Lovable state microbes
April 23, 2010 7:20 AM   Subscribe

Here in the US, each state has a state bird, flower, fish, rock, soil, and Wisconsin just passed a bill to add the first state microbe, bacterium Lactococcus lactis. Of course the Lactococcus lacti would be a hero for Wisconsin, because Lactococcus is used to make chedder cheese.

Will other states rush to claim their own state microbe? Any takers for Escherichia coli or Basillus bulgaricus? Sacchaomyces cerevisiae?

What about some of the other microbes like Yersinia pestis?
posted by Wolfster (29 comments total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
posted by caddis at 7:33 AM on April 23, 2010

Dunno about microbes, but I'd be willing to back a yeast or two.
posted by jquinby at 7:33 AM on April 23, 2010 [1 favorite]

Or three. California can't afford a State Bacteria Gap!
posted by Pickman's Next Top Model at 7:52 AM on April 23, 2010

posted by six-or-six-thirty at 7:56 AM on April 23, 2010

That is awesome. Microbes represent! With our great brewing heritage, I hope Missouri claims s. cerevisiae. I also wonder which state will be brave enough to step up for lactobacillus?
posted by slogger at 7:56 AM on April 23, 2010 [1 favorite]

Wisconsin has a proud tradition of state symbols. Not only does it have a state soil, it also has a state soil song.
posted by oozy rat in a sanitary zoo at 7:57 AM on April 23, 2010 [6 favorites]

From oozy rat's link:

"Of all the crops, true peace is tops;
Its soil is love that never stops"

I think we can all agree on that.
posted by Infinite Jest at 8:07 AM on April 23, 2010

The scene in the Wisconsin legislature:

Senate leader: Friends and esteemed colleagues: our state is facing a billion dollar budget shortfall. As you know, our state constitution requires us to balance the budget. We're facing difficult and painful choices. We're going to have to lay off teachers, release prisoners, and even perhaps raise taxes. Come to the microphone and bring your proposals for how we shall deal with this crisis!

Senator Cheesehead: Esteemed colleagues, I move that this legislature designate a state microbe.
posted by three blind mice at 8:18 AM on April 23, 2010 [3 favorites]

I saw this a few days ago, and I was surprised that there wasn't any mention of Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Saccharomyces pastorianus. That being said, I love Wisconsin, and not just for their cheese and beer. But I do wonder: is there any other state whose economy and culture (pun intended) depend so much upon the fruits of microbial labor?
posted by dsword at 8:24 AM on April 23, 2010

I'll claim S. pastorianus in the name of my fellow Washingtonians because our State Motto, Al-ki translates as "hope for the future".
posted by vapidave at 8:25 AM on April 23, 2010

I have to insert this from Pickman's Next Top Model's link.

"The dominant lactobacillus was a new species christened Lactobacillus sanfrancisco sp. nov."

So if cities are having microbes named after them will they join in on this rush to claim a city mascot, too?
posted by Wolfster at 8:29 AM on April 23, 2010

Well, we are the beer belly of America.
posted by carmicha at 8:33 AM on April 23, 2010

The knobbed whelk is the state shell of New Jersey.
posted by The Whelk at 8:37 AM on April 23, 2010

Coffee is a fermented thing. Seattle would be wise to acknowledge this.
posted by mccarty.tim at 8:41 AM on April 23, 2010

Wolfster: apparently in some situations God's retribution on a city of homosexual sinners is delicious delicious bread.
posted by Pickman's Next Top Model at 8:48 AM on April 23, 2010 [3 favorites]

This is a great step forward for Microbial-Americans. And, of course, cheese.
posted by GenjiandProust at 8:57 AM on April 23, 2010 [1 favorite]

Michigan's state microbe is syphilis.
posted by klangklangston at 9:01 AM on April 23, 2010 [2 favorites]

No, klang, I think that Indiana got there first.
posted by Cold Lurkey at 9:03 AM on April 23, 2010

New York would have to be Picornaviridae Rhinovirus, no?
posted by CynicalKnight at 9:11 AM on April 23, 2010

Never have I been so proud to be a Wisconsinite.
posted by drezdn at 9:16 AM on April 23, 2010

California's state microbe has to be Clostridium botulinum.
posted by logicpunk at 9:20 AM on April 23, 2010 [1 favorite]

Now please rename the Badgers the Fighting Lactococci. I'll buy a sweatshirt.
posted by Zed at 9:53 AM on April 23, 2010 [5 favorites]

Seems like New Jersey, The Garbage State, has the best claim on E. coli seeing as how there isn't any Sewage State.
posted by Quietgal at 10:25 AM on April 23, 2010

Seems like New Jersey, The Garbage State, has the best claim on E. coli seeing as how there isn't any Sewage State.


and more
posted by The Whelk at 11:45 AM on April 23, 2010

Too bad cheddar cheese from Vermont is waaaaayyyyyy superior to Wisconsin cheddar.
posted by brand-gnu at 12:38 PM on April 23, 2010 [1 favorite]

I used to blog about Official State Fruits and other foodstuffs. For example, North Carolina already had a State Fruit (Scuppernong Grape which is barely edible) so they added the Blueberry as the Official State BLUE berry and the Strawberry as the Official State RED Berry.

Florida has a State Pie: Key Lime

Utah has a State Historic Vegetable: Sugar Beet

Louisiana has 2 State Jellies: Mayhaw & Sugar Cane
and a State Pie: Meat

Georgia has a State Prepared Food: Grits

Texas has a State Snack: Chips N Salsa

Minnesota has a State Mushroom: Morel

South Dakota has a State Bread: Frybread

Washington has a State Tuber: Russet Potato

New Mexico has a State Vegetable: Refried Beans

However, Massachusetts is the clear winner because in addition to a State Fruit (Cranberry) they also have a
State Doughnut: Boston Cream
State Muffin: Corn
State Dessert: Boston Cream Pie
State Bean: Boston Baked Bean
State Cookie: Chocolate Chip

State Vegetables aren't very popular although Texas has 3 (State Pepper-- Jalapeno, State Native Pepper-Chiltepin, and State Vegetable- Sweet Onion.) Even Idaho names their potato, not as the Official State Vegetable, but as the State Food. However my favorite story is when Oklahoma decided to name Watermelon as their State Vegetable because the State Fruit was already taken (Strawberry.)
Senator Don Barrington clarified the matter after the vote stating that "The controversy on whether watermelon is a fruit or vegetable has been officially decided by the Oklahoma state legislature." The reason: "it's a member of the cucumber family." Webster's dictionary, dictionary.com and wikipedia also consider cucumbers to be a fruit, thus negating Senator Barrington's argument. In fact, one definition of the word cucumber is "the fruit of any [gourd] plant."
posted by Secret Life of Gravy at 4:15 PM on April 23, 2010 [2 favorites]

And they say Midwesterners have no culture.
posted by applemeat at 5:28 PM on April 23, 2010

(Scuppernong Grape which is barely edible)


posted by magnificent frigatebird at 11:13 PM on April 23, 2010

Rhode Island has a state soil (Narragansett Sandy Loam). So does Wisconsin (Antigo Silt Loam). Do you know your state soil? Do you? For the non-Americans, do you know your national or provincial or prefecturial soil? Do you even have one?
posted by GenjiandProust at 7:00 AM on April 24, 2010

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