January 8, 2013 9:09 PM   Subscribe

Trove, an initiative of the National Library of Australia, is a vast online repository of digitised books, images, historic newspapers, maps and more.
posted by misterbee (4 comments total) 16 users marked this as a favorite
I highly recommend combining Trove with family tree research. It's pretty astonishing to see what you can pull up. Great resource, I'm amazed it hasn't been feature here before.
posted by barnacles at 10:33 PM on January 8, 2013

I use it quite often in ILL, and actually the entire catalog is really fantastic and easy to use, even for the stuff that's not digitized. I'm also really impressed by their user stats-- 11,309 items tagged this week!
posted by jetlagaddict at 4:55 AM on January 9, 2013

I was introduced to this via a moderately active group on Ravelry focused on (digitizing and) knitting from these patterns.

From March 1937:
PERHAPS you have a woollen frock left over from last winter, and you are not facing the prospect of wearing it again with any pleasure. This picture, however, suggests a way of renovating it so that even the other girls in your office would not recognise it. Knit the little cap to match, as well, and you will be completely fulfilling the demands of Fashion.
The text-correction instructions and interface are easy to use, and it doesn't even require a login, which somehow makes it seem less like work to correct, even though I nearly dug my eyes out with a spoon when I was doing the same thing for pay.
posted by mgar at 1:27 PM on January 9, 2013

I've used Trove extensively for family history research. The historic newspapers are especially good if you had ancestors living in small towns or regional areas, like my partner's grandfather Percy who I've mentioned before. Percy and his family were intimately involved in community life and I've found letters they wrote to the paper, speeches they gave to raise funds for the local hospital, and articles detailing their participation in a committee formed to look after soldiers' properties while they were away fighting during WW1.

There are also articles about them participating in all sorts of fun local events - like a waltzing competition, and a local sports day which included events like "swimming in coat, trousers and boots" and "riding barrel on greasy pole".

One of my partner's ancestors saved a woman from drowning, another disappeared while gold prospecting on the Atherton Tablelands, another took her sister-in-law to court for throwing a bowl of dirty washing-water over her! In that case "the Bench advised them to go home and settle the matter; the husbands of both were in court, and the bench told them to make it up, or he would bind them all to the peace.” We wouldn't know any of this without Trove. I even found a photograph of my mother, aged 10, and her family on the occasion of arriving in Hobart as migrants.

It really is a wonderful resource. You can subscribe to RSS feeds to be notified when more issues of a particular paper become available, too.
posted by andraste at 3:06 PM on January 9, 2013

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