"I love it when people sing my songs!"
November 26, 2020 10:58 PM   Subscribe

Dolly Parton is an international treasure.
posted by Thella at 11:15 PM on November 26, 2020 [14 favorites]

Dolly has turned out to be the antidote for 2020.
posted by Foci for Analysis at 11:46 PM on November 26, 2020 [19 favorites]

Aww that was fabulous! I watched the Pink one too, these are so fun!
posted by lemonade at 11:47 PM on November 26, 2020 [1 favorite]

"...the way you were movin' and the way you were hittin' that guitar, you got a lotta passion -- that showed -- and I like that too, so just apply that to anything you do in life and you'll be okay 'cause your singin's good..."

Thus spake Dolly.
posted by mandolin conspiracy at 12:23 AM on November 27, 2020 [14 favorites]

Oh my god Dolly Parton! Some people are just full of goodness, you know? You can see it radiating from her. What a lovely soul.
posted by hurdy gurdy girl at 1:43 AM on November 27, 2020 [5 favorites]

stan forever
posted by inire at 1:59 AM on November 27, 2020 [2 favorites]

Thanks! This is a wonderful video to start the day.
posted by Miss Cellania at 2:29 AM on November 27, 2020

Dolly's too good for 2020.
posted by signal at 4:47 AM on November 27, 2020 [2 favorites]

Might have to mosey over to the Music page when I get up and can find all my files...
posted by aesop at 5:16 AM on November 27, 2020 [1 favorite]

One of my favorite concerts was Dolly live at Merlefest back in 2000. She did her all of her songs in bluegrass style and she had that crowd in the palm of her hand the whole time. Her stories had us all laughing ("It costs a lot money to look this cheap!") and crying (the story behind "Coat of Many Colors").
posted by NoMich at 6:19 AM on November 27, 2020 [4 favorites]

What gets me the most is when she harmonizes with their versions of her songs—it's hard to put into words how that gets me. It's like the ultimate compliment in itself, for her to trust their melody line of her songs enough, and feel like they're strong enough, for her to chime in on, and she's so beautifully pitch perfect, it feels effortless, and it's just love, for such a strong, gifted musician to essentially improvise along with them, to say you go, you got this, but I can't help singing along with it because you've got it. All those words to describe what is just...Dolly being Dolly, a kind and giving musician.

One of my cats is named Dolly—I didn't name her, and I wasn't sure about the name at first, when I got her at the beginning of this year, because I didn't know Dolly's music that well. But I've gotten to know it better since then, and I've come to admire Dolly so much for so many reasons, and I'm so proud to have a cat named for her.
posted by limeonaire at 6:19 AM on November 27, 2020 [25 favorites]

I'm wondering if Dolly is one of the 36 hidden Tzadikim.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 6:21 AM on November 27, 2020 [15 favorites]

Everything about this is a delight.

She's such a passionate lover of music and so knowledgeable and so generous with other artists. She's a powerful songwriter and her catalogue is full of just absolutely amazing songs that can be done and redone in a million ways. I'm so glad she's an artist who takes joy in those covers.
posted by jacquilynne at 6:21 AM on November 27, 2020 [3 favorites]

We must protect Dolly and Betty White at all costs.
posted by I_Love_Bananas at 6:41 AM on November 27, 2020 [5 favorites]

Foci for Analysis: "Dolly has turned out to be the antidote for 2020."

Salvador Dolly
posted by chavenet at 6:42 AM on November 27, 2020 [16 favorites]

That was lovely. I should turn off my computer now before I see something to ruin the mood that left me in.
posted by COD at 7:08 AM on November 27, 2020 [1 favorite]

The world is a better place for having had her it it.
posted by Johnny Wallflower at 7:35 AM on November 27, 2020 [3 favorites]

That was a delightful way to begin the day!! I have loved Dolly Parton's music and Dolly Parton the human being since I was a kid. She radiates positivity and kindness without being shallow and saccharine, even while dressed like a Dollar Store Christmas tree. I am not a religious person, but I do follow the teachings of the Dolly Lama. Thank you for posting this mightygodking. I can't even begin to imagine how over the moon those singers/musicians were to hear Dolly compliment their work. Thrill of a lifetime, I'm sure.

If you haven't seen it yet, the Netflix documentary about Dolly called HERE I AM is wonderful.

People always comin' up to me and askin'
"Dolly, what's your secret?
With all you do, your attitude
Just seems to be so good
How do you keep it?"
Well, I'm not the Dalai Lama, but I'll try
To offer up a few words of advice.

You better get to livin', givin'
Don't forget to throw in a little forgivin'
And lovin' on the way
You better get to knowin', showin'
A little bit more concerned about where you're goin'
Just a word unto the wise
You better get to livin'.
posted by pjsky at 8:03 AM on November 27, 2020 [4 favorites]

Thanks for sharing this. It's just simply wonderful. Made me feel so happy, and now I want to sing Jolene.
posted by Zumbador at 9:00 AM on November 27, 2020

I love the moment when Love Raptor's redheaded singer is just TOO EXCITED TO SIT DOWN for a second and then rushes back in front of the screen so she doesn't miss anything. A wonderful moment in a wonderful video.Thanks, mightygodking!
posted by Paul Slade at 9:27 AM on November 27, 2020 [6 favorites]

A disconcerting number of my 20-something friends-n-relations are singer-songwriters who've been busking and bedroom-youtubing since they were teens. The chances of any of them making a living out of that, let alone being "discovered", are vanishingly small. But they're still strummin' and hummin' because they can do no other. Dolly Parton giving a masterclass in respect, I wish there was more of her to go round.
posted by BobTheScientist at 10:19 AM on November 27, 2020 [4 favorites]

I hate the word "delightful," but if there's another word to describe that video, I don't know what it would be. I think I really need to spend more time watching Dolly Parton interviews and trying harder to be more genuine and gracious (or at least less cynical and sarcastic). She's definitely the me I wish I could see in the world.

