Ari Ne'eman to serve on the NCD
June 22, 2010 9:11 PM   Subscribe

Ari Ne'eman, best known as the founder of Autistic Self Advocacy Network, will be the first person with Autism to serve on the National Council on Disability.

Ne'eman's nomination to the NCD back in December 2009 was controversial. In March, an anonymous hold was placed on his nomination by one or more Senators. It's unclear why the hold was placed, but many think it may have something to do with Ne'eman's views on neurodiversity and curing Autism.
posted by lexicakes (4 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Yea!!! Go, Ari!!!
posted by ClaudiaCenter at 9:19 PM on June 22, 2010

From the Neurodiversity link:
  • acknowledging that neurodiverse people do not need a cure
  • changing the language from the current “condition, disease, disorder, or illness”-based nomenclature
  • broadening the understanding of healthy or independent living; acknowledging new types of autonomy
  • giving neurodiverse individuals more control over their treatment, including the type, timing, and whether there should be treatment at all
YES. I was totally expecting an absolutist and this nuanced view is amazing to see.
posted by effugas at 9:48 PM on June 22, 2010 [2 favorites]

oh those are gonna be some looooong meetings!
posted by billybobtoo at 4:12 AM on June 23, 2010

Only three comments? FWIW I'm excited for this news. I think he'll do a great job.
posted by Tesseractive at 4:29 PM on June 23, 2010 [1 favorite]

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