Who are the ad wizards who came up with this one?
December 1, 2006 7:12 PM   Subscribe

Rolling Rock is sorry for their offensive new ad. Never mind that no one was complaining about the ad because they never aired it-- they are spending millions on radio, web and print media to let you a) see the ad b) understand how terrible it is and c) know how very, very sorry they are to have made it. The recently bought out Rolling Rock brand is hoping this manufactured controversy will somehow convince people to drink their beer.
posted by justkevin (108 comments total)
Irony just did a curlicue.
posted by Sticherbeast at 7:19 PM on December 1, 2006

It's not viral marketing, just a mild bacterial infection.
posted by limon at 7:20 PM on December 1, 2006 [2 favorites]

No mas.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 7:22 PM on December 1, 2006

Rolling Rock is piss. That's really all you need to know.
posted by unSane at 7:23 PM on December 1, 2006 [3 favorites]

guess it worked, eh? you darn shill you, justkevin!

posted by HuronBob at 7:23 PM on December 1, 2006

Man. Bud buys a brewery, and the advertising gets all crazy.
posted by Eekacat at 7:24 PM on December 1, 2006

I'm not really getting the "offensive" thing... do they cut off Beer Ape's hands to make ashtrays in another commercial?
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 7:24 PM on December 1, 2006

If it weren't fror this FPP, I'd never have heard of this campaign.

Ergo, this is part of said campaign.

Flagged as noise.
posted by unmake at 7:25 PM on December 1, 2006

The radio ads ending in "Latrobe Brewery" were just as annoying as this tripe. Whatever. Drinking this crap is a disrespect to the body.
posted by rxrfrx at 7:27 PM on December 1, 2006

Rolling Rock isn't even Rolling Rock anymore. Anheuser-Busch bought it earlier this year and moved the brewing from Latrobe, PA where it had been brewed since prohibition to the Bud brewery in Newark, NJ.
posted by octothorpe at 7:28 PM on December 1, 2006

Schmitt's Gay, done better, done funnier.

When I first saw the "beer ape" I immediately thought they pulled an incredibly offensive Michael Richard's-esque ad. I kept bracing myself for the ape to do something offensive, he never did.
posted by geoff. at 7:29 PM on December 1, 2006

Anheuser-Busch bought it earlier this year and moved the brewing from Latrobe, PA where it had been brewed since prohibition to the Bud brewery in Newark, NJ.

i used to like rolling rock, too ... this doesn't sound good
posted by pyramid termite at 7:32 PM on December 1, 2006

This is such a pathetic, pandering attempt at ironic hipness that it won't be hip until, say, February.
posted by lekvar at 7:38 PM on December 1, 2006

I saw a billboard about this when I was home over Thanksgiving, didn't bother to look into it 'till tonight while I caught the apology commercial on tv. Lame.
posted by luftmensch at 7:41 PM on December 1, 2006

Rolling Rock Green Blue!!!
posted by ericb at 7:42 PM on December 1, 2006

I tasted AleSmith Barrel Aged Speedway Stout last week and my mouth kicked my ass for wasting its time with rolling rock all those years.
posted by hojoki at 7:43 PM on December 1, 2006

I saw a billboard about this when I was home over Thanksgiving

As did I -- when heading back to Boston on the Mass Pike on Sunday. The offense? The ape's tumescent dick visible through his SpeedoTM?
posted by ericb at 7:46 PM on December 1, 2006

Note to Rolling Rock: Make beer that doesn't taste like ass; more people will drink it.
posted by vaportrail at 7:50 PM on December 1, 2006

"Bud brewery in Newark, NJ"

Ass. The only redeeming quality about Newark, NJ is that White Castle on Elizabeth Ave. It's nice to stop there before speeding out of town as fast as you can.

I used to like Rolling Rock. It was my favorite of the 'cheap beers.'
posted by drstein at 7:52 PM on December 1, 2006

Anheuser-Busch has spent decades cultivating the dumb-straight-white-guy market... now they're just trying to steer part of the herd toward a different corral.

