Music for New Year's Eve
December 31, 2013 6:08 PM   Subscribe

ABBA - Happy New Year, Wendy & Lisa - The Closing Of The Year, Otis Redding & Carla Davis - New Year's Resolution, Harry Connick, Jr - What Are You Doing New Years Eve?, Dan Fogelberg - Same Old Lang Syne (okay, the lyrics say "Christmas", but it's totally a New Year song)

Bonus: backstory to Same Old Lang Syne, published after Fogelberg's death.

More bonus (not actually New Year, but reflective): Tori Amos - Pretty Good Year
posted by hippybear (23 comments total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Poster's Request -- Brandon Blatcher

That Wendy & Lisa song is one of my favorites! Happy new year!
posted by IndigoRain at 6:18 PM on December 31, 2013 [1 favorite]

I came here also to praise the inclusion of Wendy and Lisa. (Then I noticed it was hippybear and of course.)
posted by mykescipark at 6:18 PM on December 31, 2013 [1 favorite]

I've always liked the Fogelberg song, though I hadn't seen that story. The song hits all the right buttons for me.

Oddly enough, I got a friend request a couple days ago, and it took me hours to realize it was from a high school friend/girlfriend who I hadn't thought of in years, and without Facebook, I'd have likely never heard from again.
posted by Ghidorah at 6:45 PM on December 31, 2013

Is it now safe to admit that "Toys" is one of my Guilty Pleasure Movies?
posted by oneswellfoop at 7:02 PM on December 31, 2013 [3 favorites]

Thanks for posting that backstory on Same Old Lang Syne. My mom's sister was in that high school class with Folgerberg, I hadn't heard that part of the story before.
posted by dr. fresh at 7:05 PM on December 31, 2013

Allow me to add to the pile: the original version of Auld Lang Syne, as collected by Robbie Burns in the late 1780's. Way better than the version we sing today.
posted by LN at 7:16 PM on December 31, 2013 [1 favorite]

And no New Years Music collection is complete (for better or worse) without U2.
posted by oneswellfoop at 7:55 PM on December 31, 2013

My anthem for the last few years has been New Year's Eve by Mal Blum. Possibly a bit too twee or emo for some folks, but that's just fine for me tonight.

Also, she has the song for free and her latest album is pay what you can for the next week. She's swell.
posted by dogwalker at 8:24 PM on December 31, 2013

I've always loved that Dan Fogelberg song. It's nice that it was based in his own life, and I'm oddly happy that she divorced, and that he might even have held the song's release until the divorce happened. He sounds like a really nice guy.

Happy new year, everyone!
posted by onlyconnect at 8:28 PM on December 31, 2013

My go to New Years song is 100 Resolutions by the Lawrence Arms. Like most of their stuff, fantastic lyrics.
posted by Ghidorah at 8:34 PM on December 31, 2013

My anthem is This Year by The Mountain Goats.

Although that Youtube vid starts off with a few bars from the next song on that album for some reason.
posted by sideshow at 8:55 PM on December 31, 2013 [1 favorite]

Thank you hippybear for letting me know that Dan Fogelberg is dead. He was a shooting star and I didn't know he died. In December 2007 I must have been real busy but I could not tell you what I was doing.

(Will not check if I have any metafilter comments from Dec 2007. OK I'm going to check and see if I posted in a Fogelberg obit thread. OK I checked. Here it is. Thank goodness I didn't post in it.)

When I was young I was entranced by The River off his first album.
posted by bukvich at 9:21 PM on December 31, 2013

For all your '90s alternative needs, two songs called "Happy New Year": Madder Rose; Luna.
posted by pxe2000 at 10:19 PM on December 31, 2013

I don't have a favorite New Year's song, but here's a great New Year's book: James Kirkwood's novel P.S. Your Cat is Dead. It's much more uplifting than the title implies!

My copy is so battered it lives in a sandwich baggie, and I'm going to read it tomorrow while we clean the house and cook a big dinner.
posted by goofyfoot at 10:33 PM on December 31, 2013

Self-link: My collection of New Year's Songs.
posted by flapjax at midnite at 10:40 PM on December 31, 2013 [1 favorite]

Thanks flapjax! Nothing better than Dinah on New Year's Day!
posted by goofyfoot at 11:42 PM on December 31, 2013

Wot no U2?

Thank god.
posted by Decani at 3:17 AM on January 1, 2014 [1 favorite]

The New Year by Death Cab. (Full album, Transatlanticism, here)
posted by glaucon at 5:46 AM on January 1, 2014

My favorite version of Auld Lang Syne - Chas & Dave

Maybe a little perky for anyone who woke up this morning not feeling 100%, but I love it.
posted by freakazoid at 6:57 AM on January 1, 2014

I have no guilt about loving the movie "Toys".
posted by zorrine at 9:13 AM on January 1, 2014

It's here and I like it: Will 2K
posted by sdrawkcab at 11:31 AM on January 1, 2014

Tom Waits' New Year's Eve is my favourite.
posted by holist at 4:44 AM on January 2, 2014

I'm glad I'm not the only one still carrying a torch for both Wendy & Lisa and the quirky delight that is Toys.
posted by uberchet at 2:08 PM on January 2, 2014

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