Choose GIFs
January 27, 2014 6:22 PM   Subscribe

"The .GIFYS are the first ever awards honoring the animated GIF as a medium, social commentary and art form." The finalists were chosen by a panel of alleged GIF experts, with the final vote up to the public... THAT'S YOU. Categories range from Nature & Science to WTF (and of course, Cats). Many of the Usual Suspects are there, including Walter White, Rob Ford, Doge, and Oprah's Bees (a shoo-in for GIF of the Year, get it? shoo-in?)... Come on in and Get Animated.

Sadly missing: Michelle Obama, Jupiter and Bunnies. Like I said, a panel of alleged GIF experts.
posted by oneswellfoop (36 comments total) 15 users marked this as a favorite
We have reached Peak Internet.
posted by Going To Maine at 6:30 PM on January 27, 2014 [2 favorites]

Well, this is totally amazeballs.
posted by His thoughts were red thoughts at 6:30 PM on January 27, 2014

site needs to be more geocities/angelfire style web design, tbh. like this kinda thing.
posted by emptythought at 6:53 PM on January 27, 2014 [1 favorite]

Apparently there's this amazing new successor to GIF coming out that compresses a series of images in just a fraction of the size using super-advanced compression techniques, and also adds — get this — optional audio.

In fact, some are theorizing that this could be used to deliver picture shows to one's home. We truly live in amazing times!
posted by ArmandoAkimbo at 6:57 PM on January 27, 2014 [2 favorites]

I sort of ignored the whole animated GIF resurgence until a few days ago, when I saw the yahoo sports app animated GIF editor. Now I cannot figure out why digital devices that shoot video haven't been able to quickly churn these things out from day one; with the right tool to make creation painless (like the yahoo thing) making little loops plus text is the perfect balance between capturing a moment in a picture or in a video. Now I want to capture my children's life moments this way, and my fingers are crossed for an app to do what that yahoo app does, but with my own footage.
posted by davejay at 6:59 PM on January 27, 2014 [2 favorites]

The GIF Oracle mocks the lame selection of sports GIFs, but the seal stealing the fish before the photo is so full of win that it should be the Platinum-Iridium standard of 1 Win.
posted by eriko at 7:01 PM on January 27, 2014 [2 favorites]

I like how cats get their own separate category away from other animals.
posted by birdherder at 7:06 PM on January 27, 2014 [1 favorite]

The thing I love about the seal stealing the fish is the fisherman - he has a huge grin afterwards, and doesn't seem at all upset. All is fair in fishing, i guess.
posted by el io at 7:07 PM on January 27, 2014

Apparently there's this amazing new successor to GIF

I don't trust no codec I can't write in a weekend. /spits tabaccy into old mash tun

Seriously, though, everything besides GIF, PNG, and MPEG-1 are cobwebbed with patents. And don't even get me started about WebM...
posted by RobotVoodooPower at 7:07 PM on January 27, 2014 [1 favorite]

> I like how cats get their own separate category away from other animals.

I'm surprised they only got one.
posted by benito.strauss at 7:21 PM on January 27, 2014 [1 favorite]

We have reached Peak Internet. thinks you're late.
posted by DigDoug at 7:28 PM on January 27, 2014 [1 favorite]

Hate to be a hater, but this is really half-baked. First, I'm fairly certain that several of these gifs predate 2013 (the Oprah bees gif has to seriously trace back at least to 2012 or earlier, I mean that dates way back to shoop da woop/chargin' mah lazor gifs). Second of all, a few minutes on reddit and you can find better gifs than almost all of these.

I mean, no Chelyabinsk meteorite in the nature/science category? No goat waggling its tongue under WTF?
posted by chimaera at 7:35 PM on January 27, 2014 [3 favorites]

Plus, I mean how can you have a WTF category without a single nominee from fifthworldpics?
posted by chimaera at 7:38 PM on January 27, 2014

It's Chloe, all day every day.
posted by cashman at 7:41 PM on January 27, 2014

This gif undoes me every time.
posted by Aubergine at 7:47 PM on January 27, 2014 [9 favorites]

My favorite recent gif
posted by Flunkie at 7:54 PM on January 27, 2014 [9 favorites]

For some reason I can't stop laughing at this weird Bob Ley face.
posted by mcmile at 8:17 PM on January 27, 2014 [1 favorite]

Oh god I hate gifs with a white hot passion. I kept telling myself they would be over soon but they just keep getting stronger!

I can't be the only one!
posted by maggiemaggie at 8:27 PM on January 27, 2014

There's no way that Oprah Bees gif is only from 2013, is there?
posted by ODiV at 8:28 PM on January 27, 2014 [2 favorites]

The Oprah's Bees thing is from Conan O'Brien in 2010.
posted by empath at 8:42 PM on January 27, 2014 [3 favorites]

maggiemaggie, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the gif is actually the defining artform of the historical moment, and exemplary specimens will eventually be taught alongside Shakespeare.
posted by brennen at 8:47 PM on January 27, 2014 [3 favorites]

Yes. Someday in a classroom an instructor will say "Youtube Poop" with a straight face.
posted by RobotVoodooPower at 8:57 PM on January 27, 2014 [2 favorites]

It was not animated, but this evening I sent my oldest and most stoic friend a text that included the word "coolio." In response, she sent back a GIF of Coolio looking shocked with the word BEANS underneath it, which was unexpected enough to make me snort out loud. I noted that I couldn't find that image via Yahoo or Google searches, and she responded "Of course not. That's from my personal collection." Meaning that my oldest and most stoic friend maintains a curated Coolio curio cabinet of GIFs, and really, how often do you learn something so unexpected about someone you've known forever?

Thank you GIFs.
posted by davejay at 10:50 PM on January 27, 2014 [13 favorites]

"a curated Coolio curio cabinet" is the funniest thing I've seen today. Thank you.
posted by oneswellfoop at 11:29 PM on January 27, 2014 [3 favorites]

Art Wells on MLKSHK is my source for image-based jocularity, animated and otherwise.
posted by Phatty Lumpkin at 12:08 AM on January 28, 2014 [4 favorites]

My Megaforce gif was robbed!
posted by brundlefly at 12:34 AM on January 28, 2014

posted by forgetful snow at 4:18 AM on January 28, 2014 [1 favorite]

I think Metroid Baby's epic cats gif could be a contender for 2014!
posted by ignignokt at 5:38 AM on January 28, 2014 [2 favorites]

This was more fun that I expected and the baseball GIF with the pitcher catching the line drive was delightful.
posted by Eyebrows McGee at 6:11 AM on January 28, 2014 [1 favorite]

eriko: "The GIF Oracle mocks the lame selection of sports GIFs, but the seal stealing the fish before the photo is so full of win that it should be the Platinum-Iridium standard of 1 Win."

My favorite thing about it is the pelican in the peanut gallery which is all like "DAMMMN, the man is now all turf no surf"
posted by invitapriore at 9:27 AM on January 28, 2014

A couple of tricks to smooth the annoyances of GIFs that are too big- for the consumer, GIF Delayer is a Chrome extension that hides GIFs until they're fully loaded and you can watch them seamlessly. For producers, gfycat converts your GIF into a format with better video quality at a fraction of the original size.
posted by Blue Meanie at 9:33 AM on January 28, 2014 [2 favorites]

Speaking of Oprah's Bees, (a non-animated comic endorsed by an animated dog named Wendell).
posted by oneswellfoop at 12:07 PM on January 28, 2014

You bastards, I have work to do!
posted by Mister_A at 9:21 AM on January 29, 2014

Exploding whale
posted by the man of twists and turns at 11:20 PM on February 1, 2014

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