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October 2, 2013 6:13 PM   Subscribe

Good lord. Wtf indeed.
posted by smoke at 6:19 PM on October 2, 2013

*holds up ludicrously sized slingshot made for elephants: "The toilet brush, sniper rifle - HA HA HA HA HA HA HA"

That supervillain laugh is too perfect.
posted by smoke at 6:22 PM on October 2, 2013 [5 favorites]

No link love for this one? [Warning: Gore]
posted by cjorgensen at 6:34 PM on October 2, 2013

Bonus - Can a slingshot hit harder than a handgun?

Some one please send this to British tabloids. Muhahaha, I love moral panics.
posted by codswallop at 6:37 PM on October 2, 2013

Meanwhile, back in the United States.
posted by The White Hat at 6:40 PM on October 2, 2013

No link love for this one? yt [Warning: Gore]

It's intriguing to watch a man boast about he safety features of his weapon while wearing a shirt covered in bloody handprints. [spoiler] His shooting himself in the head at the 1:20 mark would be he icing on the cake if it wasn't so horrifying.
posted by justsomebodythatyouusedtoknow at 6:51 PM on October 2, 2013

The making of video for cjorgensen's link may provide welcome relief.
posted by Ice Cream Socialist at 6:54 PM on October 2, 2013 [1 favorite]

Some one please send this to British tabloids. Muhahaha, I love moral panics.

Parliment will simply ban all rubber products.
posted by clarknova at 7:15 PM on October 2, 2013

Looks like he also has one that uses a chainsaw projectile, and a slingshot artillery piece that can launch a shotput.
posted by 445supermag at 7:41 PM on October 2, 2013

I'm pretty sure by the time you add a winch to the thing it stops counting as a slingshot and starts counting as a siege weapon.
posted by Zalzidrax at 7:49 PM on October 2, 2013

It's a double, as unlikely as that is.
posted by codacorolla at 8:15 PM on October 2, 2013 [1 favorite]

Wow! I think that would not only go through a zombie's skull, but it would clean out the brains. hahahahahahaha!

Mmmm! Brains!

posted by BlueHorse at 8:21 PM on October 2, 2013

His channel should be subtitled "Fun and games with the uncle you wish you'd had."
posted by salishsea at 8:36 PM on October 2, 2013 [2 favorites]

It saddens me to see that a frozen oreo lacks the penetrating capacity of a rock, bullet, or spicy curry.
posted by GoingToShopping at 12:53 AM on October 3, 2013 [2 favorites]

Hearing that mild mannered Germanic accent coming from a dude wearing a shirt that says bitches ain't nothing but hoes and tricks, in all caps, shooting chainsaws with a car sized slingshot is one hell of a way to start the day.
posted by hobo gitano de queretaro at 1:02 AM on October 3, 2013 [1 favorite]

I'm a dab hand with a slingshot myself (though nowhere near as good as The Beanshooter (slingshot) Man), having spent childhood summers with one in my back pocket ala Bart Simpson.

Unlike the slingshot man, my preferred ammunition was not gravel, but Iron Ore pellets, which you can find along most train tracks (they fall off the loaded train cars). Much more consistently round and accurate than gravel, and free - the right set of tracks and half an hour would yield enough ammo for a week. The only downside was that carrying them in your pocket would stain your pants (and through your pants, your legs) a purplish colour. Oh, and they make lots of noise when you don't empty your pockets and they end up in the wash :)
posted by namewithoutwords at 5:28 AM on October 3, 2013

Not coincidentally, his shirt bears the slogan 'Zombie Outbreak Response Team,' or ZORT. For this is indeed the kind of scheme Pinky and the Brain would come up with. And it is excellent.
posted by Mister_A at 7:16 AM on October 3, 2013

I had forgotten about iron ore. Bolonchas we called them.

And once in a while there would be yellow clumps of sulfur too.
posted by Doroteo Arango II at 7:46 AM on October 3, 2013

What an awesome guy. I so want to be this guy's neighbor, and hang out with him on weekends shooting things with toilet brush darts.
posted by xedrik at 9:26 PM on October 3, 2013

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