NASA - The Frontier Is Everywhere
January 11, 2011 9:38 AM   Subscribe

NASA - The Frontier Is Everywhere. A NASA promo video made by a fan. Narration edit and music taken from an older video, though the words are obviously originally by Carl Sagan, from A Pale Blue Dot (previously). posted by kmz (10 comments total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
It's good to see my hometown of Toronto represented.

/hangs head
posted by geodave at 9:46 AM on January 11, 2011

Crowdsource promo video for NASA - great idea
Several minutes of Earth - nothing to do with NASA
posted by DU at 9:51 AM on January 11, 2011

That is a great video. Love the clarity.
posted by lampshade at 10:25 AM on January 11, 2011

Man, I miss Carl Sagan.
posted by cmoj at 11:09 AM on January 11, 2011

Man, I miss Carl Sagan.

Me too. Cosmos is usually on heavy rotation around these parts.
posted by Liquidwolf at 11:23 AM on January 11, 2011

Several minutes of Earth - nothing to do with NASA

To be fair, Earth Science (via satellite imagery) has been a central part of NASA's mission from inception. But yes, there's lots of sexier video out there, much of it produced by NASA.
posted by KirkJobSluder at 12:52 PM on January 11, 2011

posted by sandswipe at 3:34 PM on January 11, 2011

Nice video. NASA really needs to do a better job of promoting itself and reminding people of its mission of exploration and progress. Of all the things the US Government does, NASA is one of the few federal agencies that truly inspires people.
posted by tgrundke at 5:56 PM on January 11, 2011

NASA is one of the few federal agencies that truly inspires people.

Except lowering taxes and slashing Federal budgets.
posted by stbalbach at 8:50 PM on January 11, 2011

A nice alternative offering.
posted by Duug at 2:45 AM on January 12, 2011

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