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April 12, 2020 9:33 AM   Subscribe

The lamentations of their women, AFAIK.
posted by pompomtom at 9:41 AM on April 12, 2020 [18 favorites]

This will be more interesting in a long while once I don't end up being the first to vote in most of the contests. It's the ones where other votes have been cast which are interesting to me.
posted by hippybear at 9:44 AM on April 12, 2020 [10 favorites]

It says I've already voted 16 times.

Also the best thing... is you.
posted by glonous keming at 9:59 AM on April 12, 2020 [6 favorites]

Agree with hippybear

"Toad has won two out of two times" was a lot funnier than all the "this is the first contest between..." returns I got

Needed a laugh though, thx
posted by SystematicAbuse at 10:05 AM on April 12, 2020 [3 favorites]

I was just served tabasco vs heterosexual sex twice in a row. needless to say, my choice now has won 2 out of 2 times.
posted by hippybear at 10:08 AM on April 12, 2020 [24 favorites]

Lenny: "If you ask me, Muhammad Ali in his prime was much better than anti-lock brakes."
Carl: "Yeah, but what about Johnny Mathis versus Diet Pepsi?"
posted by fedward at 10:08 AM on April 12, 2020 [28 favorites]

You haven't lived until you've been asked to weigh in on Baby Grow and mouthful of salty water.
posted by fountainofdoubt at 10:09 AM on April 12, 2020 [1 favorite]

NSFW warning, my first match up was between areola and tortillas.

I’m sure it’s obvious which one won.
posted by brook horse at 10:11 AM on April 12, 2020 [1 favorite]

The all-time leaderboard, currently:

1 nature
2 being asleep
3 fresh air
4 dog
5 bed
6 ocean
7 garlic bread
8 WiFi
9 drinking water
10 being warm
posted by mbrubeck at 10:15 AM on April 12, 2020 [17 favorites]

Wait: Lenny is an idiot? This changes everything.
posted by pompomtom at 10:15 AM on April 12, 2020

so much for doing anything today...
posted by supermedusa at 10:19 AM on April 12, 2020 [4 favorites]

crusty bread versus asbestos? they need MY input on this?
posted by Clowder of bats at 10:23 AM on April 12, 2020 [8 favorites]

how am I supposed to chose between Boudoir and Pepperoni?????????????
posted by supermedusa at 10:24 AM on April 12, 2020 [7 favorites]

One is best. You know which. Follow your heart.
posted by hippybear at 10:25 AM on April 12, 2020 [2 favorites]

I stopped when asked to choose between Snapchat and Donald Trump.
posted by misteraitch at 10:27 AM on April 12, 2020 [10 favorites]

Pouring out a forty for the long-departed, sincerely-missed whatsbetter dot com.
posted by delfin at 10:31 AM on April 12, 2020 [5 favorites]

They’re good things, Brent.
posted by mbrubeck at 10:33 AM on April 12, 2020 [8 favorites]

Maybe 14 years ago, in the heady days when Apples to Apples was novel and Cards Against Humanity was not yet a gleam in a crass hipster's eye, two drunk friends of mine played this game using solely the noun cards, sort of like War. It was intolerable.
posted by HeroZero at 10:40 AM on April 12, 2020 [9 favorites]

It was intolerable

by which you mean awesome?
posted by supermedusa at 10:42 AM on April 12, 2020 [8 favorites]

Wait: Lenny is an idiot? This changes everything.

I feel like it's canon that Carl is the smart one, but I haven't watched the show in years.
posted by fedward at 10:43 AM on April 12, 2020 [1 favorite]

by which you mean awesome?