Also, even though I never drink Rolling Rock, I'm sad to hear they're no longer an independent label.
posted by BoringPostcards at 8:00 PM on December 1, 2006

I saw the green bottle and I though it was Heinekin. I mean, you have a few drinks, you don't really notice things, y'know? Someone handed me the opener, I was talking to some friends...everything happened so quickly. It never should have happened.

It never should have happened.
posted by Terminal Verbosity at 8:01 PM on December 1, 2006 [3 favorites]

I saw the green bottle and I though it was Heinekin. I mean, you have a few drinks, you don't really notice things, y'know? Someone handed me the opener, I was talking to some friends...everything happened so quickly. It never should have happened.

It never should have happened.
posted by Terminal Verbosity at 8:02 PM on December 1, 2006

Better marketing would be the Seven PackTM: it's a six pack of Rolling Rock with an extra bottle of Kaopectate for the day after.
posted by peeedro at 8:03 PM on December 1, 2006

This makes me wish there were a way to anti-purchase a product. I already didn't buy Rolling Rock, but now I want to buy even less.
posted by kcalder at 8:03 PM on December 1, 2006

You tool.
posted by LarryC at 8:12 PM on December 1, 2006

So obviously a shill. What a waste of our time. Damn!
posted by theperfectcrime at 8:18 PM on December 1, 2006

This is a great post, if only for the fact that it's framed correctly. It's a little tiring hearing all the pre-fab hype about "banned commercials."
posted by dhammond at 8:30 PM on December 1, 2006


Domain servers in listed order:
geez, if yer gonna do it, at least do it right.
posted by swell at 8:30 PM on December 1, 2006

Sorry, justkevin, that comment may have been harsh. See, I've been drinking, and tomorrow I might be very, very, sorry to have made it.
posted by theperfectcrime at 8:30 PM on December 1, 2006

was this commercial banned for being retarded?

My thoughts exactly.
posted by smoothvirus at 8:33 PM on December 1, 2006

Rolling Rock is piss.
posted by zekinskia at 8:35 PM on December 1, 2006

Forgot to say: Pabst is actually much better, and costs about half as much.
posted by zekinskia at 8:35 PM on December 1, 2006

I'm offended that the commercial is so damn inoffensive, not to mention lame as hell. If there are going to be fake complaints, it shouldn't be less titillating than any Bud or Miller commercial of the past five years.

I'm also offended by Rolling Rock beer. Damn, is it swill.
posted by kyleg at 8:40 PM on December 1, 2006

The question remains: are so many marketing people stupid, do they assume that most of their moving targets (us) are stupid, or both?
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 8:41 PM on December 1, 2006

Also, even though I never drink Rolling Rock, I'm sad to hear they're no longer an independent label.

It hasn't been independent for many years-- Unilever owned it before the sold it to Anheiser-Busch. But Unilever brewed it in the original brewery.

But it's pretty much the shittiest and most expensive bottled water you can buy anyway.
posted by Mayor Curley at 8:44 PM on December 1, 2006

Too bad to find out Rolling Rock is now just another Anheuser-Busch-manufactured can of tinkle.

Tradition was just about the only thing going for the RR brand. Now they don't even have that. :(
posted by darkstar at 8:44 PM on December 1, 2006

posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 8:45 PM on December 1, 2006

You know what's offensive? They called the ape a monkey. That's offensive.
posted by geekhorde at 8:46 PM on December 1, 2006

Forgot to say: Pabst is actually much better, and costs about half as much.

Or hey, if you want something that doesn't taste like they dump a pack of active dry yeast into every can, Schlitz is pretty decent for the same price.
posted by rxrfrx at 8:49 PM on December 1, 2006

Rolling Rock is piss.

Coors, and Coors only, in takes the piss title.
posted by j-urb at 8:51 PM on December 1, 2006

[subtract the "in"]
posted by j-urb at 8:52 PM on December 1, 2006

Bud bought Rolling Rock. Hmm... I grew up in Pittsburgh where I learned firsthand Rolling Rock was piss.

I already knew Bud was piss, so this fits their profile.

