There are only two styles of portrait painting—the serious and the smirk
December 9, 2017 8:50 PM   Subscribe

Learning something new can be challenging, but sometimes, it can take you places you’d never imagine. Kimiko Nishimoto was 72 years old when she picked up a camera, and it’s transformed her life over the past 17 years. Now at 89, she's enjoying wide-spread attention for her creative self-portrait photography.

Nishimoto will be holding a month-long photographic exhibition of her silly photos in Tokyo next month, teaming up with EPSON for the prints. The show will run at the Epson Imaging Gallery in the Shinjuku Ward of Tokyo from December 15th, 2017, through January 18th, 2018.

More photos and two TV segments.
posted by Johnny Wallflower (4 comments total) 12 users marked this as a favorite
she has also used the medium to show off her incredible sense of humor. In a series of self-portraits, the now-87-year-old puts herself in bizarre situations that you wouldn't expect from someone her age.

I enjoyed her images but I'm not a big enthusiast of the, "gee, an oldster is doing a surprising thing" when the surprising thing consists of not being a stereotype. In fact, I think the images would be entertaining regardless of her age. But perhaps I'm an outlier.
posted by Bella Donna at 9:16 PM on December 9, 2017

She is really cool. These are great.
posted by gryphonlover at 10:53 PM on December 9, 2017

The pathos on the trash bag portrait!

She seems to have a lack of pretension that is actually quite special.
posted by St. Peepsburg at 11:01 PM on December 9, 2017

I found the trash and pedestrian collision pictures very disturbing.
posted by scruss at 6:07 AM on December 10, 2017 [1 favorite]

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