Depends on what it was up against.
posted by HeroZero at 10:44 AM on April 12, 2020 [3 favorites]

The site told me that offered the first opinion on whether pyjamas or Christianity was better. Considering the very next post is about the difficulty of getting up and going to church, I just don't think that's true.
posted by Graygorey at 10:44 AM on April 12, 2020

With apologies to the OP, when I read the post title, my first thought was, “well, it’s certainly not Ten Cold Hot Dogs.”
posted by cheapskatebay at 10:49 AM on April 12, 2020 [14 favorites]

I'm stumped as to whether a marmoset is better than a drawing room. This is clearly not a safe space for people who see the good in all things.
posted by pipeski at 10:54 AM on April 12, 2020 [15 favorites]

Team marmoset
posted by Wobbuffet at 10:58 AM on April 12, 2020 [8 favorites]

I’m surprised how easy it is to make a instantaneous and definitive choice between two things that are in no way comparable (when absolutely nothing is at stake).
posted by EXISTENZ IS PAUSED at 11:01 AM on April 12, 2020 [6 favorites]

I think you just have to tally up a all the things a drawing room is better for and all the things a marmoset is better for and weight them by the product of how much better it is at that and how important that situation is. Simple, really. (Marmosets are better)
posted by aubilenon at 11:04 AM on April 12, 2020 [3 favorites]

I kept going until I got a non-unanimous choice, i.e. "[your choice] has won one out of two times". It was in this way that I learned that someone thinks a microwave is better than a grizzly bear. I do not know this person and do not want to know this person.
posted by five toed sloth at 11:07 AM on April 12, 2020 [20 favorites]

On my tenth vote or so I was given a credit card vs... Nothing. Not "nothing", just a blank space. This game is rigged.
posted by St. Oops at 11:13 AM on April 12, 2020 [1 favorite]

I am treating this like an AI referendum on current reality. So a vote not-for something sends it hurtling into the abyss. Sorry about Princess Anne, Rarebit, and locks everybody. Sorry.
posted by Tchad at 11:24 AM on April 12, 2020 [5 favorites]

I’m sure it’s obvious which one won.

Is it though?
posted by sjswitzer at 11:30 AM on April 12, 2020

Apparently Go-Gurt is known as Frubes in the UK, which bothers me considerably because the name Go-Gurt is objectively the only good thing about that product. Take any situation and add Go-Gurt to it and it becomes 15% funnier. You can't do that with Frubes.

Anyway, Frube loses to storm.
posted by dephlogisticated at 11:39 AM on April 12, 2020 [5 favorites]

glonous keming: "Also the best thing... is you."

The best thing is the friends we made along the way.
posted by chavenet at 11:41 AM on April 12, 2020 [3 favorites]

depends on whether or not marmosets are a plague vector amirite? into the void cute little squirrel!
posted by supermedusa at 11:42 AM on April 12, 2020

Crows vs cheddar cheese was the only one where I really was torn
posted by fancyoats at 11:48 AM on April 12, 2020 [8 favorites]

"This is the first contest between feminism and Christianity."

is it??????????
posted by ITheCosmos at 11:51 AM on April 12, 2020 [62 favorites]

ooooh I got to vote for The Black Death!
posted by supermedusa at 12:11 PM on April 12, 2020 [4 favorites]

I am treating this like an AI referendum on current reality. So a vote not-for something sends it hurtling into the abyss. Sorry about Princess Anne, Rarebit, and locks everybody. Sorry.
posted by Tchad at 11:24 AM on April 12

Same (my whole worldview right now is sung in the key of What If This Thing Wasn’t Anymore). It gave me some random pleasant thing up against an Epi-Pen and I’m like, sorry dudes, I like my friend with the peanut allergy, random pleasant thing has got to go.
posted by eirias at 12:18 PM on April 12, 2020 [4 favorites]

"ditch" vs. "the s&m community"

Well, I know which one I'd rather be tied up and thrown into.
posted by mrgoat at 12:23 PM on April 12, 2020 [18 favorites]

posted by srboisvert at 12:25 PM on April 12, 2020

Crows vs cheddar cheese was the only one where I really was torn

Oh, that is a tough one. The one that made me give up without voting because I couldn't decide was sudoku vs. dew.
posted by Redstart at 12:29 PM on April 12, 2020

Team Nature :)
posted by leshill at 12:31 PM on April 12, 2020

Gave up at androgyny vs. reindeer.
posted by gudrun at 12:39 PM on April 12, 2020 [2 favorites]

This site is like a John Green fever dream.
posted by stevil at 12:48 PM on April 12, 2020

¿Que es más macho?
posted by Harvey Kilobit at 12:50 PM on April 12, 2020 [9 favorites]

I got stuck when I had to choose between possums and gay pride.
posted by Grandysaur at 1:02 PM on April 12, 2020 [6 favorites]

I like the idea of comparing two pictures together. It gives the whole thing a very "Turing" feel, since people's ratings of the pictures will be more implicit than, say, choosing a number to represent each person's hotness like they do on hotornot.com.