Prost, P-burghers.
posted by whozyerdaddy at 8:55 PM on December 1, 2006

Schlitz is pretty decent

Doesn't hold a candle to Schaefer.
posted by peeedro at 8:55 PM on December 1, 2006

> The question remains: are so many marketing people stupid, do they assume that most of their moving targets (us) are stupid, or both?

They're taking advantage of the fact that even smart people have some stupid in them. It's like human upcasting.
posted by SteelyDuran at 9:12 PM on December 1, 2006

I would have called it a gorilla, though I suppose "ape" covers pretty much all of us. But still. Looks like a gorilla to me.

I found the ad disappointingly inoffensive, and I determined that afterwards I had no desire to drink Rolling Rock.

I rate this ad campaign a failure.
posted by Hildegarde at 9:18 PM on December 1, 2006

I used to drink Rolling Rock, its not too bad. But this is a stupid and bad post pointing to a viral campaign and giving it more steam. Nice work. Flagging as noise.

But thanks for making the links clear enough to avoid.

PS Ur favorite beer sucks.
posted by fenriq at 9:31 PM on December 1, 2006

That commercial offended me. I was offended by the following things: That dude is way to pale to be human. Apes are not monkeys. Finally, Rolling Rock isn't beer.

My lawsuit is in the mail.
posted by Cyclopsis Raptor at 9:47 PM on December 1, 2006

obviously, this is a poor attempt a "gorilla" marketing.
I'll just flag myself on the way out.
posted by cosmicbandito at 9:54 PM on December 1, 2006 [1 favorite]

Doesn't hold a candle to Schaefer.

Fuck you. Natty Bo!

Let us flail at each other now as only beer nerds arguing about the weak "American" beers can.
posted by robocop is bleeding at 9:55 PM on December 1, 2006

Arguing which American beer is more like piss is like arguing whether sea water or river water is wetter.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 9:59 PM on December 1, 2006 [1 favorite]

Terminal Verbosity : I mean, you have a few drinks, you don't really notice things, y'know? ...
It never should have happened.

Kinda like hitting that Post Comment button twice, eh?

posted by quin at 9:59 PM on December 1, 2006

The could at least have shown some tits if they wanted to be edgy.
posted by 2sheets at 10:06 PM on December 1, 2006

Never had a Rolling Rock.

Not clicking on any of the links.

So there.
posted by neuron at 10:14 PM on December 1, 2006

The first I saw of this was on Comedy Central, when they aired the Apology, I actually thought it was pretty clever, apologizing for a commercial that they never actually made. Kind of like when the print version of The Onion posts their ridiculous Corrections. [a made-up e.g.: 'We prematurely reported that Dennis Hastert raped an eel. It now appears that this was an unconfirmed report.']

Then I see this thread and realized that they actually made a stupid commercial to apologize for.

And I realized that they aren't clever. They are hipster-wannabes, which, if you think about it is really sad. Hipsters are retro. And retro is uncool. Hipster-wannabes are just sadness embodied. Which kinda makes them Goth. Which is really, really uncool.

They might as well just give up. But then, that could make them lovable losers, which could add to their credibility, but then they would have to win the big game...

I'm confused, what were we talking about?

Oh, right. The 'viral' ad. Viral implies it will infect. All you have here is a minor rash guys. So go smoke your clove cigarettes and pine over how much the cheerleader hates you for not winning the big game. You wannabe-hipster-goth-losers.

[I loath beer, but I've been told that there is genius in Smithwicks, I've tried it and it tasted like beer. But I'll admit, that if it's not burbon, I have no opinion.]

Also, Apes can't swim. That gorilla would have been dead a few minutes after he hit the pool. Sure someone could have tried to pull him out, but have you ever tried to rescue an angry ape? It usually ends in disaster, for everyone involved.
posted by quin at 10:24 PM on December 1, 2006

Also, Apes can't swim. That gorilla would have been dead a few minutes after he hit the pool. Sure someone could have tried to pull him out, but have you ever tried to rescue an angry ape? It usually ends in disaster, for everyone involved.

