Wait for the drop. Obviously.
August 26, 2013 1:41 PM   Subscribe

Dubstep cat, a.k.a. the most patient cat in the world. [previously]
posted by danny the boy (42 comments total) 12 users marked this as a favorite
the most patient cat in the world

Yes. Or the cat is just as high as everyone else involved in the making of the video. Occam's Razor suggests the latter.
posted by The Bellman at 1:47 PM on August 26, 2013 [4 favorites]

I gather they cut the part where immediately afterwards kitty shredded his face.
posted by A Terrible Llama at 1:48 PM on August 26, 2013 [7 favorites]

That could easily be our orange cat. What is it with orange cats?
posted by usonian at 1:52 PM on August 26, 2013 [1 favorite]

Is that honestly what qualifies as dubstep these days? good lord.
posted by neuromodulator at 1:54 PM on August 26, 2013 [3 favorites]

My orange cat would totally not do that.
posted by roomthreeseventeen at 1:55 PM on August 26, 2013

Yeah, there's nothing about that which sounds like dubstep.
posted by Ivan Fyodorovich at 1:56 PM on August 26, 2013 [2 favorites]

no 'wub-wub-wub-wub'- not Dubstep!
posted by cherryflute at 1:59 PM on August 26, 2013 [1 favorite]

You notice, the guy in the background is rewarding the cat, giving it little cheek rubs during the slow bit, so the cat is like, "yeah, OK, I can deal with this". Then the beat drops, and suddenly the cat's ears peel back - "man, I got conned AGAIN".
posted by LN at 2:00 PM on August 26, 2013 [18 favorites]

The dubstep happens in the last 30 seconds. That's also when he starts violently shaking the cat. My general rule is that it's ok as long as the cat doesn't complain, but I can't help but think that poor kitty was terrified. There should have been end-of-video proof-of-comfort with the guy snuggling with the kitty afterwards, but it fades to black, and hopefully behind that black was a flurry of claws.
posted by Cat Pie Hurts at 2:00 PM on August 26, 2013 [10 favorites]

That was fantastic.
posted by zeoslap at 2:00 PM on August 26, 2013

Is that honestly what qualifies as dubstep these days? good lord.

Yeah, there's nothing about that which sounds like dubstep.

no 'wub-wub-wub-wub'- not Dubstep!

There's some skrillexing that starts at 1:10. However, it definitely sounds like this track was sitting around waiting for release and some producer said, "Wait! You know what's gonna really kick this generic electronic pop song outta the park? Some generic wobble! Kids still love Skrillex in 2013!" And so it was tacked on.
posted by Going To Maine at 2:02 PM on August 26, 2013

Whoever orchestrated this underwhelming vignette has forgotten the lessons of Fantastic Planet.
posted by nickrussell at 2:02 PM on August 26, 2013 [3 favorites]

And yes, our orange cat would be protesting loudly and vocally if forced to do this.
posted by LN at 2:02 PM on August 26, 2013 [1 favorite]

Yeah, that was maltreatment. When a cat puts its ears back like that it means it is not happy. Just because a cat tolerates something without actually hissing, biting and clawing does not mean it is okay with it. I hope it gets some suitably bloody revenge on that asshole one day.
posted by Decani at 2:03 PM on August 26, 2013 [6 favorites]

Along the same lines: the last real cat DJ alive.
posted by 2bucksplus at 2:05 PM on August 26, 2013 [2 favorites]

Is that honestly what qualifies as dubstep these days? good lord.

Yeah, there's nothing about that which sounds like dubstep.

no 'wub-wub-wub-wub'- not Dubstep!


I just typed "best dubstep cat" into Google. I shudder to think how that might affect future searches.
posted by ActingTheGoat at 2:07 PM on August 26, 2013 [7 favorites]

Okay, yeah, not only is it dubsteppy there toward the end, but he manages to make the cat's motions amusing, which was entirely lacking up to then.

But that cat ain't happy about it at that point. Dude definitely deserves a couple of good claws-extended whaps across the face.
posted by Ivan Fyodorovich at 2:09 PM on August 26, 2013

Yeah, that was maltreatment. When a cat puts its ears back like that it means it is not happy. Just because a cat tolerates something without actually hissing, biting and clawing does not mean it is okay with it. I hope it gets some suitably bloody revenge on that asshole one day.

If the cat was seriously unhappy it would be wriggling and struggling to get away. Yeah, when it puts its ears back it's giving a "hey, WTF, man, this better not go on too long" sign, but that's a cat that trusts its owner.
posted by yoink at 2:11 PM on August 26, 2013 [13 favorites]

Cat The Cat, a tuxedo Maine Coon, was this chill. You could throw her over your shoulders like a boa and walk around the house ( she actually preferred to be carried from room to room* despite being a twenty pound monster cat) , use her as a pillow, to manipulate like a rag doll ...except she always had a haughty and slightly disgusted expression, as if she knew how utterly beneath her this was.

