let's pretend I am giving you important advice".
posted by Meatbomb at 8:44 AM on March 26, 2009

The offending artworks set out to mock Mr Cowen, better known by his nickname Biffo, which stands for “Big Ignorant F***er from Offaly”.
posted by UbuRoivas at 9:11 AM on March 26, 2009

You know, the internet has only one proper response. :P
posted by jeffburdges at 9:13 AM on March 26, 2009

there's a place called Offaly? how unfortunate.
posted by molecicco at 9:15 AM on March 26, 2009

and yet Liverpool is a household name, not to mention Arsenal.
posted by UbuRoivas at 9:32 AM on March 26, 2009

The name isn't the only unfortunate thing about Offaly.
posted by minifigs at 9:35 AM on March 26, 2009

United States President Barack Obama's great-great-great grandfather, Falmouth Kearney, was born and raised in Moneygall, County Offaly.
posted by UbuRoivas at 9:41 AM on March 26, 2009

"I would say there were a couple of occasions when marijuana was passed around – and, unlike President Clinton, I did inhale! There wasn’t a whole lot in it really".

As a Canadian, I was stunned to discovered that in the UK people weaken their already weak shit with tobacco. Even if he ate it he probably wouldn't get high. On the other hand some of their beer is pretty damn strong.
posted by srboisvert at 9:55 AM on March 26, 2009

As a Canadian, I was stunned to discovered that in the UK people weaken their already weak shit with tobacco. Even if he ate it he probably wouldn't get high. On the other hand some of their beer is pretty damn strong.

Of course Cowen went to college in Dublin, Ireland. Not the UK
posted by Fence at 10:47 AM on March 26, 2009 [4 favorites]

At least someone in RTE has a sense of humour, even if Biffo doesn't
posted by TwoWordReview at 11:11 AM on March 26, 2009

To paraphrase:

But we are all of us naked underneath our clothes. Even you, Mr Cowan
-No I'm not!

posted by tiny crocodile at 5:40 PM on March 26, 2009

Is there a campaign to mail postcards to the Big Ignorant Fucker from Offaly? 'cause for the few pennies it'd cost for me to harass the Taoiseach for his decision to not laugh it all off would be money well spent.
posted by five fresh fish at 7:01 PM on March 26, 2009

Is there a campaign to mail postcards to the Big Ignorant Fucker from Offaly? 'cause for the few pennies it'd cost for me to harass the Taoiseach for his decision to not laugh it all off would be money well spent.

The plan is to exhibit the postcards. Send them all to Fústar (ask & you shall receive the address) and once they have a collection they'll be looking for a gallery to show them.
posted by Fence at 3:29 AM on March 27, 2009 [2 favorites]

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