Jumping Jesus on a Pogo Stick!
March 29, 2002 2:57 PM   Subscribe

Jumping Jesus on a Pogo Stick! A little program that's fun for about five minutes. Play it with your mouse, and make sure you turn the sound on for the full effect.
posted by Yelling At Nothing (5 comments total)
fun for about five minutes

No it isn't.

posted by jpoulos at 3:05 PM on March 29, 2002

Damn that Jesus!
posted by donkeyschlong at 3:11 PM on March 29, 2002

Stay tuned for Bouncin' Mohammed on a Hippity Hop!
posted by evanizer at 3:32 PM on March 29, 2002

not to mention Blazin' Buddha on a Big Wheel!
posted by jonmc at 4:08 PM on March 29, 2002

That shit is so old, my dinosaur got bored.
posted by fahfooh at 1:24 AM on March 30, 2002

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