Knowledge of this fact could have lead to a far funnier ad.
posted by premiumpolar at 10:48 PM on December 1, 2006 [1 favorite]

If nothing else, this ad allows the beers hipsters to sneer with impunity.

For that, I thank it.
posted by Dagobert at 10:56 PM on December 1, 2006

It was an OK as watery lagers go, certainly better than Coors Miller or Bud, but nothing to write home about. Now that Bud is involved it's descent into characterless piss is guaranteed. Miller did the same thing with Leinie in Wisconsin. You see Leinie all over the region now and it's all flavorless urine. Their Honey Weiss is brewed with a single stock of wheat waved over the brewing kettle and is only fit for rinsing out your glass after a bottle of Capital or Summit.

And for god's sake, don't lump all American beers in with this swill. Most microbrews in the US easily compare now to their European counterparts. In fact several of them (Rogue, Dogfish Head, Anderson Valley) push the envelope far beyond what anyone in Europe has done.
posted by Ber at 11:04 PM on December 1, 2006

*weeps for Leinenkugel*
posted by felix betachat at 11:21 PM on December 1, 2006

posted by mildred-pitt at 11:27 PM on December 1, 2006

Over a million views for this ad == success as ad.

Crappy viral ad for a crappy beer == failure as FPP.

posted by darkstar at 11:40 PM on December 1, 2006

I rate this silliness a strong "meh". The setup isn't believable -- if it wasn't aired, how did the "large number of complaints" appear? Hordes of angry YouTubers?
posted by clevershark at 11:43 PM on December 1, 2006

Mayor Curley writes "Unilever owned it before the sold it to Anheiser-Busch."

It belonged to a *soap* company before it was sold to the AB people? wow.
posted by clevershark at 11:44 PM on December 1, 2006

The name Unilever has always struck me as a sly penis reference, am I the only one?
posted by fenriq at 11:54 PM on December 1, 2006

I second Boringpostcards. I used to drink it every so often when it was a choice between that and Bud. Now I guess I'll go with water from now on.
posted by Deathalicious at 12:06 AM on December 2, 2006

Apes or gorillas or whatever are apparently the new GEICO cavemen. Or perhaps the scantily clad women are.
posted by vhsiv at 12:08 AM on December 2, 2006

Also, Apes can't swim., with the exception of humans of course. Gorillas, orangutans, chimpanzees, and humans are all apes/Hominoidea.

(sorry, it's just that I'm in a class about this stuff right now which makes me nitpickery)
posted by edgeways at 12:09 AM on December 2, 2006

and that "caveman" thing would be a Homo- something, probably Homo sapiens idaltu .
posted by edgeways at 12:18 AM on December 2, 2006

Ber: " Most microbrews in the US easily compare now to their European counterparts. In fact several of them (Rogue, Dogfish Head, Anderson Valley) push the envelope far beyond what anyone in Europe has done."

We're Number One! We're Number One! Our beer may be shit but it's *still* better than any European beer!
posted by PeterMcDermott at 12:41 AM on December 2, 2006

Guys, I think they've really brought it to a devious new level. Since there isn't really anything offensive in it, people are going like, "what the crap?" It's so inoffensive that we're offended that they've made this tripe up about it being pulled. They've figured out that intelligent online communities see through the viral marketing and get outraged over it.... and then guess what?

We discuss our outrage and that gets the beer brand stuck in our heads!

Guys, they've figured us out! We need to stop this!
posted by Mister Cheese at 12:41 AM on December 2, 2006

when will people learn? ape ≠ monkey
posted by camcgee at 12:49 AM on December 2, 2006

Funny, the new company has no more good taste than the beer.
posted by Twang at 2:24 AM on December 2, 2006

Duffman says: "Are you ready to get Duffed?"
posted by Herr Fahrstuhl at 4:36 AM on December 2, 2006

posted by fixedgear at 4:41 AM on December 2, 2006

I used to like Rolling Rock. It was my favorite of the 'cheap beers.'

Marry me. Rock is my beer.
posted by pieoverdone at 5:50 AM on December 2, 2006

Beer snobs amuse me. It's beer, for crissake.

