Well I have a pigeon, Lucas Don Velour
August 19, 2015 11:58 AM   Subscribe

First Republican Debate Highlights from Bad Lip Reading (SLYT)
posted by Bulgaroktonos (26 comments total) 13 users marked this as a favorite
posted by sparklemotion at 12:04 PM on August 19, 2015 [4 favorites]

Oh and since there's some music in this, I'll link to this the song from the BLR Game of Thrones video "Medieval Land Fun-Time World" which is a phenomenal song.
posted by Bulgaroktonos at 12:05 PM on August 19, 2015 [5 favorites]

I don't understand that's just what Ted Cruz said.
posted by The Whelk at 12:09 PM on August 19, 2015 [2 favorites]

"You touched a genital wart. You can't touch it."
posted by roomthreeseventeen at 12:11 PM on August 19, 2015 [2 favorites]

Amusing, as always, though it would have been better if every Christie one wasn't about food. That's some low-hanging fruit.
posted by You Should See the Other Guy at 12:25 PM on August 19, 2015 [3 favorites]

...though it would have been better if every Christie one wasn't about food. That's some low-hanging fruit.

Anyone want to step to the plate and spank this one out of the park?
posted by Thorzdad at 12:28 PM on August 19, 2015

"They come from a place of light."
posted by boo_radley at 12:31 PM on August 19, 2015

DAMMIT Bulgaroktonos. I hadn't watched that damn video in months and now I am laughing so hard (again) I have tears rolling down my face (again). Stupid Medieval Land Fun-Time World. Gets me every damn time.
posted by daq at 12:44 PM on August 19, 2015 [2 favorites]

Holy shit Ben Carson.
posted by Navelgazer at 12:44 PM on August 19, 2015 [2 favorites]

DAMMIT Bulgaroktonos. I hadn't watched that damn video in months and now I am laughing so hard (again) I have tears rolling down my face (again). Stupid Medieval Land Fun-Time World. Gets me every damn time.

You can eat sand, young man!
posted by Navelgazer at 12:44 PM on August 19, 2015

yeah, daq I just watching it again too and nearly ruptured myself laughing
posted by supermedusa at 12:46 PM on August 19, 2015

also, did Ben Carson really freeze up and bomb during the debate? I didnt watch it but that seems pretty crazy...
posted by supermedusa at 12:47 PM on August 19, 2015

Trump's comments indistinguishable from actual Trump comments.
posted by TheWhiteSkull at 1:20 PM on August 19, 2015 [7 favorites]

every presidential discussion should have singing closing statements.
posted by lmfsilva at 1:30 PM on August 19, 2015 [6 favorites]

daq: "Stupid Medieval Land Fun-Time World. Gets me every damn time."

I've said it before, but I would pay real money if we could get the cast of Game of Thrones to film Medieval Land Fun-Time World: The Series during their downtime while shooting GoT.
posted by Rock Steady at 1:53 PM on August 19, 2015 [3 favorites]

Amusing, as always, though it would have been better if every Christie one wasn't about food.

I think to some extent these are guided by the words he can make to match the mouth movements. A lot of these lip reading videos (BLR and others) talk about food. (Apple juice gets mentioned a lot, for some reason. There must be some common phrase where the lip-movements match "apple juice".) So, it's possible he didn't set out to make Christie's remarks so food-y, but he was just working with what he had.

That Kniles song totally rocks. In addition to the BLR guy's talent making comedy videos, he is a really solid musician too.
posted by Ursula Hitler at 2:06 PM on August 19, 2015 [1 favorite]

Why does Ted Cruz always looks like he's about to pull off his fake human face and reveal the 'They Live' alien face beneath?
posted by jabah at 7:42 PM on August 19, 2015

Ted Cruz is an elaborate Will Forte experiment in just how far he can take a character.
posted by Navelgazer at 9:28 PM on August 19, 2015 [5 favorites]

shovelling fistfuls of tuna into his mouth while staring down Trump
posted by rum-soaked space hobo at 9:28 PM on August 19, 2015

Wait, Scott Walker is Yoni Wolf? Because his song sounds exactly like a "Why?" B-side.
posted by Bugbread at 10:42 PM on August 19, 2015

Ted Cruz always looks like the unsuccessful attempt to combine realism and caricature from an early Pixar test animation that he is.

He always looks like he's wearing a latex mask of his own face.
posted by The Whelk at 11:31 PM on August 19, 2015

If Trump did have a pigeon, he would definitely name it Lucas Don Velour. Because that name just exudes class.
posted by GrammarMoses at 5:02 AM on August 20, 2015 [5 favorites]

Ugh, why did I come back to this thread? Now I've got that "Ted Cruz why do you look like a blobfish sat under a seasonal depression lamp" thing from Twitter stuck in my head right before an important meeting. Keep it together, keep it together.
posted by Bulgaroktonos at 6:05 AM on August 20, 2015 [1 favorite]

I guess no one is old enough here to notice that the Ted Cruz voice was Mr. Haney from Green Acres.
posted by Billiken at 7:41 AM on August 20, 2015

I just realized that Scott Walker kind of looks like Maxwell Smart. But Smart would've made a better president.
posted by Ursula Hitler at 4:42 AM on August 21, 2015 [1 favorite]

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