March 7, 2002 12:54 AM   Subscribe

Best google logo?
posted by magullo (28 comments total)
It's gotta be
posted by sylloge at 1:14 AM on March 7, 2002

Yes, I like that a lot. I saw one of Mondrian's pieces just yesterday. Now that the Millennium bridge is open, I'm only 5 minutes away from the Tate Modern.
posted by viama at 1:17 AM on March 7, 2002

aghhhh the fan art is criminal - get it outta here!
posted by monkeyJuice at 1:31 AM on March 7, 2002

posted by panopticon at 1:46 AM on March 7, 2002

My eyes!
posted by Spoon at 1:57 AM on March 7, 2002

the ultimate googlewhack: search for google on google and have this thread be the number 1 result.

*que mission impossible theme song...
posted by Mick at 3:52 AM on March 7, 2002

Wouldn't that be Google bombing, not Google whacking?
posted by apollonia6 at 4:52 AM on March 7, 2002

I actually think Google is overdoing it with the "special" logos these days.
posted by jedro at 6:09 AM on March 7, 2002

I prefer the Monet logo.
posted by dansays at 6:33 AM on March 7, 2002

i like the Monet one too
posted by sikander at 6:41 AM on March 7, 2002

What's up with the 'TM' of Google juxtaposed with the Monet's signature?

I'll take the Mondrian over the Monet.
posted by Dick Paris at 7:28 AM on March 7, 2002

Almost all of the "cute" logo illustrations have been done by one of Google's programmers.
posted by O9scar at 7:30 AM on March 7, 2002

Any company that celebrates Piet Mondrian's Birthday is OK in my book.
posted by spilon at 7:37 AM on March 7, 2002

Apologies for the aside, but I've noticed for the past few days that when I'm coming from a .ca IP, "" automatically redirects me to "". Has this always happened? Does it happen for other countries? Just curious.

Oh, and I vote for the Mondrian over the Monet.
posted by transient at 7:42 AM on March 7, 2002

There should be a restraining order on any programmer that gets within fifty yards of Photoshop.
posted by Karl at 7:44 AM on March 7, 2002

transient - they just started doing this recently. I'm not exactly sure why, as it seems to be identical to the .com version.

I thought both the Monet and Mondrian logos were good.
posted by sauril at 8:09 AM on March 7, 2002

panopticon The Oolong logo is great!
posted by KnitWit at 8:17 AM on March 7, 2002

It's nice that they include international holidays, not just US ones. The Nobel Prize looks like a gold dime. They got Mom the same logo in 2000 and 2001. I think she's going to notice. And I vote for the Monet.
posted by kirkaracha at 8:36 AM on March 7, 2002

I'm partial to the Monet myself.

The googly eyes over in Fan Art Hell were actually kinda clever while still sticking to the whole simplicity thing.
posted by Foosnark at 8:51 AM on March 7, 2002

I like the variation of google logos though I think they are getting less interesting as they appear more often. That's less interesting from a rarity point of view though as I think the occassions they are celebrating are getting more interesting.

I'm in the UK and on my home dial up connection I get directed to by default. I presume my IP must be in a block registered to a dutch company, or something similar, but my ISP appear to be an italian company. Who knows. I'd rather get .com by default and a simple hint that I could get a country/language specific version if I wanted rather than the auto redirect job.
posted by kirsty at 8:55 AM on March 7, 2002

I liked the Olympic styled logos - especially the hockey one.
posted by mkn at 9:06 AM on March 7, 2002

The Mondrian logo is great, but I instantly thought:

"Partridge Family bus."

That could indicate something, I'm not sure what.
posted by ebarker at 10:16 AM on March 7, 2002

There should be a restraining order on any programmer that gets within fifty yards of Photoshop.

Here here!
posted by glenwood at 10:23 AM on March 7, 2002

Karl said:
"There should be a restraining order on any programmer that gets within fifty yards of Photoshop.

Uh...yeah Karl. Normally I would agree. But since your comment has absolutely nothing to do with this topic I don't quite get it. This guy's an actual artist who MAJORED in art at Stanford so what's your complaint?
posted by xochi at 10:39 AM on March 7, 2002

a little off topic, here's a cool tip from Screen Savers to make google your default search engine.
posted by sadie01221975 at 10:42 AM on March 7, 2002

The monet ....anyday.
posted by justlooking at 10:56 AM on March 7, 2002

ebarker: it indicates you're a person of Sound Judgment and Admirable Musical Taste. I noticed the Google logo today immediately, and I clicked through. Never heard of the artist being celebrated, but whadareyagonnado?

panopticon: that is the *cutest* thing I've seen since...well, the original pancake-bunny. Thanks!
posted by davidmsc at 1:53 PM on March 7, 2002

Just don't tell Dave Winer about it.. he's already been whining about how Google shouldn't use different logos.
posted by wackybrit at 8:47 PM on March 8, 2002

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