No Justice! No Pride!
April 3, 2018 7:49 PM   Subscribe

Last year, Trans Queer Pueblo protested Phoenix Pride’s pride parade. This year, conflict over police presence, and sponsorship by corporations viewed as anti-immigration, remains unresolved, despite the theme of this year’s Pride Festival being “United We Stand: Equality For All.
posted by Grandysaur (4 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Phoenix is one of the most outwardly bigoted and racist cities I've spent any amount of time in. Their continual reelection of 'Sheriff Joe' is a testament to this (although he is not Sheriff currently, it would not surprise me if he went back).

Good on Trans Queer Pueblo in bringing back the spirit of protest and rightly bringing issues that impact their community to the forefront.

From the 'Last Year' link: "Parade attendees shouted racial slurs, pushed and shoved protesters, and attempted to start physical fights.".."It looked like something from a Trump rally — except that this time, the angry white men were wearing rainbow beads, and were at an event that's supposedly about tolerance and equality."

To be honest though, I had always attributed the prevalent racism in Phoenix as a byproduct of old white racist people, sadly it appears as if I was mistaken.
posted by el io at 10:44 PM on April 3, 2018 [4 favorites]

It's really fucking depressing that this kind of thing is so familiar at this point. I can't remember the last mainstream Pride event I attended - if it isn't transphobia keeping me away, it's the rampant and largely unapologetic racism.
posted by Dysk at 1:29 AM on April 4, 2018 [1 favorite]

Toronto police will withdraw application to march in Pride parade

Twin Cities Stonewall DFL, a big constituency, has some demands for Twin Cities Pride (a thread)
posted by clavicle at 9:53 AM on April 4, 2018

Pride is a march, not a parade. Good to see the tide starting to go back out on corporate Pride.
posted by Automocar at 11:09 AM on April 4, 2018 [1 favorite]

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