47 Years of Peace and Love
June 4, 2016 10:03 AM   Subscribe

That couple wrapped in a blanket on the cover of the Woodstock album? Still together. Still in love.
posted by davebush (19 comments total) 12 users marked this as a favorite
47 years is a long time to be wrapped in a blanket with someone

That's how marriage feels some days I guess.
posted by GuyZero at 10:18 AM on June 4, 2016 [9 favorites]

Well, these two have about wrapped it up.
posted by nevercalm at 10:46 AM on June 4, 2016 [1 favorite]

47 Years Later, Still Utterly Exhausted and Inexplicably Covered In Mud
posted by RobotVoodooPower at 10:54 AM on June 4, 2016 [10 favorites]

still outstanding in their field... or out standing in a field...
posted by oneswellfoop at 10:56 AM on June 4, 2016 [2 favorites]

There are all kinds of lotteries in life...the one that awards you someone you can love and spend almost half a century building a life with is a pretty good one to win.
posted by lon_star at 11:14 AM on June 4, 2016 [32 favorites]

Well, they totally win sleeveface.
posted by chavenet at 11:21 AM on June 4, 2016 [1 favorite]

posted by kimberussell at 11:26 AM on June 4, 2016

"Don’t go to bed mad at each other." This is a biggie. So cool to see them enduring -- I never thought about them other than that photo, which seemed such a blink of an eye.

Also, do not read the comments.
posted by Devils Rancher at 11:27 AM on June 4, 2016 [1 favorite]

My grandmother didn't read newspapers. "They only put the bad stories in the newspaper," she'd say. "I'll start reading when they put in more of the good stories." In the day, Woodstock was definitely a bad story to her: free love and pot smoking and rock and roll. It's funny how nowadays a Woodstock story can be the kind of feel-good piece she wanted more of.
posted by Lyme Drop at 12:10 PM on June 4, 2016 [8 favorites]

That made my day.
posted by Slarty Bartfast at 12:14 PM on June 4, 2016 [1 favorite]

posted by Bringer Tom at 12:28 PM on June 4, 2016 [1 favorite]

Wow, I'm not sure most of the people I knew from high school 30(mumble) years ago are still together.
posted by randomkeystrike at 12:42 PM on June 4, 2016

... I really wanted to read the woman's perspective and was rather disappointed that they apparently only interviewed the man?
posted by Cozybee at 1:07 PM on June 4, 2016 [2 favorites]

Cozybee: ... I really wanted to read the woman's perspective
Here you go:
(That was the link on reddit referred to in the article; I guess that's how journalism works these days.)
posted by merlynkline at 1:12 PM on June 4, 2016 [1 favorite]

Well, since about 50% of the people that claim they were at Woodstock weren't really there, one of them isn't telling the truth about this.
posted by HuronBob at 1:29 PM on June 4, 2016 [2 favorites]

Better than just 20,000 people standing in a field.
posted by scruss at 2:08 PM on June 4, 2016 [2 favorites]

Awwww...They're so cute. Good on them!
posted by Thorzdad at 2:32 PM on June 4, 2016 [1 favorite]

Well, since about 50% of the people that claim they were at Woodstock weren't really there, one of them isn't telling the truth about this.

Great story but when I saw it on Facebook yesterday I thought, well, ya know 80% of the stuff posted on Facebook is baloney so I Googled the names. Smithsonian Magazine, 2009, where a commenter notes:
Gardner Martin, who has the first bike to go 65 mph in the Smithsonian and his wife Sandra are the ones in the picture. Sandra still has the very unique quilt. Several couples have claimed to be those in the picture but their relative heights don't match up. Sandra's take is that it really doesn't matter. All who were at Woodstock have wonderful memories to cherish.
I did not Google-stalk Gardner Martin, his lovely wife, Sandra or his fast bike, so...
posted by maggieb at 4:34 PM on June 4, 2016

Uzzle took more than one photo and their friend is asleep on the tarp next to them. I think their claim is pretty solid. The comforter is mass-produced- it's possible that Sandra has the same one.
posted by oneirodynia at 6:48 PM on June 4, 2016 [3 favorites]

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