For the woman who has everything!
March 29, 2000 4:55 PM   Subscribe

For the woman who has everything! And I mean EVERYTHING. Lara Croft, anyone?
posted by Steven Den Beste (2 comments total)

After browsing the entire ""Breastee®" collection I see that it these ""Breastees®" stay between the breasts with a spike like rod. It might just be me, but doesn't that see a bit dangerous - not only do you get a whiplash in a car accident but a punctured breast too.
posted by jamescblack at 6:53 AM on March 30, 2000

If you've got enough cleavage to support a spiked chunk of jewelry it seems to me you don't really need the extra adornment. You're probably getting plenty of attention already! I'll stick to a dab of perfume.
posted by NastyChel at 8:28 AM on March 30, 2000

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