Keep 'er movin'
August 23, 2017 3:16 PM   Subscribe

Ok, ya know what, I'll tell you what, welcome to the Manitowoc Minute!

Comedian Charlie Berens strives to celebrate his home state with ‘Manitowoc Minute’, and gains a little bit of internet fame along the way.

  • Episode 1 - On this week's Manitowoc Minute, I talk punching Bill Cosby in the pudding pop, spending $13.7 billion on something with a hole and an antique grinder from Plover, Wisconsin.
  • Episode 2 - Oh Geez Louise I gotta new Manitowoc Minute up for ya!
  • Happy 4th from the Manitowoc Minute - Live from Lake Winnebago, here's a Manitowoc Minute update.
  • Episode 3 - Holy smokes! On this week's Manitowoc Minute we talk about Kim Jong Un, Wisconsin drivers and snorting chocolate. Keep 'er movin!
  • Episode 4 - In this week's Manitowoc Minute we talk about Kid Rock's Senate big, Johnny Football looking for more shots and Wisconsin marijuana laws.
  • Episode 5 - In this week's Manitowoc Minute we China banning Justin Bieber, drunk cow climbing and OJ's Bronco. Heck yeah!
  • Manitowoc Minute Vlog - Hey der folks I'm going up north this week! More updates to come.
  • Going Skiing On Da Manitowoc Minute - Disclaimer: This was stupid, don't do it. Ok, enjoy.
  • Episode 6 - In this week's Manitowoc Minute, Russian President Vladimir Putin's catching pike, Wisconsin employees are getting microchips implanted and a bear's on the loose in Green Bay.
  • Da Manitowoc Minute with Da Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - It's a special edition of the Manitowoc Minute. We did a collaboration with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Good stuff there guy!
  • Episode 7 - Let's roast these white supremacists real quick once. It's da Manitowoc Minute!
  • Episode 8 - Eclipses and nail guns and Steve Bannon, Oh my (gosh!). It's da Manitowoc Minute!
Or, for your play-all pleasure, there's also a slightly-out-of-order YouTube playlist.

As always, go Packers and @#★%@💀 da Bears.
posted by Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (9 comments total) 20 users marked this as a favorite
It's like someone video taped my uncle. He's over dere in Evansville.
posted by spinifex23 at 4:12 PM on August 23, 2017

The Wiscarillion is largely a story about a couple two trees.

I'm so sorry.
posted by The Gaffer at 4:49 PM on August 23, 2017 [2 favorites]

The waterskiing video brings up a lot of trauma stemming from things my husband and his cousins do on Wisconsin lakes.
posted by padraigin at 6:19 PM on August 23, 2017 [2 favorites]

I love this so much. (We don't all sound like this btw.) (Okay, many of us don't.)
posted by AFABulous at 7:18 PM on August 23, 2017 [2 favorites]

"If you think being white's an accomplishment you should prolly try accomplishing something."
We been laughin at da water skiing episode fer quite some time now ya dere hey.
posted by Floydd at 7:47 PM on August 23, 2017 [1 favorite]

> (We don't all sound like this btw.) (Okay, many of us don't.)

So true. Dose of us who grew up down by Schusters, where the streetcar bends the corner round sound completely different, aina?
posted by klarck at 8:03 PM on August 23, 2017 [2 favorites]

So true. Dose of us who grew up down by Schusters, where the streetcar bends the corner round sound completely different, aina?

Love sub-regional accents. So fun to listen to!

In Rhode Island, we have at least eight sub-regional accents. One of them is a hold-over from Arcadians expelled from Nova Scotia and then wound up in Woonsocket.

In Provdense, west of rt95, they'd say it like, "Guy, we all pahk aw caws side-by-side at the hospital, and couldja throw tha pillaaw down tha stays ta me? I'll make ya a sannich."

In WoonSA-Ket they'd say it like, "Doot, we's all side-by-each pahk aw caws at the anospital, also couldja throw me down the says the pilloohh? I'll make ya a sangweech."

In Newport (New)* they'd say it like, "Guy, we all park our cars in a row at the hospital, also could you throw me the pillow down the stairs? I'll make you a sanwich."

(*Military respect for consonants (there's a huge Navy R&D facility there, as well as the Naval War Acadamy) yet a hint of South Coast singsong pronunciation, phrasing, and a few shortcuts sneaking in. Old Newport is if Julia Childs was from Maine.)
posted by Slap*Happy at 8:44 PM on August 23, 2017 [2 favorites]

This is pure joy.
posted by Going To Maine at 12:02 AM on August 24, 2017

Went to college in Appleton. LOVE THIS! The fact that he managed to rip the Vikings and the Bears in the same minute makes it pure Wisconsin!
posted by slkinsey at 5:31 AM on August 24, 2017

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