* If, while carrying her you entered a part of the lawn or house she did not like, she's gently remind you with the slightest of claw pushes into your shoulder, if you got closer to where she wanted, she would trill softly - trying to figure out where she wanted to go was like a strange, claw and trill based game of Marco Polo.
posted by The Whelk at 2:14 PM on August 26, 2013 [23 favorites]

I'm sorry, the original link is so bad. AND GOOD DAY TO YOU, SIR.
posted by phaedon at 2:14 PM on August 26, 2013 [2 favorites]

Agreed that the rapid movements at the end are an annoyed cat, but yeah, not yet so annoyed that he is willing to put the energy into moving.
posted by maryr at 2:18 PM on August 26, 2013

My orange cat does that. Without human intervention.
posted by Fezboy! at 2:24 PM on August 26, 2013

"...but that's a cat that trusts its owner."

Cats are interesting. Dogs, now, dogs understand themselves to be in a social hierarchy and attempt to interpret mistreatment in that context. Cats have their boundaries, from very narrow to very broad, and when you violate them their first thought is whether to actually smack you down, and their second thought is "I'm now revisiting the scope of those boundaries".
posted by Ivan Fyodorovich at 2:35 PM on August 26, 2013 [1 favorite]

He was moving the cat in synch. He's listened to that song more than once?!
posted by dobbs at 2:46 PM on August 26, 2013 [1 favorite]

My cat's more yellow than orange, but yeah, he lets me use him to conduct an orchestra.
posted by linux at 2:55 PM on August 26, 2013

If the cat was seriously unhappy it would be wriggling and struggling to get away. Yeah, when it puts its ears back it's giving a "hey, WTF, man, this better not go on too long" sign, but that's a cat that trusts its owner.

And the second it does start to wriggle, the dubsteppin' comes to a stop. There's no mistreatment of a cat here, just manipulation of a cat that the cat gets tired with.
posted by kafziel at 3:01 PM on August 26, 2013

Will orange swan be along soon to let us know what this cat is really thinking? Or would he need a knit bonnet for that?
posted by maryr at 3:02 PM on August 26, 2013 [1 favorite]

I can only weigh in on knitwear issues, maryr.

But I came in here to say that I find the Trololo Cat much funnier than this one, and the Trololo cat definitely doesn't seem to mind performing.
posted by orange swan at 3:06 PM on August 26, 2013 [7 favorites]

Dubstep cat, a.k.a. the most patient cat in the world.

Was he patiently waiting...

( •_•)>⌐■-■

For the drop?
posted by frecklefaerie at 3:13 PM on August 26, 2013 [3 favorites]

Not dub enough?? For anyone wondering, this isn't "skrillexing" that some producer did. It's a remix by Skrillex, of a Benny Benassi song.
posted by danny the boy at 4:07 PM on August 26, 2013 [2 favorites]

And I don't really buy the idea that this is cat abuse... I mean have you ever successfully gotten a cat to do anything it doesn't want to do?
posted by danny the boy at 4:10 PM on August 26, 2013 [1 favorite]

I mean have you ever successfully gotten a cat to do anything it doesn't want to do?

When I call my one cat's name (Zuzu) and she ignores me and is all "no I have better things to do right now," I very sneakily call the other cat's name (Turtle) and Zuzu is on me like white on rice.

So yes.
posted by mudpuppie at 4:13 PM on August 26, 2013 [1 favorite]

It seems to me you've simply gotten their names mixed up. Apologize to both parties and never bring it up again.
posted by danny the boy at 4:23 PM on August 26, 2013 [2 favorites]

This is not a harmless YouTube video. This the outcome of CIA mind control program with the objective of torturing Osama bin Laden's cat.
posted by jonp72 at 4:50 PM on August 26, 2013

I don't like watching cats being treated like this.
posted by Nelson at 5:14 PM on August 26, 2013

It takes both strength an guile to keep a cat in a place where a cat really doesn't want to be. I could do a toned down version of this with my fuzzy friend before I could get the nails of one of his paws clipped.
posted by wotsac at 5:32 PM on August 26, 2013

That poor cat. "Well, yeah, it's annoying and scary, but I guess it's better than being homeless."
posted by amtho at 5:55 PM on August 26, 2013

play him off
posted by thelonius at 6:42 PM on August 26, 2013 [2 favorites]

Not dub enough?? For anyone wondering, this isn't "skrillexing" that some producer did. It's a remix by Skrillex, of a Benny Benassi song.

So when Skrillex remixes a song he takes the original and takes on thirty seconds of WUB-WUB-WUB? I feel like he's setting the bar a little low for himself.
posted by Going To Maine at 7:25 PM on August 26, 2013 [1 favorite]

So when Skrillex remixes a song he takes the original and takes on thirty seconds of WUB-WUB-WUB?

Somebody paid him a bunch of money to do that and he probably handed it off to a ghostwriter to do it. It's a pure cash grab on everyone's part.
posted by empath at 11:11 PM on August 26, 2013

I was hoping that when the "drop" came, the cat would claw the stuffing out of him. That, I would have found amusing.
posted by lucien_reeve at 4:37 AM on August 27, 2013

Not what it says on the tin.
posted by clvrmnky at 7:09 AM on August 27, 2013

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