What if they threw an All-Star game and nobody came?
March 5, 2002 12:13 PM   Subscribe

What if they threw an All-Star game and nobody came? In one of the most devistating blows to Commisioner Bud Selig's controversial reign, the MLB players are threatening not to attend this year's game in Milwaukee.

Selig owned the Milwaukee Brewers before handing it over to his daughter in order to be Commissioner, and in this battle over revenue-sharing, it would be almost too easy not to boycott the game due to Bud's connection with the host city. Conflict of interest around Selig's quasi-ownership and quasi-commissionership make him the ideal target for this fascinating threat, and probably the most exciting thing to happen to Milwaukee since "Laverne & Shirley."

posted by tsarfan (14 comments total)
I feel so bad for the poor millionaire players in their fight with the billionaire owners. I say to them, "Fight the power!"
posted by bump at 12:51 PM on March 5, 2002

On a more serious note, isn't the All-Star game supposed to be about the fans? I mean I remember as a kid really looking forward to seeing the stars from both leagues come together. Instead, the players are reducing it to a way to settle a grudge. I'm not saying that the ownership of Major League Baseball, or Bud Selig for that matter, are nice guys, but the All-Star game should not be a political forum.
posted by bump at 12:54 PM on March 5, 2002

I think that if the fans had to choose between Bud Selig or the Players they are going to choose the players and side with them for the most part, but when it comes to potential work stoppages its the fans that are really affected.

I think another work stoppage would hurt the game of baseball alot worse than it the first one did.
posted by bobadoci at 1:19 PM on March 5, 2002

I think that if the fans had to choose between Bud Selig or the Players they are going to choose the players and side with them for the most part, but when it comes to potential work stoppages its the fans that are really affected.

I think another work stoppage would hurt the game of baseball alot worse than it the first one did.
posted by bobadoci at 1:19 PM on March 5, 2002

"I understand they're unhappy about X and about Y."

Bud, Maybe if you figured out what those problems were, instead of using alphabetic symbols, you might be in better shape.
posted by brucec at 1:38 PM on March 5, 2002

The Sausage Race at County StadiumMiller Park is way more exciting than “Laverne & Shirley.” Frankly, it’s the only reason to actually leave the tailgate party.

[bitter about milwaukee jokes]Oh, and Santiago Calatrava just did a whizbang art museum expansion for us.[/bitter]
posted by mimi at 1:59 PM on March 5, 2002

I wouldn't call it exciting, but the whole pension fiasco has been sort of fun to watch. Beyond that, Milwaukee has Summerfest and you, well, you don't.
posted by mrbula at 2:35 PM on March 5, 2002

No chance of a boycott. I doubt most players who aren't deep within the players' union give a damn about Bud Selig, let alone tweaking him by giving up their All-Star spot. Most ballplayers know from direct experience that the business of baseball is mostly populated with indistinguishable weasels. Or they're just not paying attention.
posted by argybarg at 3:00 PM on March 5, 2002

I'd have to say that to me, the All Star game is probably the least exciting thing happening in Milwaukee. I mean, there's the Circus Parade, the new art museum, the various political scandals city, county and state politicians are involved in, there's the growing resentment of the treatment of Milwaukee by people on the East and West Coasts, there's the Harley Musuem, the International Clown Hall of Fame, and the underground music scene which is starting to get national and international attention.
posted by drezdn at 3:49 PM on March 5, 2002

Why not? They cancelled the World Series during the last work stoppage. That's something that no wars (World or otherwise), no high profile assasinations, no natural disasters ever could do.

Fuck 'em all I say. I long ago decided to completely withdraw my financial support of the game.
posted by vito90 at 5:00 PM on March 5, 2002

Since no one is all that interested in the main topic, the subtopic is fine with me ... I haven't lived in the midwest for some time, but am I wrong to still believe that the best thing about Milwaukee isn't even in Milwaukee-- The Tommy Bartlett Water Show?

Certainly willing to change my beliefs of the fair city.

Meanwhile, MLB's All-Star game is easilly my favorite, and with that said, I hope the players do boycott it. I think one reason you don't see baseball on prime time any more on one of the four major stations is because of the lack of leadership from Selig's office.

Where's Mountain Landis when you need him?
posted by tsarfan at 5:34 PM on March 5, 2002

Actually, the best thing about Milwaukee is Summerfest; or perhaps, now, the Calatrava.
posted by dhartung at 6:10 PM on March 5, 2002

Actually, the best thing about Milwaukee is the amount of netizens that realize what a cool town it is. I've met 3 of the people that've posted to this thread, and that speaks well of the culture in our town.

When people look past "Laverne & Shirley", they see a pretty happenin place. :)

posted by djc at 9:50 PM on March 5, 2002

Speaking of all (cool) things Milwaukeean, don't forget WMSE, which you can listen to online.
posted by alumshubby at 8:37 AM on March 6, 2002

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