Where are the like, skip, charts buttons ? We removed them.
January 19, 2014 12:57 PM   Subscribe

5TFU is a simple web radio station. Its content is completely anonymous; upload a track, and it's on the radio, identified only by a numeric string. Don't like what you hear? Click 5TFU! and it's gone.
posted by mkb (45 comments total) 44 users marked this as a favorite
And if you like what you hear, click the "now playing:" button. Then add the link to your bookmarks, I guess?
posted by hat_eater at 1:14 PM on January 19, 2014 [1 favorite]

Oh, there's also a DOWNLOAD. Nice.
posted by hat_eater at 1:16 PM on January 19, 2014 [1 favorite]

I wonder if it would be possible to build a browser plugin that would run 5TFU's audio through Shazam or something like it to generate near-realtime titles for all of the identifiable songs.
posted by Strange Interlude at 1:19 PM on January 19, 2014 [2 favorites]

Well this song is delightful. It's odd not having any info - I think I know that voice, but then I second guess myself. This is fun.
posted by sidereal at 1:34 PM on January 19, 2014 [1 favorite]

sidereal: That's "Ice Age," by How To Destroy Angels, one of Trent Reznor's pet projects.

This is a really cool concept. I like the way it forces you to commit to exploring a bit if something really intrigues you; I find myself passively bookmarking artists on Pandora all the time, only I never return to actually finding out about those artists.
posted by Kybard at 1:39 PM on January 19, 2014 [1 favorite]

5TFU! (I'm trying to listen to music here!)
posted by chavenet at 1:40 PM on January 19, 2014

Thanks Kybard, I just trotter over to the iTunes store and bought it. THE SYSTEM WORKS! YAY EVERYTHING
posted by sidereal at 1:43 PM on January 19, 2014 [3 favorites]

So I'm dumb but um this isn't multiplayer, is it? The 5TFU button only affects me? This isn't turntable.fm?
posted by Nelson at 1:48 PM on January 19, 2014

posted by laconic skeuomorph at 1:49 PM on January 19, 2014 [2 favorites]

Hey, doshbox.net does the same thing, except you can't upload or skip songs, and it only has the one best song.
posted by oulipian at 1:51 PM on January 19, 2014 [2 favorites]

The 5TFU button only affects me?

from the FAQ:
"---- How are the tracks selected in the radio ? What is that self-generated playlist and rank stuff ?

The playlist is organised regarding how many times the 5TFU! button has been pushed by listeners. "
posted by hat_eater at 1:51 PM on January 19, 2014 [2 favorites]

I've never before had any reason to use any of the song ID apps, so I'm enjoying this for that reason alone.

Note: to use Google's Music ID plugin to Play Music, you just use the search widget and tap the music note instead.

So far I've had about a 2/3 fail rate because most of these are obscure mixes, but otherwise Shazam works well, except I hate the ads. MusiXmatch uses gracenote and includes lyrics (which is why I already had it installed) but doesn't ID the music as often. Google seems to be in-between in reliability.

BTW, has anyone else seen Google's Music Timeline? Pretty cool.


Dude, I'm 49. You're only 36.
posted by Ivan Fyodorovich at 1:52 PM on January 19, 2014 [2 favorites]

About to recreate that horror experience in my freshman year of college when that kid selected The Cranberries 'Zombie' again and again and again on the cafeteria jukebox and then split. We listened it and watched the video repeat for over an hour before somebody went over and unplugged the thing. Two weeks later they shortened the playlist storing, a few weeks after that they updated the system again and eliminated duplicate song storing.
posted by Nanukthedog at 1:53 PM on January 19, 2014 [2 favorites]

Dude, I'm 49. You're only 36.

Well, to expand, all I got was a bunch of troll audio and after about 3 tries decided to give up. Winning move, not play, all that.
posted by laconic skeuomorph at 2:01 PM on January 19, 2014

"The playlist is organised regarding how many times the 5TFU! button has been pushed by listeners."

It'd be interesting to organize chatroulette that way.
posted by zittrain at 2:01 PM on January 19, 2014 [1 favorite]

You're not supposed to upload copyrighted tracks, so that explains one thing. Even so, I added this (although it might not be copyrighted).
posted by Ivan Fyodorovich at 2:02 PM on January 19, 2014

I hated this until I got here.
posted by cashman at 2:03 PM on January 19, 2014 [1 favorite]

This is fantastic. Thank you.
posted by topoisomerase at 2:05 PM on January 19, 2014

"I hated this until I got here."

posted by Ivan Fyodorovich at 2:12 PM on January 19, 2014

Holy shit, that's already been played 72 times in the ten minutes since I uploaded it.
posted by Ivan Fyodorovich at 2:13 PM on January 19, 2014

Holy shit, that's already been played 72 times in the ten minutes since I uploaded it.

