The Wolfman Museum - A rest stop for the weary internet traveler
April 6, 2019 7:25 AM   Subscribe

The Wolfman Museum - An Art Museum... IN SPACE A bit of a mad cross between a link aggregator and an old point-and-click adventure game.

The Wolfman museum is the product of a collaboration between artists Robert and Peter Hopkins. Described by its co-founder as "a website and virtual space free to the public, home to artwork and useful web commodities such as public archives, educational courses, and livestreams from around the world."

The museum defies concise explanation and rewards casual wandering through the linked galleries. Mouse around - many bits of the decor are clickable and lead to something. Enjoy!
posted by Wretch729 (3 comments total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
I decided not to clutter the post with a laundry list of the various cool stuff here, but I'd love to hear what people find that they like. I've only explored a few parts of the site, but without the link from gallery 5A I would not have found out that The Met puts tons of their publications online (and downloadable) for FREE! All those pretty books I drool over in the gift shop are free online?! Exploring the site was worth it just for this info alone.
posted by Wretch729 at 7:32 AM on April 6, 2019

This is really great! Thanks for the post!
posted by wordless reply at 2:27 PM on April 6, 2019

Super cool. (Though I wish my browser would preload the outbound links in each page.)

There are a lot of signposts with no outgoing link or links to under-construction pages, but the virtual-gallery-to-showcase-public-domain-works idea has legs, and I really like feeling of spontaneous discovery found in a slightly eclectically curated space.

The mountain hike pages are particularly nice. I'm digging the very collage-y composition of the scenes.
posted by colin.jaquiery at 4:06 AM on April 7, 2019

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