Food glorious food
October 24, 2001 9:28 PM   Subscribe

Food glorious food Got any other gastronomic myths??
posted by johnny7 (6 comments total)
Re the safety of refreezing meat: it might be safe, but the taste and texture would probably suffer. Twice frozen foods develop larger ice crystals.
posted by maudlin at 10:31 PM on October 24, 2001

Quiz: Dispelling food myths.
posted by bjgeiger at 11:24 PM on October 24, 2001

The worst food myths are the ones that encourage idiots to kill endangered animals. Tiger-penis soup, for example -- men think eating a tiger's dick will make them virile.

Also quite bad: the many companies making heaps of money selling the gullible herbal teas that supposedly cure everything. Helped along by the common belief that everything labeled "natural" is good and everything from a drug store is bad, these companies can get away with almost anything. For example, Tension TamerĀ® Herb Tea: "We've enhanced our already popular Tension Tamer Herb Tea by adding Vitamins B6 and B12. These vitamins make our blend of eleuthero ginseng (celebrated for centuries by the Chinese), ginger root, and chamomile, even more soothing. The mildly sweet flavors of peppermint, cinnamon, and lemon ensure you a flavorful, relaxing moment in your busy day." In other words, it's a box of chemicals that they claim is a "tension tamer" (?). Is it any more of a "tension tamer" than regular black tea or a glass of warm milk?

But you want more lighthearted food myths, right? Like how you shouldn't swim after eating?
posted by pracowity at 2:55 AM on October 25, 2001

Twice-frozen meat is fine. I work for a food-processing company, and take home 40lb portions of meat, frozen. Thaw them out, repackage in 1 to 2 lb portions, and re-freeze. There's never a problem.

And the meats you buy at the grocery store have often been frozen and thawed several times before being displayed.

Almost all grocery store meats have been frozen for shipment.
posted by yesster at 7:29 AM on October 25, 2001

Keeping coffee in the freezer is a bad idea. It burns the flavor out of the beans, because it shocks them. It's is far better to keep beans in an airtight container, like one of those ceramic jar things with a rubber seal.

The Poor Man's Juan Valdez, Kafkaesque
posted by Kafkaesque at 8:45 AM on October 25, 2001

The worst food myths are the ones that encourage idiots to kill endangered animals. Tiger-penis soup, for example -- men think eating a tiger's dick will make them virile.

Definitely a myth, especially if the tiger is still using it.
posted by JohnBigBoots at 8:51 AM on October 25, 2001

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