Holy Schnikies! Broadband video that doesn't look too bad.
March 3, 2000 1:10 PM   Subscribe

Holy Schnikies! Broadband video that doesn't look too bad. I don't know what they're using for the tech behind this (besides some shockwave 7 and a plugin of their own design), but the video is compression-free and clear (well, if you ignore the stupid scanlines). If you're on a fast line, by all means check it out, pretty amazing stuff (now they just need to stream some good content, like the simpsons :).
posted by mathowie (3 comments total)
didn't work for diddley on my t1 here (and it's a pretty clean one, too, with a 100b/t network). lots of buffering. pretty weak showing, considering the custom player download and all...

there are quite a few services out there now that can do a decent full-screen picture at 300k without buffering. a standard wmp file encoded for 300k can play at full screen and look decent if it's not sized to small to begin with.

posted by mmanning at 2:31 PM on March 3, 2000

It looked beautiful for me at work on our (often slow) t1, even at full screen not bad. They need some content, but pretty impressive as a start.
posted by milhous at 3:42 PM on March 3, 2000

I'm amending that; from home on a 56k modem the interface itself would barely load (on a fairly fast machine). Anyone else get it to work with less than a t1?
posted by milhous at 12:50 AM on March 4, 2000

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