Mexican government going to take care of unfinished business.
November 29, 2001 4:23 AM   Subscribe

Mexican government going to take care of unfinished business. President Fox made this a major campaign promise and it looks like it's going to be one he's going to keep. Sounds like shades of Argentina and Chile. The only difference between Mexico and those places is that the head hombre in Mexico doesn't feel he owes the ones who were in power back when the murders took place anything. Interesting to see how this develops.
posted by MAYORBOB (1 comment total)
Gretchen Peters in the CSM voices doubts: "President Vicente Fox said the commission's findings would "help us reflect over our recent history and also over the type of nation we want to build." But for victims' families and human rights groups who have long demanded government accountability, the report was a long time in coming - and it still falls short. While it fingers the former Federal Security Directorate, plus 37 other government agencies, it fails to name some 74 officials - 59 federal and 15 state - implicated in the abductions. ...At the ceremony Tuesday, Fox also announced the creation of a special prosecutor's office to investigate the cases of the disappeared - but he nonetheless rejected calls to form a truth commission such as the one established in Argentina to investigate the fates of thousands who were disappeared under its military regime during the same period."
posted by Carol Anne at 7:59 AM on November 29, 2001

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