The Word Will Out.
September 18, 2014 12:28 PM   Subscribe

Building the future in the present in Rio de Janeiro favelas, which are getting active online.
Thanks to young community reporters people in Rio and all over the world are getting a more accurate, clearer picture of what's happening in the city's favelas.
In 2011 Augusto Paim & MauMau published a two part comic Inside the Favelas (see previously).
A couple of interviews with 19 year old Michel Silva of the online magazine Viva Rocinha ( and FB).
posted by adamvasco (3 comments total) 20 users marked this as a favorite
The comic is beautiful, and I'm favoriting to read the rest later. Thank you.
posted by seyirci at 2:49 PM on September 18, 2014

Great post! I'd like to make a plug for Catalytic Communities, an NGO that has been working for over a decade to bridge the digital divide in Rio. Their community media arm Rio on Watch, is dedicated to bringing attention to the struggles faced by favelados who have lost their homes as a result of World Cup and Olympic development plans.
Catalytic Communities founder, Theresa Williamson, wrote a brief account of favela development and redevelopment risks for the NY Times back in 2012.
posted by msali at 6:25 PM on September 18, 2014

msali I think this is the Rio on Watch page you wanted.
posted by adamvasco at 6:38 PM on September 18, 2014

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