April 26, 2002 4:46 AM   Subscribe

Blocmedia Really cool web design - very Hi-Band indeed... and (for those who care) flishy-flashy.
posted by heimkonsole (4 comments total)
Wow, that get's kind of intense towards the end.

As far as nicely designed sites, I dig Amon Tobin's site.
posted by remlapm at 7:29 AM on April 26, 2002

amon tobins site was made by hi-res. check their page for lots of other great sites (requiem for a dream, donnie darko, soulbath...)
posted by atom128 at 9:44 AM on April 26, 2002

amon tobins site was made by hi-res. check their page for lots of other great sites (requiem for a dream, donnie darko, soulbath...)
posted by atom128 at 9:45 AM on April 26, 2002

Wow, atom, that Soulbath site that Hi-res did just blew my mind.
posted by remlapm at 10:40 AM on April 26, 2002

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