I was a beer snob, too. But after being in Europe for a while I noticed their Guinness, Moretti, Heineken, Carlsberg, etc tasted much better-- because it was fresher (for obvious reasons).

I would rather drink a bottle of Bud that's fresh than skunky import brew that was sitting on a container ship in god knows what temp. for god knows how long.

Ditto wine and cheese. Generally, if don't have your French wine FedEx'd to you from across the pond, you're just wasting your money.
posted by wfc123 at 6:06 AM on December 2, 2006

Not clicking on any of the links.

Try the "hoping" one; it's got a few great quotes from Latrobe folks:

...the beer ape-bumbling executive campaign will get a much different response in Western Pennsylvania, since this summer Anheuser-Busch shuttered the Latrobe brewery, home of Rolling Rock beer for nearly 70 years.

"They destroyed this city," Latrobe Mayor Tom Marflak said. "It was a total slap in the face when they came in here, and just bought everything, even the green bottles."

He hasn't seen the "controversial" ads, which started airing during Thanksgiving Day football game broadcasts, but said the campaign is a continuation of what he called the "total rape" of the Rolling Rock brand.

"If they offend the 9,000 residents of Latrobe, why would Anheuser-Busch care?" said Marflak, who said he now drinks Coors Light.

posted by mediareport at 6:11 AM on December 2, 2006

Rolling Rock was kind of a cult beer here in NY back in the late 70s. A local dive used to offer an entire case of Rolling Rock splits (7 oz.) for a special price. The bartender would open them all up and the waitress would dump the entire case on your table.

No nostalgia for the resulting hangovers, of course.
posted by tommasz at 6:31 AM on December 2, 2006

Why was this posted? It is ordinary marketing. "Viral?" Talk about being behind the curve. What's the relevance of this post to metafilter, aside from using metafilter in order to pimp corporate product?

C'mon, justkevin, your work is better then this.
posted by mongonikol at 7:03 AM on December 2, 2006

Rolling Rock is piss.

When I was in high school in Pennsylvania it used to go on sale for $3.20 a case, and that piss flowed like water.
posted by StickyCarpet at 7:49 AM on December 2, 2006

It belonged to a *soap* company before it was sold to the AB people? wow.
Oddly enough, Eberhard Anheuser was a soap manufacturer before he got into beer.
posted by octothorpe at 7:50 AM on December 2, 2006

Pepsi Blue tastes better than Rolling Rock.
posted by Nelson at 7:55 AM on December 2, 2006

This is more clever than I give beer companies for, and it's only slightly irritating. Bud has done worse commercial campaigns.
posted by QuarterlyProphet at 8:13 AM on December 2, 2006

If you ask me, their mistake was actually making the damn commercial. It's like showing the monster too early in a horror movie. Woulda been much better better if they'd just aired the apologies and let us all speculate on what they'd done that was so offensive we couldn't even find a copy.

Because I'll guarantee you I'd have imagined something way cooler than this piece of shit.
posted by nebulawindphone at 8:34 AM on December 2, 2006


I was a beer snob, too... I would rather drink a bottle of Bud that's fresh than skunky import brew... Generally, if don't have your French wine FedEx'd to you from across the pond, you're just wasting your money.

Were you being sarcastic/facetious? If so, sorry ahead of time.

That comment makes me think of of those people who "used to" believe in evolution or "used to be" liberals; but are now religious conservatives who for some reason don't understand anything about evolution or know anything about politics.

I just don't understand how someone who used to consider themselves a beer snob could even make that comment.

A "fresh" bottle of bud tastes like ass flavored seltzer water, I don't care how recently it was excreted. I'll grant you that bud is OK after you mow a lawn or something, but even then there are cheaper, better beers.

Besides, a few European breweries have north American locations now. So that Guinness didn't have to be shipped across the pond.

Finally, beer freshness is a pretty big hoax anyway. If you're drinking a real snobbish beer, it's probably bottle conditioned. As long as the temperature remains cool enough and it isn't exposed to sunlight, it will only improve with age. Even the jostling shouldn't affect it.

