Mashup? More like Smash-up.
July 11, 2016 12:55 AM   Subscribe

Megaplex is an 80-minute mix of music and "thousands of cuts from more than 80 movies", edited to be "dense enough to pressurize these diamonds in the rough into gleaming treasures" (complete with an "Epilepsy Trigger Warning"; NSFW for brief nudity, violence and extreme grossness), from SmashTV, dedicated to "long form entertainment for a generation of Youtube junkies looking for their next fix".
SmashTV content previously posted here: "Skinimax", "Memorex", and their most impressive shorter piece "Christopher Walken Dance Now" (with dead link; here's where it is now).
If 80 minutes is too long for one big bite, they have broken it up into somewhat smaller pieces:

Part 1: "Turbo" (31:12) "starring Michael Jackson" but also featuring lots of dancing including breakdancers and John Travolta, various action movie scenes including Schwarzenegger in Total Recall, Van Damme in Time Cop, Stallone, Hogan and the Ninja Turtles, other familiar movie icons including Bill & Ted, The Rocketeer, Akira, Mrs. Brisby of NIMH, Harry (of And the Hendersons), plus '80s computer graphics and effects, and more.

Between the two 'main features' is a collection of short themed montages under the banner of "Coming Attractions" (15:20) (or viewable separately)
"American Hunk" (1:46) more Tom Cruise than you can stand
"Atari Summer" (:42) video from Tron, audio from an old Atari commercial
"Safari Ice" (1:42) anime babes, running, shooting and underdressed
"Miyazaki" (5:06) GOOD anime clips from the animation auteur's classic films (lots of flying; RECOMMENDED)
"Sunday Will Never Be The Same" (3:05) Zardoz, Logan's Run, Death Race, Wicker Man and other '70s weirdness with a 'Spanky & Our Gang' 60s pop soundtrack
"Odyssey" (2:01) drifting in space with 2001. ' nuff said.

Part 2: "Beyond" (29:47) 'starring Skeletor' (but not too much) is described as "Fantasia meets Videodrome", with more monsters and horror, more semi-obscure goodies (Toxic Avenger! Rock and Rule!), more 'comic relief' (Martin Short!? Ernest!?), more strobe effects and lots of Dune, Dark Crystal, Lawnmower Man and the Mario Bros. movie (well, nobody's perfect).
posted by oneswellfoop (3 comments total) 26 users marked this as a favorite
Cool thanks!
I loved SmashTV back when and did not know there was a Vimeo Channel.

I shall play this in the background of a party!
posted by bigendian at 3:23 AM on July 11, 2016 [1 favorite]

Thanks for that Miyazaki mix. I'm going to go re-watch all his movies now.
posted by jammy at 5:09 AM on July 11, 2016

That was my youth, indeed!
posted by Dhertiiboi at 8:25 PM on July 11, 2016

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