August 18, 2017 9:07 PM   Subscribe

LCD Soundsystem - tonite
posted by hippybear (20 comments total)

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So I guess I'll be going to see them live now.
posted by feckless at 9:23 PM on August 18, 2017 [1 favorite]

Wow. Their more introspective songs have always lyrically blown me away and this was no exception.

"We maybe realize what it is we need before we die"

I was balking at ticket prices, but clearly it's worth it
posted by rosary at 9:26 PM on August 18, 2017

Old man yells at music, through music? Channels Stop Making Sense, but not successfully.
posted by codacorolla at 9:31 PM on August 18, 2017 [1 favorite]

Man, that opening beat is maddeningly close to Sensoria by Cabaret Voltaire.

Worried for a moment I wouldn't remember who it was and would spend all night with remembrance on the tip of my tongue. Phew! Crisis averted. This one's rather good too.
posted by los pantalones del muerte at 9:42 PM on August 18, 2017

posted by growabrain at 9:47 PM on August 18, 2017

See them live! This is my favorite band to see live (maybe favorite band period). Every song is elevated and it is a Dance Party. Saw them at a couple festivals and i loved looking around during the first few songs and seeing this band that most people weren't really familiar with suddenly *click* with a huge crowd. The singles have me very hyped for the new album and Im practically itchy with anticipation for the new tour.

I highly recommend their previous albums. Many people feel like this song is more reminiscent of the first album.
posted by cyphill at 9:51 PM on August 18, 2017 [1 favorite]

Oh gracious. The first LCD Soundsystem song I heard was _Losing My Edge_ and I identified so hard with it. With the benefit of time I now see that I was still very young and had lots of edge left, but it didn't feel like it then. Anyway, the song is still so good and if you were once very young and are now going grey like I am, it may still speak to you. You should listen.
posted by tehgubner at 10:38 PM on August 18, 2017

Damn, no Pacific Northwest dates at all on their fall/winter tour this year. I was hoping to finally get the chance to see them live.
posted by good in a vacuum at 10:48 PM on August 18, 2017

Yeah, no shows up in the Pacific Northwest so I'm considering flying to LA and getting one of the already sold out tickets from a reseller. LCD Soundsystem has been on the bucketlist since forever, but I never made it before the final show so I'm not taking that chance this time.

Love this song, and the love the Losing My Edge reference in the middle of it.
posted by cirrostratus at 11:32 PM on August 18, 2017

Yeah, no shows up in the Pacific Northwest so I'm considering flying to LA and getting one of the already sold out tickets from a reseller.


If you're thinking about flying from PNW to CA for LCD, they added a second SF show and tickets are (somehow) still available as of my post right now:

I have tickets to the first SF show and cannot wait.
posted by secret about box at 12:41 AM on August 19, 2017 [2 favorites]

I saw them recently in Melbourne and it was a fantastic show- they sounded great and the crowd was super into it, most people on their feet and dancing for the entire set.
posted by emd3737 at 2:42 AM on August 19, 2017

I can change. My favorite LCD Soundsystem song.
posted by yesster at 6:41 AM on August 19, 2017

Their latest stuff is absolutely throwing down the gauntlet.
posted by Annika Cicada at 7:55 AM on August 19, 2017

is this off a current album or how long do I have to wait to purchase?
posted by rebent at 8:13 AM on August 19, 2017

How can you see them live? Their farewell concerts were in 2011.
posted by srboisvert at 8:15 AM on August 19, 2017

They reformed.
posted by Annika Cicada at 8:26 AM on August 19, 2017

That baseline is something else
posted by fearfulsymmetry at 9:24 AM on August 19, 2017

New album comes out September 1st! For those who miss them this time don't be too worried. In my entirely uninformed opinion it is very likely LCD Soundsystem will do a festival tour again in the summer. They've been one of the more popular festival headlining acts (in terms of number of bookings) the last two years and I don't expect that to change with a new album of material to play. Also some band members have gone out of their way to reassure fans that the band is going to be touring for a while.
posted by cyphill at 9:32 AM on August 19, 2017

They are playing I think 1000 shows in Brooklyn and all were sold out before I could grab one.
posted by armacy at 11:37 PM on August 19, 2017

Good to see them back, but if you're going to "break up" and then immediately start recording and touring again, you should at least do us the favor of calling yourselves something different like LED Soundsystem or ADD Videogamingsystem or Jefferson Starship IV. That way people can still say they saw you on your "farewell" tour and it won't be completely meaningless.
posted by fungible at 12:15 PM on August 20, 2017

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