Just in time for the holidays,
November 16, 2001 10:46 PM   Subscribe

Just in time for the holidays, a good ol' fashioned rip-off of whatever's big. This year: Harry Potter.
posted by noisemartyr (7 comments total)
Ha! You can get the same thing for free over at the Hogwarts MOO. Sure, it might not have the fancy graphics, but these folks are serious. Wait till you see how they plot out role play Quidditch.

If you want, you can request a character as of the 18th of November, and the sorting starts on December 1st.

And: I just got back from the movie. I loved it.
posted by Hildegarde at 11:02 PM on November 16, 2001

Oh, its a MOO...i couldn't figure out what the hell this page was about. A MOO that you have to pay for????? Wow, i'm sure this site will last a longgggggggggg time.
posted by jmd82 at 11:07 PM on November 16, 2001

It's fucking scary. They're trying to get kids to pay for what exactly? I don't want to be the spoilsport here, but, erm... wizarding and spelles and all that shit is, like, complete fantasy, and so you don't need to pay $3.95 a month to figure it out for yourself.
posted by skylar at 1:43 AM on November 17, 2001

$3.95 a month? Shit, lots of people used to pay $3.95 an hour for that sort of thing.
posted by kindall at 2:19 AM on November 17, 2001

What's the world coming to? I wonder who their customers are going to be...
posted by martz at 5:38 PM on November 17, 2001

Shoddy toys break the Harry Potter spell: "The Telegraph commissioned the experiment after receiving complaints about the Professor Snapes Potion Class and Harry Potter Magic Wand, which are already among the most-wanted presents on children's Christmas lists...The gaudy green, purple, grey and orange-coloured plastic and cardboard parts made flimsy and disposable toys...Mattel, the American toy company, is the main Harry Potter toy manufacturer, responsible for the Potion Class and the spellcasting playset."
posted by Carol Anne at 2:24 PM on November 18, 2001

I got to play the alpha for Wiz Mansion, and it was actually pretty fun (in a waste your time neo pets sort of way) and they had some cute ideas.

I was dissapointed that they're charging so much, especially without letting people preview what they are getting. Oh well.
posted by dreamling at 6:43 PM on November 18, 2001

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