May 1, 2002 2:25 PM   Subscribe

Mayday! Small independent webcasters -- the ones who couldn't come up with the cash to participate in the CARP -- join forces to protest the CARP-imposed sound recording royalties and accompanying intrusive recordkeeping requirements. They urge that you write to your Congresscritter. Will all this grassroots effort really sway the Library of Congress?
posted by IPLawyer (13 comments total)
maybe we should start an online petition.
posted by tolkhan at 2:34 PM on May 1, 2002

Hear Hear!
Stop this in the states now so that the NZ equivalent won't be tempted to foist a similar scheme on my country.
Save Internet radio.
posted by Foaf at 2:39 PM on May 1, 2002

umm, "hear hear" to the top post. I'm assuming tolkahn is joking about the online petition.
posted by Foaf at 2:40 PM on May 1, 2002

CARP addresses copyrighted work only. If you don't read the details, it looks like you have to pay to webcast anything. The solution, imho, is to do one of two things:

1. play only music from artists (or the copyright holder, namely the greedy pig recording company) that have entered into a licensing agreement with you.

2. play indy music from artists who agree to let you broadcast their work.

case in point:'s license agreement includes sections that state they can broadcast your work without compensation (or you can pay $20 a month to be part of a special class of'er and get 'pay for play')

I think the future is in Indy.

No more Britney or N'Sync? Don't expect any tears from me
posted by Zebulun at 2:45 PM on May 1, 2002

People should be allowed to webcast anything that radio stations broadcast, for the same fee as the radio stations.

The solution, I think, should be to demonstrate and press home that there's really no good reason to differentiate between a webcast and a traditional broadcast.

Artists and record companies will still get paid. The royalties should be the same for radio and web-radio.
posted by Foaf at 2:55 PM on May 1, 2002

It better work, this grass roots effort. I can't afford to pay the hedious fees coming my way if it doesnt. CARP is total CRAP people. I think I would be right to say that us internet broadcasters dont do it for money, well most of us. We are not earning a dime. Yet we present the kinda indy music that no body on the mainstream plays. Also we are not saying that we dont want to pay. But it is really weird why we are supposed to pay more than regular professional broadcasters
posted by adnanbwp at 3:06 PM on May 1, 2002

This was already posted about in the sidebar. =]

The problem is with the size of the Royalties CARP is suggesting. If you follow the link to the Internet Radio Day of Silence, you'll see that the crux of the problem is that CARP wants internet broadcasters to pay a royalty that is significantly larger than what terrestrial radio stations pay, when i-broadcasters make significantly less money to begin with.

According to the site, the rates they suggest are based almost solely on a single deal made by Yahoo during the middle of the dotcom craze—at a time when there was plenty of money to spend, by an organization that has plenty of money to spend even when there isn't.
posted by spaceboy86 at 3:54 PM on May 1, 2002

I certainly have made my feelings plain.
posted by y2karl at 3:54 PM on May 1, 2002

Zebulun: CARP addresses copyrighted work only.

Everything is copyright these days. I'm guessing this isn't what you mean though because later you talk about using indie music. Indie music is still copyright.
posted by ODiV at 4:01 PM on May 1, 2002

It's also May Day all around the world. A Critical Mass cycle rally, a trade union march in Zimbabwe. "In India, about six hundred prostitutes demonstrated in Calcutta as part of their campaign to legalise their work."
posted by sheauga at 4:45 PM on May 1, 2002

I've stated that my lifelong dream occupation would be to run my own radio station. The only place I could find a wide audience with my weird tastes would be the net. I realize taht I don't have a station yet and may never have one, but this law shuts the door on even entertaining the possibilty.Not to mention it kills off the chance of exposing a lot of people to some great music.

So bomb 'em with faxes, bothers and sisters!!
posted by jonmc at 6:03 PM on May 1, 2002

it's not that hard to set one up - it's not like you have to do it full time either. If you want to play, check out Shoutcast or Icecast for free streaming software. There are plenty of sites out there that do the relaying for you as well.
posted by Foaf at 7:34 PM on May 1, 2002

This is the same wall that hits people who want to start a low watt radio station. It's really not difficult to broadcast pirate radio. The transmitter can be made on the cheap. In theory the radio waves should be for anybody. However, if that happened you wouldn't be able to hear anything, because people's frequencies would bleed into each other. So the companies with money have lobbied for laws that make it impossible for one to broadcast a radio station from their living room.

The big radio station companies got away with doing that already, despite a groundswell grass roots movement to stop it, which continues fruitlessly to this day. Do you honestly think Internet radio's got even a snowball's chance in hell?
posted by ZachsMind at 8:02 PM on May 1, 2002

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