(Trent Reznor soundtrack going bananas)
posted by officer_fred at 1:12 PM on April 12, 2020

flute vs. hot sauce / Impossible Choice

Of course, it was a human girl playing flute vs. a plain bottle of unlabeled red sauce, so I call this a rigged game.
posted by kozad at 1:15 PM on April 12, 2020

Rock Hyax (some kind of small mammal) vs. Common Cold
posted by SoberHighland at 1:16 PM on April 12, 2020

Pineapple or knife?
posted by SoberHighland at 1:17 PM on April 12, 2020 [3 favorites]

que is mas macho?
posted by hippybear at 1:19 PM on April 12, 2020 [3 favorites]

I'm choosing the best one
posted by winesong at 1:30 PM on April 12, 2020 [1 favorite]

I’ve submitted like four things now.
posted by holborne at 1:35 PM on April 12, 2020

orangutan vs lengthy twitter thread sums up 2020
posted by poffin boffin at 1:56 PM on April 12, 2020 [17 favorites]

debutantes or centipedes
cheesecakes or aardvarks
spatulas or hibachis

It's a hard, hard world, my friends.
posted by briank at 2:00 PM on April 12, 2020 [4 favorites]

I think the most difficult matchup I’ve had was key vs wire. I had to actually think for a bit, trying to weigh the differences. Finally, I went with the obvious choice.
posted by Ghidorah at 2:20 PM on April 12, 2020 [1 favorite]

Ah, pepperoni, nothing could beat that! What’s the challenger?

Bird of Paradise.

Sorry, my fermented sausage, second favorite pizza topping buddy, but I’ve seen your mating dance, and frankly, it’s a bit lacking. BoP all the way.
posted by Ghidorah at 2:25 PM on April 12, 2020 [1 favorite]

“This is the first contest between football (soccer) and religion.”

/shocked pikachu face
posted by Ghidorah at 2:37 PM on April 12, 2020 [1 favorite]

"hyperactive child" vs. "hospital mischief" has broken my brain.
posted by maxwelton at 2:38 PM on April 12, 2020 [5 favorites]

As soon as I saw the original post, I thought "Thing from Addams Family is better than The Thing from Fantastic Four". And I'm shocked that none of the previous 60 commenters brought that up.
posted by oneswellfoop at 3:03 PM on April 12, 2020 [1 favorite]

Christianity vs Okra?

posted by Windopaene at 3:12 PM on April 12, 2020

The otter ones were easy though.
posted by Hairy Lobster at 3:57 PM on April 12, 2020 [1 favorite]

Has a habit of giving me the same choices twice in a row, or only giving me one option, and for the last ten minutes has said that I've voted 21 times. I worry.
posted by Hogshead at 4:05 PM on April 12, 2020

I had to choose between gay pride and communism. Somewhere a tankie has put me on some kind of list.
posted by klanawa at 4:21 PM on April 12, 2020 [8 favorites]

um, do you want Devs? 'cause this is how you get Devs

Also, marijuana vs bear seemed easy at first.
At first.
posted by massless at 5:09 PM on April 12, 2020

I played 10 times. Four times, I was asked to choose between a random thing and pineapple pizza. Pineapple pizza did not win.
posted by pangolin party at 5:31 PM on April 12, 2020

> "hyperactive child" vs. "hospital mischief" has broken my brain.

If it helps any, I think they're both Dead Kennedys songs.
posted by glonous keming at 5:42 PM on April 12, 2020 [4 favorites]

This is the first contest between wolverine and Earl Grey tea.

