For all the early adopters out there, here's the early Netscape 6 beta
March 31, 2000 6:49 PM   Subscribe

For all the early adopters out there, here's the early Netscape 6 beta which is 16 Mb and runs on Win32 systems. The real beta should be out April 5th, and I hear it will be around 5 Mb.
posted by mathowie (3 comments total)
Umm.. wasn't that accidentally posted and didn't include all of the features the real beta well have... I thought Netscape was trying hard to stop distribution of this because they didn't want it released yet
posted by stopgap at 7:59 PM on March 31, 2000

They should name this "Godot". It has been too long....
posted by zenhues at 8:02 PM on March 31, 2000

I hope the real thing is better than this one.. Although its kind of cool at first, some things are just annoying the hell out of me about this beta.
posted by howa2396 at 11:31 PM on April 1, 2000

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