Total War: Article in UVa Conservative Magazine
October 11, 2001 4:01 PM   Subscribe

Total War: Article in UVa Conservative Magazine Some choice quotes: "You have probably seen many of them around Grounds. They are the “doves:” The bleeding-heart liberal peacenik-types who have been whining and begging that the U.S. response be “measured” so that no more innocent people die, because enough have been killed already."
And the grossly innacurate:
"For the Koran quite emphatically states that whoever is not a Muslim—that is, whoever rejects the instruction of Allah (God) as revealed to Mohammed—is therefore a professed enemy of both God and the Muslim faithful. "
posted by samishah (6 comments total)
er. ...doesn't anyone have anything to say about the conservatives these days?
posted by kevspace at 4:12 PM on October 11, 2001

IMHO, this is just flamebait. When people post opinion pieces, they should at least support the views suggested. Otherwise, what is the point? In other words, this post would make more sense if samishah was a right winger. Instead, he has just presented the piece to collect criticism for it. These sorts of posts are just strawman arguments. I.e. "Look at the right wing whackos" or "see these loony liberals".

Perhaps people's troll detectors went off and no one bit.
posted by phatboy at 4:53 PM on October 11, 2001

phatboy: sorry about that. Didn't know I was doing something wrong by posting it like this. I read the article today and found it pretty upsetting. Articulated my response a while back. I was just curious to see what other people think. It's hard to discuss the topic in magazine format, here I can find out whether people agree with it and thing discuss and debate the standpoint.

If it doesn't work that way then sorry about posting it and feel free to remove it.
posted by samishah at 5:01 PM on October 11, 2001

Samishah: I am not a cop. feel free to post what you like! I just don't like strawman posts. I am new here too! I just see this sort of thing on Plastic so much...

I have complained about thread crapping before in metatalk. Perhaps I shouldn't be doing it now!

posted by phatboy at 5:19 PM on October 11, 2001

I got your doves right here.
posted by ethmar at 8:07 PM on October 11, 2001

I read the article today and found it pretty upsetting.

Serves you right for picking up a rinky-dink college paper published by some students for ideological reasons. I've never seen one that was good for anything but derision.
posted by rcade at 10:31 PM on October 11, 2001

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