PeterMcDermott ,

"We're Number One! We're Number One! Our beer may be shit but it's *still* better than any European beer!"

I don't think that's what he meant. I agree with Ber. Dogfish Head is probably one of the best breweries in the world. Certainly the most creative/influential. Don't just lump all American beers together just because of Budweiser. Europe has great traditional breweries, but in terms of inovation, American micro and craft breweries are kicking ass. Besides, Europe produces lots of piss-lagers as well.
posted by Telf at 9:12 AM on December 2, 2006


It's pretty apparent that Anhueser-Bush has technically been the most influential brewery over the last 50-60 years. I meant that in terms of brewing trends at the micro/craft level, Dogfish head has been the most influential in the last ten years or so.

I just wanted to correct that.
posted by Telf at 9:16 AM on December 2, 2006

There is no beer but Guinness. All others pale in comparison..heh.
posted by HyperBlue at 10:00 AM on December 2, 2006

wfc123 writes "Generally, if don't have your French wine FedEx'd to you from across the pond, you're just wasting your money."

I'll go out on a limb and guess you're not a wine drinker.
posted by clevershark at 10:02 AM on December 2, 2006

"I would rather drink a bottle of Bud that's fresh than skunky import brew that was sitting on a container ship in god knows what temp. for god knows how long."

Uh - yeah, you should probably stick with the Bud.
And waiter, bring me some fresh wine!
posted by 2sheets at 11:08 AM on December 2, 2006

The question remains: are so many marketing people stupid, do they assume that most of their moving targets (us) are stupid, or both?

There's a fourth possibility. We really are that stupid.

Still, the ad is really only offensive to the sense of humor. It's sad when they try to be offensive and fail.
posted by hoborg at 11:27 AM on December 2, 2006

Schlitz is pretty decent

Doesn't hold a candle to Schaefer.

For ultracheap beer, Old Milwaukee is pretty good. And Stroh's. Is that still around?

Fuck Rolling Rock in the ear.
posted by mrgrimm at 11:35 AM on December 2, 2006

I have to second or third the notion about DogFish Head (one of my favorite brewers of all time), especially after trying their Liquor De Malt. American Beer is good. Considering that AB, Coors, Miller, etc. are all multinational Corp. how exactly could they classify as an american beer anyway? Besides their internationally viewed brand identity (that beer is from america), they have more in common with each other, than with the craft stuff coming from the Elysian up here in seattle.

But I also live in the pacific northwest now, where getting New Belgium, Stone, DogFish and Rogue is just as easy to get at the supermarket as Bud Light. I lived in pennsylvania for a long time, and you could only buy beer by the case there. We all drank yuengling (not a bad lager for the price) or Lions Head deluxe pilsner. The beer distribution in PA kills the chances for small micros in a lot of ways, unless there are bars dedicated to carrying it, no one is going to drop $65 on a case of beer they haven't even heard of before. (I actually did once, and it was $30, on a case of Victory Imperial Stout, which was one of the best choices ive done).
posted by mrzarquon at 11:38 AM on December 2, 2006

When I was a young beer neophyte living in FL anything out of area was exotic...Coors, Olympia, and yes, RR. Later when I moved to NJ the RR was still an OK choice because the pony bottles stayed cold. Now that I'm a hoppy ale snob due to DC's RFD's beer tastings, none of the commercials are good enough for me.

So A-B goes Walmart on Latrobe? That's sad. They also control what many bars and restaurants serve cause they are the 500 lb. gorilla (sorry). That's why Sam Adams and Bud Light are ubiquitous.

Wadda you expect from a company that makes a beverage out of rice and calls it beer?

Hmmm, time for a Tupper's Hop Pocket...
posted by aiq at 1:04 PM on December 2, 2006

telf is right. the "skunking" process is light-catalyzed and pretty much doesn't happen at all if the beer is in the dark.
posted by rxrfrx at 2:15 PM on December 2, 2006

I like it when people act like they drink alcohol for the taste.
posted by Bookhouse at 2:17 PM on December 2, 2006

I'm partial to Stella Artois myself when it comes to beer, but ultimately I'd rather have a light, local cider we have here that's called "Mystique".
posted by clevershark at 2:30 PM on December 2, 2006

I like it when people act like they drink alcohol for the taste.

