Berlin held mayoral elections on Sunday.
October 23, 2001 7:11 AM   Subscribe

Berlin held mayoral elections on Sunday. The winner, Klaus Wowereit, is the town’s first openly gay politician. “I'm gay and it's good that way,” became a campaign slogan, website and catch phrase. Hints of Paris and Bertrand Delanoe.
posted by raaka (4 comments total)
stress inclusiveness - his website is published in Turkish and English as well as German

fassbinder would be proud :)
posted by kliuless at 7:34 AM on October 23, 2001

Big deal. I would have thought a more significant Berlin story
was how the SPD is doing
its damnedest to
exclude the PDS from the new government of the city because of its
stance on the US's Holy War. Who would have thought that Kanzler
is German for Proconsul?
posted by Paul Dunne at 7:56 AM on October 23, 2001

This is hilarious:

He became Germany's first openly-gay senior politician earlier this year, using a sentence which has achieved cult status: ''Ich bin schwul und das ist gut so'', he declared - "I'm gay and that's ok", or "I'm gay and it's good that way"....The phrase caught on in a way which no-one could have predicted. The party's website revels in the name ""
posted by arielmeadow at 9:39 AM on October 23, 2001

Shit, sorry. Closing tag:
posted by arielmeadow at 9:40 AM on October 23, 2001

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