That's because it is MADE OF AWESOME
posted by sidereal at 2:18 PM on January 19, 2014 [2 favorites]

Some real sadists around. Literal caterwauling.
posted by topynate at 2:18 PM on January 19, 2014

It's based in France! I like it more and more. There's chance it won't be shut down tomorrow, or perhaps even this year.
posted by hat_eater at 2:19 PM on January 19, 2014

That's not ordinary caterwauling. That's Electro House caterwauling.
posted by delfin at 2:34 PM on January 19, 2014

This is as discordian as it gets. Every track a golden apple!
posted by Catblack at 2:46 PM on January 19, 2014

Any idea what this is?
posted by topoisomerase at 3:08 PM on January 19, 2014

I like it. I expected crap. First two songs - huh, not bad. I haven't 5'd any of them tfu yet.
posted by ctmf at 3:14 PM on January 19, 2014

"Any idea what this is?"

"Postcard From 1952" by Explosions In The Sky
posted by Ivan Fyodorovich at 3:20 PM on January 19, 2014 [1 favorite]

Okay, this one was pretty awesome. At first I was all like 'oh, I'd turn on any other radio station if I wanted to hear this song again, then I was all like 'what is this?' (german?).
posted by el io at 4:06 PM on January 19, 2014

Torn between "this is a neat concept" and "fucking great, now listening to music is completely divorced from the people who make it." :/
posted by speicus at 5:59 PM on January 19, 2014 [5 favorites]

el io, that's from Johnny Cash's German recordings. The German version to I Walk the Line.
(On Youtube.)
posted by bigendian at 6:08 PM on January 19, 2014

Thanks. I haven't gotten any trolls yet, mostly ambient and mellow rock.
posted by benito.strauss at 8:02 PM on January 19, 2014 [1 favorite]


however, two questions:

the upload interface suggests that you should register an account...but I don't see a way to do that?

does the background queasily oscillate between normal color and light pink or AM I INSANE? is there a way to make it not do that?
posted by threeants at 8:06 PM on January 19, 2014 [1 favorite]


the site doesn't strip mp3 tags...

posted by ancienteyes at 8:09 PM on January 19, 2014 [3 favorites]

Also, does anyone know what a song's "position" means?
posted by threeants at 8:13 PM on January 19, 2014

Huh, for some reason at first all I got was weird ambient stuff. Now I'm getting some better stuff, so I guess I'll give it a chance.
posted by Canageek at 10:46 PM on January 19, 2014

does the background queasily oscillate between normal color and light pink or AM I INSANE?

I was just about to ask the same question. Looks like we're both insane.
posted by lollymccatburglar at 1:28 AM on January 20, 2014

Huh, for some reason at first all I got was weird ambient stuff.

Mmm - I might actually try this
posted by moorooka at 2:32 AM on January 20, 2014

The one thing the interface does need is a volume slider.
posted by delfin at 7:16 AM on January 20, 2014

The background image is this animated gif.
posted by mkb at 7:34 AM on January 20, 2014

Ah, this doesn't work in Firefox. That explains the silence. Finally got it working on Chrome.
posted by sixohsix at 8:02 AM on January 20, 2014

Hit reset:
"Playlist reseted"

Read FAQ:
"----Why is your english so bad ?

posted by quonsar II: smock fishpants and the temple of foon at 11:21 AM on January 20, 2014

sixohsix: "Ah, this doesn't work in Firefox. That explains the silence. Finally got it working on Chrome."

Every feature noted above works on my Firefox (26.0) - and I have buttloads of extensions loaded, too.
posted by IAmBroom at 12:25 PM on January 20, 2014

FireFox versions in the 20-26 range have been changing how they handle audio a bunch, and it seems like some of it depends on codecs you have elsewhere on your system, not just on what's included under FireFox.

(Search for "Firefox play mp3", like I have, to see details.)
posted by benito.strauss at 12:46 PM on January 20, 2014

Safari on Mavericks doesn't seem to dig it, either.
posted by CommonSense at 1:32 PM on January 20, 2014

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