it's all about the worms
January 3, 2018 3:29 AM   Subscribe

Hot dang, this is good. And it sent me down a YouTube rabbit hole in the best of ways.
Bonus material 1: Her Tiny Desk Concert from 2015, which is Radiohead-free but great nonetheless.
Bonus material 2: If you're into the cover songs in general, I've been collecting a bunch of them on a playlist called “Undercover” over on Spotify. (Best on shuffle. Additional recommendations welcome!)
posted by D.Billy at 6:47 AM on January 3, 2018

Well, that was beautiful, a great way to start the day of my soul.
posted by Oyéah at 11:04 AM on January 3, 2018

The way they play it sounds a lot like Subterranean Homesick Alien until the arpeggio rock-out begins. She's amazing.
posted by grumpybear69 at 12:14 PM on January 3, 2018

I stumbled on this a while back (perhaps linked here?), I'm a Radiohead fan and usually hate covers of their songs but this is so wonderful.
posted by markr at 1:07 PM on January 3, 2018

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