Clearly, no one has spoken to Patrick Stewart, then.
posted by Four Ds at 5:53 PM on April 12, 2020 [1 favorite]

I’m surprised how easy it is to make a instantaneous and definitive choice between two things that are in no way comparable (when absolutely nothing is at stake).

Casually clicking through a bunch of frivolous comparisons and I had a dark thought that stopped me cold: We're going to find out at some point that the stakes for this were much higher than originally thought.

As for a good metric to make tough decisions easier, I usually choose the option I'd rather put in my mouth.
posted by carsonb at 5:54 PM on April 12, 2020 [2 favorites]

OMG: are we training some sort of monstrous GAN here?
posted by Insert Clever Name Here at 6:21 PM on April 12, 2020

Shades of Mindpixel.
posted by genpfault at 6:49 PM on April 12, 2020

As soon as I saw the original post, I thought "Thing from Addams Family is better than The Thing from Fantastic Four". And I'm shocked that none of the previous 60 commenters brought that up.

Yeah, but then I thought about the Thing from The Thing and Volkswagen's Thing, and I wasn't so sure.
posted by rtimmel at 7:29 PM on April 12, 2020 [3 favorites]

I have for the past 35 years or more wanted to own a Volkswagen Thing. With all the bits that can be attached or detached. I love that vehicle so much. I know it's shit to drive, but it's so fucking cute and sexy and flexible and adaptable.....

I'm sorry what were we talking about?
posted by hippybear at 7:41 PM on April 12, 2020 [1 favorite]

Garlic bread seems placed about right on this list. I'd argue better than nature or bed, but just below fresh air and sleep.
posted by Slarty Bartfast at 7:48 PM on April 12, 2020

So much agreement, hippybear. The Thing has been my dream car for just about the same length of time as you. Someone at my high school drove one and I've fixated on it ever since.
posted by Four Ds at 7:50 PM on April 12, 2020

Pan pipes or toe socks did me in.

I refuse to be on record voting for either.
posted by oddman at 8:23 PM on April 12, 2020 [1 favorite]

"Ethnic diversity vz the laptop"

Oh come ON!

There are some things you should never be forced to choose between.
posted by jrochest at 8:24 PM on April 12, 2020

Japanese culture vs a tidal wave.

The joy of random juxtaposition.
posted by antiwiggle at 5:38 AM on April 13, 2020 [1 favorite]

I got "being white" and stepped gingerly out of the website.
posted by Iteki at 10:46 AM on April 13, 2020

In the ever-popular "guinea pig" vs. "heterosexual sex" pairing, the guinea pig has now won 3 times.

Just putting that out there.
posted by zeusianfog at 10:58 AM on April 13, 2020 [3 favorites]

Being asleep is currently #1? That can't be right.

I have no experience of being asleep. Dreamless sleep is indistinguishable from death, which is not best.

Other people are boring when they are asleep. They are bad conversationalists. At best they provide a warm bedpillow or an opportunity for pranks.

Join me in having the courage to be awake.
posted by justsomebodythatyouusedtoknow at 11:48 AM on April 13, 2020

Agh! How do you even make a Piano without Nails?
posted by sexyrobot at 2:47 PM on April 13, 2020

Christianity vs Okra?

I mean, sure, it’s got a lot in then negative column, repression, divisiveness, and has been a force for bad in the world just as much, if not more than the good it’s done, but at least Christianity isn’t okra. I mean, eewwww. Seriously folks, you can make gumbo with okra, you won’t even notice it’s not there, aside from a bounce in your step and the colors of the world seeming that much brighter and more cheerful because you didn’t have to endure okra.
posted by Ghidorah at 5:58 PM on April 13, 2020

... says someone who's never had bhindi masala.
posted by sjswitzer at 6:10 PM on April 13, 2020 [1 favorite]

It seems broken for now? Is it working for anyone else, and if so, in what browser?
posted by mahorn at 9:45 AM on April 14, 2020

Working for me. Chrome on Windows 10.

Also, snow vs trees.

ETA, now it's acting wonky. Hmmmm
posted by kathrynm at 10:39 AM on April 14, 2020

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