Advertisers accidentally linked with kiddie-porn.
January 9, 2002 6:04 PM   Subscribe

Advertisers accidentally linked with kiddie-porn. This was never a problem in print advertising. Looks like some big advertisers got caught when buying run of network advertising. Chevron's not very happy about it.
posted by Salmonberry (4 comments total)
As far as yahoo geocities goes, they are terrible when it comes to getting rid of porn. Last summer a spammer was spamming a child porn site on several gaming message boards I sometimes visit. The link was to a geocities webpage, which had lots of pics and was a gateway to their real website. So I used the form on geocities to report the website and, and 3 weeks later I got an e-mail from them saying they had just deleted it.

But as far as Chevron getting pissed about this, they must know that they are running ads on webhosting and yahoo club like sites that anything can be posted, so I really don't feel sorry for them.

But I guess thats why its called geoshitties.
posted by Keen at 7:12 PM on January 9, 2002

"We didn't even think to ask if our ads were running in unregulated areas," said Chevron spokesperson...

How ridiculous! They're advertising on geocities, and they expect things to be "regulated"? Then there's our buddy Ashcroft's reaction. Prosecute everybody, in alphabetical order, that'll fix everything.
posted by ook at 7:46 PM on January 9, 2002

Keen: Do you know how many people use that abuse form every day? I reckon thousands at the very least. Granted, most of the complaints would be bollocks, I imagine, but they still have to check it out, and I'm sure they get through it all ASAP.

Give them a break, they are human just like us.
posted by helloboys at 8:51 PM on January 9, 2002

According to The Register, MSN pulled a site in 24 hours.
posted by salmacis at 2:18 AM on January 10, 2002

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