Happy Easter, bunny!
April 23, 2011 3:49 AM   Subscribe

Just in time for Easter, Simon's Cat meets a bunny.
posted by tomswift (28 comments total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
posted by mannequito at 4:01 AM on April 23, 2011

Are we really going to post every new episode...? Gawd I hope so... Happy Easter everyone!
posted by fearfulsymmetry at 4:39 AM on April 23, 2011 [5 favorites]

Coincidentally, I've just watched the live action version too.
posted by wannalol at 5:06 AM on April 23, 2011 [4 favorites]

posted by Fizz at 5:17 AM on April 23, 2011

I've seen this scenario turn out very differently in real life.
posted by Lentrohamsanin at 5:44 AM on April 23, 2011

Cute, but I was hoping, nay, expecting, that the gnome in the background would come to life and produce some gnomery. Shegnomigans, if you will.
posted by Gator at 5:46 AM on April 23, 2011 [1 favorite]

When I first read "cat meets bunny", I immediately flashed backed to when we lived in a neighborhood way out in the country, and those warm summer nights when the local cats would stalk the back yards in search of bunny nests and the horrific noises made by the little baby bunnies as the cats tore into them.

This was much cuter than that memory, thank god.
posted by Thorzdad at 5:55 AM on April 23, 2011 [1 favorite]

Are you sure those were baby bunnies that the cats were killing, thorzdad? In your heart, you know otherwise.
posted by tomswift at 6:05 AM on April 23, 2011

I like "Simon's Cat" better when he behaves like a real cat and not just another animated character doing wacky things. This one is just a vanilla cute cartoon.
posted by briank at 6:20 AM on April 23, 2011 [6 favorites]

I like "Simon's Cat" better when he behaves like a real cat and not just another animated character doing wacky things.

Like what? Waking Simon with a baseball bat to the head?
posted by loquacious at 6:28 AM on April 23, 2011 [2 favorites]

Yes, tomswift, I'm, sadly, very very sure.
posted by Thorzdad at 6:30 AM on April 23, 2011

posted by limeonaire at 7:39 AM on April 23, 2011

I love it. Please, post as many as you can
posted by juanillogg at 7:41 AM on April 23, 2011

Like what? Waking Simon with a baseball bat to the head?

My point exactly -- that particular cartoon is almost PERFECT up until the moment the cat whips out the baseball bat. But at least that's only one gag in that cartoon. Sometimes the whole cartoon is that way, like this one with the bunny.
posted by briank at 7:42 AM on April 23, 2011

Thanks, Eas' Bunny! Bock bock!
posted by dirigibleman at 8:05 AM on April 23, 2011 [2 favorites]

I'm pleased to see they took the time to render the cat's butt-hole.
posted by LordSludge at 8:53 AM on April 23, 2011 [3 favorites]

Ah Easter, when Jesus takes on rabbit form to say "yo, have some chocolate for some reason" not unlike Count Dracula during baseball season.
posted by knilstad at 9:32 AM on April 23, 2011 [1 favorite]

Real cats show no mercy. Happy Easter.
posted by WalkingAround at 9:51 AM on April 23, 2011

I'll admit I was hoping for some interspecies grooming.
posted by Soliloquy at 11:50 AM on April 23, 2011

WalkingAround : Real cats show no mercy. Happy Easter.

Came here to say this. Ever seen a "meeting" between a real cat and a real rabbit? Suffice it to say, the cat has a good time...
posted by pla at 12:08 PM on April 23, 2011

I've seen this scenario turn out very differently in real life.
posted by Lentrohamsanin at 1:44 PM on April 23

Me too. I've seen a cat kill and disembowel a bunny. And, more satisfyingly, I've seen a bunny kick the shit out of a cat. Ah, nature. Red in tooth and kittyface.
posted by Decani at 1:11 PM on April 23, 2011

Count me in as one of the people having unpleasant flashbacks when I saw the title of this video. A few years back, I was walking on the Erie Canal towpath when a wild rabbit shot out of the bushes. A moment later, a black cat materialized, grabbed the rabbit's neck, and dragged it back into the bushes--all in the space of a couple of seconds, and silently to boot. One of those "yeah, those cute little kitties are predators, aren't they?" experiences.
posted by thomas j wise at 2:20 PM on April 23, 2011

Of course if it had been General Woundwort it would have been very different...
posted by fearfulsymmetry at 2:44 PM on April 23, 2011

Real cats show no mercy.
posted by sebastienbailard at 4:58 PM on April 23, 2011

The cats may win the individual battle, but rabbits always win as a species.
posted by drjimmy11 at 10:31 PM on April 23, 2011

A rabbit came into our yard once when I was a kid. It was about the size of one of those smartcars. One of my cats looked on in fascination, two of them ran and hid. As for the cat that had drawn our attention to the rabbit in the first place, he tugged at my mother's hem, gestured towards the rabbit, and plaintively urged her to take meaningful action. As I recall, my mother distracted the rabbit with some lettuce and, while it was busy eating, explained to it in a nice way why it's not a good idea to visit yards with cats in them. The rabbit thanked my mother and went home.

True story.
posted by tel3path at 7:16 AM on April 24, 2011 [3 favorites]

Isn't that every Bugs Bunny cartoon?
posted by gjc at 11:48 AM on April 24, 2011

Was his name Harvey?
posted by Gator at 1:58 PM on April 24, 2011

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