June 26, 2018 8:43 AM   Subscribe

TeacherTube is a free resource for educators, students and parents to share and watch instructional videos. Launched in 2007 as a YouTube alternative that is "a more educationally focused, safe venue for teachers, schools, and home learners," the site is now home to over a million user-generated videos on dozens of topics, many of which are used as teaching tools in schools and libraries across the United States.

The site has also partnered with Texas Instruments and Seaworld Parks.
posted by zarq (2 comments total) 38 users marked this as a favorite
Good Librarian vs Bad Librarian.
posted by doctornemo at 10:55 AM on June 26, 2018

First several hits for "climate change" are pretty accurate.

Searching for "moon landing faked" and "moon landing hoax" produces 0 hits.

posted by gwint at 11:51 AM on June 26, 2018 [10 favorites]

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