What gets me the most is when she harmonizes with their versions of her songs—it's hard to put into words how that gets me.

That was the first thing that grabbed me too. She wasn't just singing along, she was singing along in a way that made the other artists sound better and kept their performances at the center. That's just remarkable grace.
posted by Mchelly at 10:45 AM on November 27, 2020 [12 favorites]

I love that she said their names when she spoke directly to them. How wonderful that must have felt!
posted by ThatCanadianGirl at 10:58 AM on November 27, 2020 [6 favorites]

If Biden's first act as president was to throw a medal of freedom on her I'd have zero complaints. She'd be Dame Dolly years ago if she was British.
posted by East14thTaco at 11:27 AM on November 27, 2020 [4 favorites]

Dolly Parton is not a billionaire simply because she gives away so much of her money. Her good deeds are generally not enumerated or celebrated as she does not make her charitable giving public; if we know about it, somebody found out and told us, but they did not find out from Dolly.

Dolly knows where money should go, both nationally and at home (specifically her home town and environs). We can't say she puts her money where her mouth is, because she doesn't talk about it. She puts her money where her heart is, and where her brain is, and her existence is a net good on this planet.

(She plays a mean saxophone, fiddle, piano, dulcimer, harp, banjo, and guitar too!)
posted by tzikeh at 11:29 AM on November 27, 2020 [19 favorites]

I love that she said their names when she spoke directly to them. How wonderful that must have felt!

I've had the privilege of seeing Ms. Parton perform live twice and I can tell you she has that entertainer professionalism that only comes from knowing and respecting what a privilege that stage represents. Even if you don't like country seeing the way she treats her audience should be a model for anyone getting into an entertainment career.
posted by East14thTaco at 11:30 AM on November 27, 2020 [5 favorites]

What gets me the most is when she harmonizes with their versions of her songs—it's hard to put into words how that gets me. It's like the ultimate compliment in itself, for her to trust their melody line of her songs enough, and feel like they're strong enough, for her to chime in on, and she's so beautifully pitch perfect, it feels effortless, and it's just love, for such a strong, gifted musician to essentially improvise along with them, to say you go, you got this, but I can't help singing along with it because you've got it.

Quoted because you are so right. It's the highest and friendliest compliment. If I were one of those musicians I would listen to her singing along with me over and over forever.
posted by straight at 12:30 PM on November 27, 2020 [10 favorites]

This was really great! (but I'd love to see her reaction to a cover of her duet with Porter Wagoner - "Her and the car and mobile home are gone".)
posted by rongorongo at 2:58 PM on November 27, 2020

I'm wondering if Dolly is one of the 36 hidden Tzadikim.

I’m not sure how many of those are from the US in each generation — maybe only a few — but I think we’ve been able to identify some of them so far:

1. Fred Rogers
2. Bob Ross
3. Betty White
4. Jimmy Carter
5. Dolly Parton
posted by darkstar at 3:10 PM on November 27, 2020 [3 favorites]

From everything I’ve seen and read, Dolly Parton seems to be as wonderful a human being as she is a musician. Not many people manage to be both at that level.
posted by tdismukes at 3:15 PM on November 27, 2020

That funk version of “9 to 5” is a total banger
posted by The Gooch at 3:23 PM on November 27, 2020 [2 favorites]

The year that the song "It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp" won for Best Song at the Oscars, Dolly was another nominee, with this song. It's the most....Dolly Parton Oscar Best Song performance possible.
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 4:37 PM on November 27, 2020 [1 favorite]

The interview of her by Brene Brown on Unlocking Us is pretty remarkable.
posted by lab.beetle at 5:48 PM on November 27, 2020 [1 favorite]

I listened to the Dolly Parton's America podcast earlier this year and learned a lot about her. Definitely worth listening to, if you haven't already.
posted by belladonna at 6:46 PM on November 27, 2020 [7 favorites]

Yes yes, that podcast. It's hours of Dolly in ways you never even imagined thinking about her, but which all make sense. And it only deepens your respect for her. Go! Listen!
posted by hippybear at 7:42 PM on November 27, 2020 [2 favorites]

One of my favorite concerts was Dolly live at Merlefest back in 2000. She did her all of her songs in bluegrass style and she had that crowd in the palm of her hand the whole time.

During this period of time, Dolly was referring to the style her band was presenting as "Newgrass". Definitely bluegrass in foundation but more modern with instrumentation and approach.
posted by hippybear at 8:06 PM on November 27, 2020

Also, the Netflix documentary currently in high circulation on Netflix is pretty good. That podcast is a much more 3-dimensional portrait across a lot of planes. But for a good in-depth "let's get a bit deeper" portrait, the Netflix doc is pretty good.
posted by hippybear at 8:39 PM on November 27, 2020

These videos are so heartwarming! I wear the Dolly butterfly t-shirt I got at Dollywood proudly. We spent 2 days there over Christmas last year and it is really infused with her personality.
posted by Biblio at 9:51 PM on November 27, 2020

Shopping With Dolly Parton
posted by OldAndTired at 11:15 PM on November 29, 2020 [2 favorites]

This video is feel-good, but in a way that really has some substance, or what can I call it. As others have mentioned, the way she harmonizes along, how she addresses them by name, it comes across as really genuine. Thanks for the FPP, it was just what I needed on this not-so-great day in a horrible year.
posted by Harald74 at 5:44 AM on December 1, 2020

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