You really don't believe that people can actually enjoy beer or wine?

Maybe not if you were fed corn syrup out of the baby bottle for the first 4 years of your life. Otherwise I think most people will admit that a well crafted beer is one of the tastiest things you can drink.
posted by Telf at 3:36 PM on December 2, 2006

Bookhouse writes "I like it when people act like they drink alcohol for the taste."

If all you want to do is get drunk there are much, much quicker ways. Why waste your time with the weak stuff?
posted by clevershark at 3:52 PM on December 2, 2006

And Stroh's. Is that still around?

i can't seem to find it anywhere ... and i live in kalamazoo ... last time i tried it, it had gone seriously downhill ...

their bock beer was good stuff ...
posted by pyramid termite at 4:03 PM on December 2, 2006

I spent most of my formative years within a few hours of Latrobe (also the birthplace of Arnold Palmer, and quite a few of my elderly relations, all of whom pronounce it Lay-trobe), and, though I'm definitely in the beer-snob camp, RR was always there for me, at every gas station and crappy sports bar--the best of a bad set of choices.

(Now, though, I live in the South, and the best-of-a-bad-set-of-choices beer is usually Shiner Bock. Don't tell Anheuser-Busch--or, for Christ's sake, Coors.)
posted by box at 4:19 PM on December 2, 2006

wfc123 writes "Generally, if don't have your French wine FedEx'd to you from across the pond, you're just wasting your money."

Waiter! Take away this old stuff and bring us some fresh wine!
posted by concrete at 12:16 AM on December 3, 2006


I'll take a bottle of Chimay Blue Label or Guinness or European Budweiser or even a three-month-old bottle of cold Sierra Nevada Pale Ale ANY DAY over "fresh" American Budweiser.

Fascinating that anyone could possibly think there's nothing to this "taste" thing. But then, that mentality would explain why people like Paris Hilton and Donald Trump seem to be so popular with some folks...
posted by darkstar at 3:30 AM on December 3, 2006

As someone who has spent a lot of time in Europe and the US, I think I fall into a different category than most of you.

There are times when a Leffe Blonde is all I want.

There are times when a Bud hits the spot.

The two camps are not mutually exclusive and firmly putting yourself in one or the other limits yourself and your life.

Camps are for little boys and girls during summer.
posted by Dagobert at 4:36 AM on December 3, 2006

Ditto, Dagobert, to spending plenty of time in both places.

Leffe is good. If I want light and refreshing, Budweiser isn't what I'll be reaching for, though.

Not sure that firmly puts me in a "camp", either.
posted by darkstar at 12:25 PM on December 3, 2006

Camps are for little boys and girls during summer.

Ya' know who else had camps?


Godwined this thread!!!
posted by ericb at 3:39 PM on December 3, 2006 [1 favorite]

Some of us actually *like* Rolling Rock.

It might not be to your taste, but calling one of my favorite beers piss, I feel justified in asking you to play hide and go fuck yourself.
posted by talldean at 8:26 AM on December 4, 2006

If they had just done the 'apology' ad and left it at that, this would've been really funny.

The "real" ad just screws up the joke by not being bad enough to be good -- if I'd seen it out of context I wouldn't have even realized it was supposed to be fake; it just looks like a regular beer ad, with a slightly dumber mascot than usual.

And the astroturf apology site is so lame it hurts.
posted by ook at 10:40 AM on December 4, 2006

play hide and go fuck yourself

Wow. Sounds like someone takes his choice in beer rather personally.

So much for the ol' "de gustibus non est disputandum".

I guess now it's "de gustibus, go fuck yourself if you don't share my personal tastes". :)
posted by darkstar at 11:55 AM on December 5, 2006

"Forgot to say: Pabst is actually much better"

You're fucking insane. Pabst actually gives me acid reflux and uncontrollable beer shits. At least I can drink Rolling Rock. :P
posted by drstein at 9:33 PM on December 5, 2006

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