The Hoxton Window Project
March 2, 2011 5:22 AM   Subscribe

The Hoxton Window Project: “I had no plan, I had no thought, I had a pen and decided to take it for a walk. My brain is a mess, my mind a ball of spaghetti charged with tiny electrical pulses being generated by a team of termites on a treadmill. I put it all up against the glass, I hope it will delight and intrigue and not leave anyone aghast” says window artist Jon Burgerman. Frame features the work of digital creative company Unit 9 at a square in central London.
posted by honey-barbara (4 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Hoxton's quite an interesting area, but by no stretch of the imagination is it in "central London" - no matter what that magazine's website says.
posted by Paul Slade at 5:30 AM on March 2, 2011

That depends, Paul Slade. You can walk there from Old street station which is Zone 1. I don't think its much of a stretch.

Anyways, Hoxton Square is also where one of the White Cubes is. Definitely an artsy area already so it is not like they are livening up a stuffy square in Kensington.
posted by vacapinta at 5:36 AM on March 2, 2011

"my mind a ball of spaghetti charged with tiny electrical pulses being generated by a team of termites on a treadmill"

For a moment, I thought it was another Charlie Sheen post. Sheesh.
posted by sutt at 6:50 AM on March 2, 2011

omg - i so need that burgerman shirt.
posted by PepperMax at 7:09 AM on March 2, 2011

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