This music will melt your face...
July 29, 2010 4:56 PM   Subscribe

Mahjongg, it's not the tile game your chinese grandmother plays. (MLYT)

Cave, it's not where you go spelunking.

P.S. They used to both be from Columbia, MO.
posted by schyler523 (3 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Don't do stunt posts. -- mathowie


Out of curiosity - why are people pimping this band here? I'm not saying "your favorite band sucks" or anything, just wandering what it is about this band in particular - genuinely curious, not a snark.
posted by VikingSword at 5:06 PM on July 29, 2010

Previously, with subsequent talking.

I think I foresee a weekend where I gorge on K Records and spit forth an epic What is that K Shield thing anyway post.
posted by filthy light thief at 5:06 PM on July 29, 2010

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