Bad Relationship
August 27, 2013 6:34 AM   Subscribe

A Softer World - a Metafilter favorite better known for stories of love, loss, and dysfunctional relationships - takes on government spying: Happy beginnings. Signs of trouble. Denial....

More denial. Stuck. (Some creative reconstruction of the story line applied to parallel the earlier link.)
posted by eviemath (9 comments total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
I am often amazed at what things have been around on the internet for more than 10 years. Not always the things that you expect but sometimes, like with ASW, I'm just really pleased to come back and see its got 300 new pieces of internet for me to devour. Thanks for the post!
posted by Potomac Avenue at 6:39 AM on August 27, 2013 [4 favorites]

I dunno, I file this kind of stuff under "lets sit around in our own dirty bathwater, and talk about the filth." It's better to get OUT of the bath, shower, and go do something beneficial.

Yeah so I'm officially old now. get off my lawn
posted by St. Peepsburg at 6:55 AM on August 27, 2013

Now I want someone to remix ASW (in the vein of all the fandom remixes) with something spy-oriented that takes this subject on.
posted by immlass at 7:06 AM on August 27, 2013 [2 favorites]

So this guy wrote a horror novel about Bible camp?

I don't think I understand the post.
posted by Naberius at 7:22 AM on August 27, 2013

Something's a metafilter favorite after it was mentioned in a laundry list post and once posted as its own FPP with a lot of criticism? Low bar, these days.
posted by mikeh at 7:37 AM on August 27, 2013

ASW and/or Joey Commeau's other projects have been mentioned in about six metafilter posts actually. I was trying not to make my background links take away from the main point of the post, which was a series of comics that compare government spying and our relationship to government with a dysfunctional romantic relationship. (My apologies Naberius.)

(It is a "comic" in a darkly humorous way, which is not to everyone's taste. It may say something about my taste and why I enjoy ASW that I thought that linking to the first post where the comments started out rather negative on the word "favorite" was amusing.)
posted by eviemath at 7:42 AM on August 27, 2013 [1 favorite]

I like A Softer World because it manages to merge a kind of Burma Shave approach to the kinds of dry wordplay you might hear from Emo Philips or Steven Wright. But it just has its own rhythm. Thanks for the post.
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 8:02 AM on August 27, 2013

There's still 2 days left on the ASW kickstarter, btw.

I love ASW and Joey's other stuff. They scratch the same itch as The Mountain Goats for me-- lots of feels and weirdness together in a way that is simultaneously fictional and true.
posted by NoraReed at 8:22 AM on August 27, 2013 [4 favorites]

posted by Our Ship Of The Imagination! at 9:24 AM on August 27, 2013

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